Order Phyllodocida
Glycera alba (O F Müller, 1776)
Collections: Kitching as Glycera convoluta in NMI
Glycera tridactyla Schmarda, 1861
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985
Collections: NMI (RIA exp 1886)
Kefersteinia cirrata (Keferstein, 1862)
References: Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985
Nereimyra punctata (O F Müller, 1788) [Castalia punctata]
References: Hiscock, 1976; Kitching et al., 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Oxydromus flexuosus (Chiaje, 1827) [Ophiodromus flexuosus]
References: NE of North Basin 4-15.8m 25.4.1994 (BioMar) (Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985
Syllidia armata Quatrefages, 1866 [Magalia perarmata Marion & Bobretzky, 1874]
Light-Trap (JMCH)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Nephtys hystricis McIntosh, 1900
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush & Townsend, 1986; Thrush, 1985, 1991
Collections: Kitching in NMI
Hediste diversicolor (O F Müller, 1776)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Micronereis variegata Claparéde, 1863
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Nereis pelagica Linnaeus, 1758
References: E side of Rapids 26.4.1994 (BioMar) Renouf, 1931d; Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990
Nereis zonata Malmgren, 1867
References: Sloane et al., 1961
Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840)
References: Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833)
Light-Trap (JMCH)
References: Round et al., 1961; Sloane et al., 1961; Norton, 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI (RIA exp 1886)
Pholoe minuta (Fabricius, 1780)
References: Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985, 1991
Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Thrush, 1985
Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767)
References: E side of Rapids 26.4.1994 (BioMar): Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Eumida sanguinea (Oersted, 1843)
References: Sloane et al., 1961
Mysta barbata Malmgren, 1865
References: Sloane et al., 1961
Mysta picta (Quatrefages, 1866) [Eteone picta]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching, 1987c
Notophyllum foliosum (M Sars, 1835)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Phyllodoce lamelligera Johnston, 1865
References: Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) [Anaitides maculata]
References: Thrush, 1985
Pisione remota (Southern, 1914)
References: Thrush, 1985
Alentia gelatinosa (M Sars, 1835) [Halosydna gelatinosa]
E side of Rapids 26.4.1994 (BioMar): Barloge Quay shore 2013 : Southerns Bay shore 2014References: Renouf, 1931d; Norton, 1971
Eunoe nodosa (M Sars, 1861)
References: Sloane et al., 1961
Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840) [Lagisca extenuata]
References: Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Harmothoe impar (Johnston, 1839)
References: Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Lagisca floccosa (Savigny, 1818)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Lepidonotus clava (Montagu, 1808)
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Collections: NMI
Lepidonotus squamatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Norton, 1971; Kitching et al., 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Subadyte pellucida (Ehlers, 1864)
Collections: NMI (JMCH)
Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1839)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Sphaerodorum gracilis (Rathke, 1843) [Ephesia gracilis]
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Amblyosyllis formosa (Claparéde, 1863) [Pterosyllis formosa]
References: ???
Autolytus sp.
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Autolytus edwarsi Saint-Joseph, 1886
References: Rawlinson et al., 2005b
Brania sp.
References: Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Salvatia clavata (Claparéde, 1863) [Brania clavata; Grubea clavata]
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Brania pusilla (Dujardin, 1851)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Eurysyllis tuberculata Ehlers, 1864
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Eusyllis assimilis Marenzeller, 1875
References: Sloane et al., 1961
Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Exogone hebes (Webster & Benedict, 1884)
References: Thrush, 1985
Exogone naidina Oersted, 1845 [Exogone gemmifera Pagenstecher, 1862]
Light-Trap (JMCH)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987c; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Odontosyllis ctenostoma Claparéde, 1868
Light-Trap (JMCH)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Odontosyllis gibba Claparéde, 1863
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Pionosyllis serrata Southern, 1914
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Proceraea cornuta (Agassiz, 1862)
References: Rawlinson et al., 2005b
Sphaerosyllis bulbosa Southern, 1914
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Thrush, 1985, 1991; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Sphaerosyllis hystrix Claparède, 1863
Light-Trap (JMCH)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Sphaerosyllis ovigera Langerhans, 1879
Light-Trap (JMCH)
References: Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Sphaerosyllis pirifera Claparéde, 1868
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Syllis amica Quatrefages, 1866
References: Thrush, 1985
Syllis cornuta Rathke, 1843
References: Thrush, 1985
Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Trypanosyllis coeliaca Claparéde, 1868
References: Thrush, 1985
Typosyllis armillaris (O F Müller, 1771)
References: Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Typosyllis krohnii (Ehlers, 1864)
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Typosyllis prolifera (Krohn, 1852) [Syllis prolifera]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Tomopteris sp.
References: Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Order Amphinomida
Euphrosine foliosa Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833 [Euphrosyne foliosa]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching & Thain, 1983: Codium Bay W shore 7.9.2017 JDN : Goleen Quay 2018
Collections: NMI
Order Eunicida
Dinophilus taeniatus Harmer, 1889
References: Renouf, 1931d
Dorvillea rubrovittata (Grube, 1855) [Staurocephalus rubrovittatus]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a
Ophryotrocha puerilis Claparède & Metschnikow, 1869
References: Thrush, 1985
Protodorvillea kefersteini (McIntosh, 1869)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985, 1986c
Lysidice ninetta Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990
Collections: NMI
Nematonereis unicornis (Grube, 1840)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985
Lumbrineris gracilis (Ehlers, 1868)
Collections: NMI (RIA exp 1886 as Lumbriconeris)
Lumbrineris impatiens Claparède, 1868 [Lumbriconereis impatiens]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Lumbrineris latreilli Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833 [Lumbriconereis latreilli]
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985
Collections: NMI (RIA exp 1886 as Lumbriconereis nardonis)
Hyalinoecia tubicola (O F Müller, 1776)
References: Thrush, 1985
Order Orbiniida
Scoloplos armiger (O F Müller, 1776)
References: Thrush, 1985
Paradoneis lyra (Southern, 1914)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985, 1986c, 1991; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Collections: NMI
Order Spionida
Chaetopterus variopedatus (Renier, 1804)
Codium Bay W 1993 GVD: Whirlpool Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Lab beach & Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): off North Island, Codium Bay W, Labhra Cliff 2005 : Barloge Quay dive 2012 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Goleen E dive 2013 : Southerns Bay shore 2014 : Glannafeen Cliff, West Quay dive, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, west of Codium Bay W dive, Codium Bay W dive 2015: Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff 2016 : Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff 2017 : Western Cliff, Codium Bay W 2018References: Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Aonides oxycephala (M Sars, 1862)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Aonides paucibranchiata Southern, 1914
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Thrush, 1985
Laonice cirrata (M Sars, 1851)
References: Thrush, 1985
Malacoceros fuliginosus (Claparède, 1868)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985, 1991; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Minuspio cirrifera (Wirén, 1883)
References: Thrush, 1985, 1991; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Polydora armata Langerhans, 1880
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Polydora caeca (Oersted, 1843)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1838)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Polydora flava Claparède, 1870
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Polydora giardi Mesnil, 1896
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a, 1991
Polydora hoplura Claparède, 1870
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Prionospio ehlersi Fauvel, 1928
References: Thrush, 1985
Prionospio malmgreni Claparède, 1869
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Prionospio steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867
References: Thrush, 1985
Pseudopolydora pulchra (Carazzi, 1895)
References: Thrush, 1985, 1991; Thrush & Townsend, 1986; Kitching, 1976, 1987a, b, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005b
Collections: NMI
Spio filicornis (O F Müller, 1766)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985
Streblospio benedicti Webster, 1879
References: Thrush, 1985
Order Terebellida
Macrochaeta clavicornis (M Sars, 1835)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Aphelochaeta marioni (Saint-Joseph, 1894) [Tharyx marioni]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985, 1991
Collections: NMI(Kitching)
Caulleriella alata (Southern, 1914) [Dodecaceria alatus]
References: Thrush, 1985
Cirratulus cirratus (O F Müller, 1776)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Dodecaceria concharum Örsted, 1843
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a, b, 1991
Diplocirrus glaucus (Malmgren, 1867)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985, 1986c
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Flabelligera affinis M Sars, 1829
References: Renouf, 1931d
Pherusa fucicola Leach
References: Hiscock, 1976
Pherusa plumosa (O F Müller, 1776) [Stylariodes plumosa]
References: Renouf, 1931d
Order Capitellida
Arenicola marina (Linnaeus, 1758) Lugworm
N Castle Island 1993 (BioMar): E1 shore 2005: Barloge Quay shore 2011: E of North Quay shore, N of West Quay shore, S of West Quay shore, Barloge Quay, Barloge Quay 2.5m 2012 : N8 NE Lough Hyne shore, off North Island, N of Goleen Quay shore, Goleen Cliff, S of West Quay shore, Gatehouse reef, E1-E2 shore 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Castle Island N shore, Codium Bay W S11-12 shore 2014 : E8-E10 shore, Southerns Bay shore : E1-E3, S of West Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : West Quay, E1-E3, Goleen Quay, Codium Bay W, Barloge Quay 2017 : Goleen Quay, West Quay, E1-E3, Barloge Quay, Southerns, Codium Bay WReferences:
Arenicolides branchialis (Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833) [Arenicolides grubii Claparède, 1868; Arenicola grubi sic]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Thrush, 1985
Arenicolides ecaudata (Johnston, 1865)
References: Thrush, 1985
Branchiomaldane vincenti Langerhans, 1881
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780)
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Capitomastus minimus (Langerhans, 1880)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Notomastus latericeus M Sars, 1851
References: Thrush, 1985
Micromaldane ornithochaeta Mesnil, 1897
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Petaloproctus terricola Quatrefages, 1866
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Order Opheliida
Ammotrypane aulogaster Rathke, 1843
References: Kitching et al., 1976
Collections: Kitching NMI
Polyophthalmus pictus (Dujardin, 1839)
Collections: RIA exp 1886; JCMH NMI
Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching, 1987b; Thrush, 1985, 1986c,1991
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Order Oweniida
Owenia fusiformis Chiaje, 1842
References: Thrush, 1985
Order Terebellida
Amphictene auricoma (O F Müller, 1776)
Collections: NMI (RIA exp 1886)
Lagis koreni Malmgren, 1866 [Pectinaria koreni]
References: Thrush, 1985
Pectinaria belgica (Pallas, 1766)
References: Kitching & Ebling, 1967
Amphicteis gunneri (M Sars, 1835)
References: Thrush, 1985
Terebellides stroemi M Sars, 1835
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985
Collections: NMI (RIA exp 1886 & Kitching)
Trichobranchus glacialis Malmgren, 1866
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Amphitritides gracilis (Grube, 1860)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Eupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu, 1819) [Polymnia nebulosa] Strawberry worm
Rapids SE shore 2012 : Western Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids SE shore 2013 : E1-E2 shore, Southerns Bay shore, Castle Island SE shore 2014 : West Quay dive 2015 : E1-E3, N of Goleen Quay, S of West Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : West Quay, Goleen Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2017 : Goleen Quay, E1-E3, Southerns 2018References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Thrush, 1985
Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766) Sand mason worm
Whirlpool Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Barloge Quay 2016 JDN.References:
Parathelepus collaris (Southern, 1914)
References: Thrush, 1985
Polycirrus medusa Grube, 1850
References: Thrush, 1985
Order Sabellida
Amphiglena mediterranea (Leydig, 1851)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Bispira crassicornis (Sars, 1851) [Sabella crassicornis] Double spiral worm
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983 – they refer also to S. fabricii as a synonym, but in WORMS this is a separate valid species
Bispira volutacornis (Montagu, 1804)
Whirlpool Cliff 1990 JDN: Western Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 1992 JDN: Whirlpool Cliff, Goleen Cliff 1993 JDN: Whirlpool Cliff, Western Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Codium Bay W, Whirlpool Cliff 2005 : Western & Goleen Cliffs 2012 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 2013 : Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Codium Bay W dive, Whirlpool Cliff, Western Cliff 2015: Goleen & Western Cliff 2016 : Western Cliff 2017 : Goleen & Western Cliffs 2018References:
Branchiomma bombyx (Dalyell, 1853) [Dasychone bombyx]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Parasabella langerhansi Knight-Jones, 1983 [Potamilla incerta Langerhans, 1884]
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Fabricia sabella (Ehrenberg, 1837)
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a, b, 1991
Myxicola aesthetica (Claparéde, 1870)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Myxicola infundibulum (Renier, 1804) Eyelash worm
Goleen Cliff, off East shore, E of North Quay 1990 JDN : North Island 1993 JDN : N Castle Island, Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar) : NE North Basin 1994 (BioMar) : Goleen Cliff, West Quay, Metridium Rocks, Codium Bay W, off E1 2005 : off North Island dive, Gatehouse Reef, S of West Quay dive 2012 : S of West Quay dive, Gatehouse reef 2013 : Goleen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, west of Codium Bay W 2015 : Goleen Cliff, off West Quay 2016 JDN : Goleen Cliff 2017 : off West Quay, Western Cliff 2018References: Kitching et al., 1976; Thrush, 1985; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Oriopsis armandi (Claparède, 1864) [Oridia armandi]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Oriopsis hynensis Knight-Jones, 1983
References: Kitching, 1987a
Collections: NMI (Kitching - paratype)
Potamilla torelli Malmgren, 1866
References: Sloane et al., 1961
Pseudopotamilla reniformis (Bruguiere, 1789) [Potamilla reniformis (O F Muller)]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Sabella pavonina Savigny, 1820
Goleen Cliff, West Quay 2005 : S of West Quay dive, Barloge Quay dive 2012 : S of West Quay dive, Gatehouse reef 2013 : West Quay dive 2015 : off North Quay 2016 : West Quay dive 2017
Hydroides norvegica Gunnerus, 1768
Rapids & Whirlpool Cliff south & off Renouf Point 1.8.1978 van Soest & WeinbergReferences: Lilly et al., 1953; Hiscock, 1976
Spirobranchus lamarcki (Quatrefages, 1866) [Pomatoceros lamarcki]
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990
Spirobranchus triqueter (Linnaeus, 1758) [Pomatoceros triqueter]
Rapids, south Whirlpool Cliff 1978 van Soest & Weinberg: Rapids SE, Southerns Bay NE 1993 JDN: Whirlpool Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Lab Beach, Whirlpool Cliff, Barloge Creek W, Rapids east side 1994 (BioMar): Renouf Bay, S of West Quay & W25 shore 2011 : off North Island dive 2012 Gatehouse Reef 2012 E of North Quay shore 2012 S of West Quay dive 2012 N of West Quay shore 2012 N of Goleen Quay shore 2012 Goleen Cliff 2012 S17 Renouf Bay shore 2012 Barloge Quay 2012 Rapids E shore 2012 Rapids SE shore 2012 : S of West Quay dive 2013 Western Cliff 2013 N8 NE Lough Hyne shore 2013 W of North Quay 2013 off North Island 2013 N of Goleen Quay shore 2013 Goleen Cliff 2013 S of West Quay shore 2013 E1-E2 shore 2013 Barloge Quay shore 2013 Rapids SE shore 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore 2014 E1-E2 shore 2014 Castle Island N shore 2014 Southerns Bay shore 2014 Renouf Point S16 shore 2014 Castle Island SE shore 2014 : West Quay dive 2015 Glannafeen Cliff 2015 Rapids dive 2015 E8-E10 shore 2015 Goleen Quay shore 2015 Southerns Bay shore 2015 Barloge Quay shore 2015: E1-E3, N of Goleen Quay, S of West Quay, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay west 2016 : West Quay, E1-E3, Goleen Quay, Rapids SE & E, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W, Barloge Quay 2017References: Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1948; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Ebling et al., 1966; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987c; Kitching et al., 1990; Maughan & Barnes, 2000a
Serpula vermicularis (Linnaeus, 1767) Organ pipe worm
© David Kipling Whirlpool Cliff 2015 Depth range:
Whirlpool Cliff 2015
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Kitching & Ebling, 1967
Filograna implexa Berkeley, 1827 in Sars, 1851 [Filigrana implexa sic] Vermicelli worm
Rapids SE 6.9.2017
References: Renouf, 1931d
Metavermilia multicristata (Philippi, 1844)
Common around the Lough under shallow subtidal rocks October 2015 (C. Trowbridge, pers. comm.)
Salmacina incrustans Claparède, 1870
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Circeis armoricana Saint-Joseph, 1894
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990 ssp. fragilis
Circeis spirillum (Linnaeus, 1758) [Spirorbis spirillum]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Norton, 1971
Janua pagenstecheri (Quatrefages, 1865) [Spirorbis pagenstecheri]
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a
Janua pseudocorrugata (Bush, 1904)
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987c; Kitching et al., 1990
Pileolaria militaris Claparède, 1868 [Spirorbis mediterraneus Caullery & Mesnil, 1896]
References: Lilly et al., 1953
Spirorbis borealis Daudin, 1800
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961
Spirorbis corallinae De Silva & Knight-Jones, 1962
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987a; Kitching et al., 1990
Spirorbis corrugatus (Montagu, 1803)
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961
Spirorbis cuneatus Gee, 1964
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Spirorbis granulatus (Linnaeus, 1767)
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961
Spirorbis inornatus L'Hardy & Quievreux, 1962
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987c; Kitching et al., 1990
Spirorbis spirorbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Maughan & Barnes, 2000a
Spirorbis tridentatus Levinsen, 1883
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Order Myzostomida
Myzostomum cirriferum Leuckart, 1827
Collections: NMI (JMCH)
Order Haplotaxida
Tubificoides benedii (Udekem, 1855) [Pelescolex benedeni Udekem?]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching, 1987a
Copyright © Julia Nunn