Nomenclature follows the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) which is more up-to-date than most recent published literature, and is being continually updated. Older names can be cross-referenced there.
It should be emphasised that this web site is not intended to be a taxonomic guide.
WoRMS: Appeltans W., Bouchet P., Boxshall G.A., Fauchald K., Gordon D.P., Hoeksema B.W., Poore G.C.B., van Soest R.W.M., Stöhr S., Walter T.C., Costello M.J. (eds) (2010). World Register of Marine Species. Accessed at on [2014].
Illustrations have been chosen that clearly represent the species or habitats.
BEP Bernard Picton
DM Dan Minchin
JDN Julia Nunn
JMCH Mark Holmes
LH Lough Hyne
NHM Natural History Museum, London
NMGW National Museums & Galleries of Wales, Cardiff
NMI National Museums of Ireland, Dublin
UM Ulster Museum, National Museums Northern Ireland
This list has been compiled based on the following criteria:
- All genera, species or subspecies are included.
- Littoral from splash zone down to the deepest waters within the marine reserve of Lough Hyne, including Carrigathorna.
- All vagrants, aliens and strandings.
- Dead shells (molluscs, crustaceans etc.) or other groups have been included.
Where available, the following taxonomic headings are given: PHYLUM, CLASS, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Other taxonomic levels are given where considered appropriate.
Orders are listed alphabetically within their Class. Families are listed alphabetically within their Order. Genera are listed alphabetically within their Family. This is subject to the change if required by the specific authors of a taxonomic group, particularly with regard to the order of Classes.
Approximate number of living taxa (genus only known, species or subspecies)
a minimum of 1855 taxa are listed, excluding unconfirmed records
PORIFERA | sponges | 159 |
CNIDARIA | sea firs, jellyfish, sea fans, sea pens, anemones, corals | 90 |
CTENOPHORA | comb jellies | 3 |
PLATYHELMINTHES | flatworms | 8 |
NEMERTEA | ribbon worms | 5 |
ROTIFERA | wheel animals | 1 |
GASTROTRICHA | hairy backs | 0 |
CEPHALORHYNCHA | kinorhynchs, loriciferans, horse hair worms, priapulids | 1 |
NEMATODA | roundworms | 0 |
GNATHOSTOMULIDA | jaw worms | 0 |
ENTOPROCTA | goblet worms | 1 |
CHAETOGNATHA | arrow worms | 4 |
SIPUNCULA | peanut worms | 4 |
ECHIURA | spoon worms | 0 |
ANNELIDA | segmented worms | 160 |
ARTHROPODA: Pycnogonida & Insecta | sea spiders, insects | 17 |
ARTHROPODA: Crustacea | barnacles, prawns, crabs, lobsters | 589 |
TARDIGRADA | water bears | 0 |
MOLLUSCA | chitons, snails, bivalves, squid, octopus | 239 |
BRACHIOPODA | lamp shells | 1 |
BRYOZOA | sea mats | 89 |
CYCLIOPHORA | no common name | 0 |
PHORONIDA | horseshoe worms | 1 |
ECHINODERMATA | sea feathers, starfish, brittlestars, urchins, sea cucumbers | 31 |
HEMICHORDATA | acorn worms | 0 |
CHORDATA: Ascidiacea | sea squirts | 39 |
CHORDATA: Cephalochordata | lancelets | 0 |
CHORDATA: Agnatha | lampreys, hagfish | 0 |
CHORDATA: Elasmobranchii | cartilaginous fish | 6 |
CHORDATA: Actinopterygii | bony fish | 75 |
CHORDATA: Reptilia | reptiles | 1 |
CHORDATA: Mammalia | mammals | 3 |
ALGAE | seaweeds | 318 |
ANGIOSPERMES | flowering plants | 2 |
FUNGI | lichens | 8 |
Copyright © Julia Nunn