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Order Cyclostomatida

Crisia aculeata Hassall, 1841
On Whirlpool Cliff at 9.5m and 15m (Kitching et al., 1990). In Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna at 9-18m depth (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977).
Crisia denticulata (Lamarck, 1816)
Whirlpool Cliff, on Laminaria hyperborea stipes and holdfasts at 9-15m (Kitching et al., 1990). At Carrigathorna in Laminaria forest: comprised about 80% of all Crisiidae at 15m depth (Hisock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977). Whirlpool Cliff, Barloge Creek W, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015
Crisia eburnea (Linnaeus, 1758)
On the south shore (Renouf, 1931d). On boulders above the Rapids at Codium Bay, Renouf’s Bay and the Harbour; in the Rapids; and below the Rapids at Nita’s Rock and the Poleen (Lilly et al., 1953). On Codium, Chondrus, Ulva, Rhodymenia and other algae at the same sites (Sloane et al., 1961) and on Sertularia in the Rapids (Round et al., 1961) and on Himanthalia buttons there (Kitching, 1987c). It showed no obvious preference for current or shelter (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Present on Whirlpool Cliff at 9.5-15m (Kitching et al., 1990). At the mouth of the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). At Carrigathorna in tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979) and in Laminaria forest from 7-23m on Dictyota, Cryptopleura, Delesseria and Phyllophora (Norton et al., 1977). Rapids 1978 (van Soest & Weinberg): Western Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): Rapids E, Rapids SE 2012 coll. JDN
Collections: NMI
Crisia ramosa Harmer, 1891
In one tide pool at Carrigathorna (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Rapids E 19.7.2012 coll. JDN.
Crisidia cornuta (Linnaeus, 1758) [Crisia cornuta]
Present on the south shore (Renouf, 1931d). Probably present above, within and below the Rapids, but not separated from Filicrisia geniculata (Lilly et al., 1953). In the Rapids on Cryptopleura (Sloane et al., 1961). Present on Whirlpool Cliff at 11.5m (Kitching et al., 1990). Penetrated 10m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). At Carrigathorna in one tide pool (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). In Laminaria forest from 7-23m on Dictyota, Cryptopleura, Delesseria, Phyllophora and Plocamium, where at 15m it constituted 20% of all Crisiidae (Norton et al., 1977).
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI
Filicrisia geniculata (Milne-Edwards, 1838)
In the Rapids on boulders – possibly widespread, but not distinguished from Crisidia cornuta (Lilly et al., 1953). Codium Bay, Renouf’s Bay and Nita’s Rock on Ulva, Chondrus, Corallina and Rhodymenia (Sloane et al., 1961). On the south shore in S5 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and at Whirlpool Cliff on Laminaria hyperborea stipes at 5-15m (Kitching et al., 1990). Rapids E 19.7.2012 coll. JDN.

Plagioecia patina (Lamarck, 1816) [Diastopora patina; Berenicea patina]
Reported on the south shore by Renouf (1931d). Below the Rapids at Nita’s Rock on boulders (Lilly et al., 1953) and on Ulva (Sloane et al., 1961), with no obvious preference for current or shelter (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). At Carrigathorna in Laminaria forest at 18m (Norton et al., 1977). Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Rapids 2015
Collections: NMI

Disporella hispida (Fleming, 1828) [Lichenopora hispida]
On the south shore (Renouf, 1931d). On boulders above the Rapids at Codium Bay and Harbour, and below at Nita’s Rock (Lilly et al., 1953), showing no obvious preference for current or shelter (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). At 18m in Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna (Norton et al., 1977). Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 2015: West Quay shore 2017 : E1-E3 2018
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna
Collections: NMI
Patinella sp.
First recorded from LH on Western and Whirlpool Cliffs August 2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Tubulipora liliacea (Pallas, 1766)
Present, but with locality not specified (as T. lilacea) (Maughan & Barnes, 2000a). Also Gleen Cliff, Codium Bay W, Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015. Barloge Qay & Southerns Bay 2016.
Tubulipora phalangea Couch, 1844
In Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna, at 17m (Norton et al., 1977).
Tubulipora plumosa Thompson in Harmer, 1898
On Saccorhiza at the top and bottom of the Rapids, most abundant in weak current (Ebling et al., 1948), but also present in the Rapids (Lilly et al., 1953), and concluded to have no obvious preference for current or shelter (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). On many different algal species above, within and below the Rapids (Sloane et al., 1961). On Saccorhiza in Renouf’s Bay and North Rapids Quay (Norton, 1971). Present at Whirlpool Cliff at 3-9m on Laminaria (Kitching et al., 1990).

Tubulipora sp. recorded from Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015 : Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : Rapids SE & E, Codium Bay W 2017 : Goleen Cliff, Barloge Quay 2018


Order Ctenostomatida

Alcyonidium diaphanum (Hudson) Lamouroux, 1813
Rapids SE 25.7.2013 JDN. Rapids 25.8.2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Alcyonidium gelatinosum (Linnaeus, 1761)
Renouf Bay 2011: Barloge Quay shore, Rapids SE shore 2013 : Southerns Bay shore, Renouf Point S16 shore 2014 : Codium Bay west dive, Goleen, Goleen Cliff, Goleen Quay shore, East shore, Barloge Creek shore, Southerns 2015 : Barloge Quay, Southerns 2016; Codium Bay & Bohane Harbour (June 2017 CDT): Rapids SE & E, Southerns, Codium Bay W 2017 : Barloge Quay, Southerns, Codium Bay W 2018

Common in the Rapids (JDN). Probably this species, common all around the lough, mostly on fucoids, over the period 1994 to 2013, but possible confusion with other species (CL/CDT).
?id Renouf NMI.
Alcyonidium hirsutum (Fleming, 1828) Velvet finger sea mat
Common in the Rapids, at Whirlpool Cliff, and at the mouth of Barloge Creek (west side of Bullock Island, on algae such as Codium, Chondrus and Rhodymenia (Ebling et al., 1960; Sloane et al., 1961), preferring strong current (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Distribution apparently increased from 1955 to 1990/91 (Little et al., 1992), but possible confusion with other species (see A. gelatinosum). Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition); Bohane Harbour June 2017 CDT)
Alcyonidium mytili Dalyell, 1848
Present on the south shore (Renouf, 1931d).
Alcyonidium parasiticum (Fleming, 1828)
Rapids E 26.4.1994 (BioMar).

Alcyonidium polyoum (Hassall, 1841)
Recorded at Goleen (renouf W26) and Codium Bay in June 2017 (CDT).

Flustrellidra hispida (Fabricius, 1780) [Flustrella hispida]
Barloge Quay shore 2013 : Barloge Quay 2015 : Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : Rapids SE, Southerns Bay 2017 : Barloge Quay, Southerns 2018

Recorded on the south shore by Renouf (1931d). Present all around the lough except on the north shore, as well as in Barloge Creek south of the Coosh (Ebling et al., 1960). Said to be associated with Ascophyllum (Kitching & Ebling, 1967), but in fact almost always on Fucus serratus (CL/CDT). Decreased in distribution around the lough between 1955 and 1990/91 (Little et al., 1992). Surveys from 1994 to 2013 (CL/CDT) showed a sudden decrease in distribution after 2009; and in 2013 it was found at only half the sites present in 1994-2009. Usually on Fucus serratus, but sometimes on F. vesiculosus, very occasionally on rock.

Nolella dilatata (Hincks, 1860)
Whirlpool Cliff at 15m (Kitching et al., 1990).

Triticella flava Dalyell, 1848
JMCH as T. koreni on L. depurator
Collections: NMI

Amathia imbricata (Adams, 1798) [Bowerbankia imbricata]
Recorded on the south shore (Renouf, 1931d). Rapids SE 2012 coll. JDN. Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Goleen Quay 2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition); widespread but unrecorded 2016 (CDT); Codium Bay & Goleen (Renouf W26) June 2017 (CDT) : West Quay dive, E1-E3, Goleen Quay 2017
Collections: NMI
Amathia lendigera (Linnaeus, 1758)
On bottoms or rocks, Codium Bay and Harbour (Lilly et al., 1953). Amathia sp. recorded from Whirlpool Cliff 27.8.2015
References: Hiscock, 1976

Amathia sp. Whirlpool Cliff 2015
Vesicularia spinosa (Linnaeus, 1798)
First recorded from Whirlpool Cliff on 27.8.15 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Order Cheilostomatida

Reptadeonella violacea (Johnston, 1847)
In Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna, 18m depth (Norton et al., 1977). A warm temperate species (Kitching, 1987a). Whirlpool Cliff 2015
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna

Aetea anguina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Whirlpool Cliff on Laminaria hyperborea stipe at 15m (Kitching et al., 1990). In Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna, on Cryptopleura and Delesseria at 17 and 23m (Norton et al., 1977). Goleen, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff 2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Aetea sica (Couch, 1844)
Recorded on bottoms of rocks, Codium Bay (Lilly et al., 1953), on Chondrus , Renouf’s Bay (Sloane et al., 1961), and on the bottom of a rock at the base of Whirlpool Cliff at 17m depth (Kitching et al., 1990). Penetrates 11m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971), and found in one tide pool at Carrigathorna, on Rhodomela (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Goleen Quay shore, Rapids, Barloge Quay 2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Aetea truncata (Landsborough, 1852)
Present at Codium Bay on rocks (Lilly et al., 1953), at Codium Bay, Renouf’s Bay and Nita’s Rock on Ulva, Codium, Chondrus etc. (Sloane et al., 1961), and at Nita’s Rock on Himanthalia buttons (Kitching, 1987c). Recorded in E20, S2/3, S6, S15 (Kitching & Thain, 1983).

Beania sp.
First found Codium Bay west 23.8.2015 Jo Porter (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Bugula avicularia (Linnaeus, 1758)
At Carrigathorna in Laminaria forest, 20m (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977).
Bugula flabellata (Thompson in Gray, 1848)
Recorded on the south shore by Renouf (1931d). On rocks above the Rapids at Renouf’s Bay, Codium Bay and the Harbour, and below the Rapids at the Poleen (Lilly et al., 1953). Showing a preference for the bottoms of rocks (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Whirlpool Cliff 18m 22.7.2013 coll JDN. Goleen Cliff, west of Codium Bay west 2015:
Collections: NMI (Southern)
Bugulina fulva (Ryland, 1960)
Rapids E 19.7.2012, Barloge Quay 23.7.2013 shore Rapids SE 25.7.2013 shore coll. JDN det J. Porter. Codium Bay west dive 23.8.2015 Jo Porter (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Bugula stolonifera Ryland, 1960
References: Hiscock, 1976
Bugulina calathus (Norman, 1868)

 © Mary Spencer-Jones Goleen Quay 2015
  Depth range:

On the south shore (Renouf, 1931d). On vertical faces of 5-10m depth on Labhra, Western and Goleen Cliffs - a southern species not reported elsewhere in Ireland (Picton, 1991). Goleen Cliff 20m 4.9.1989 BEP. Western Cliff 14.6m 3.7.1992 JDN. Goleen cliff 2006. Common on Labhra Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Codium Bay west and west of this site, and on the shore at Goleen Quay, Southern's Bay and Barloge Quay (Lough Hyne Expedition 2015). Goleen Cliff dive, Goleen Quay, West Quay shore, Codium Bay west shore 2016 : Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2017 : Western & Goleen Cliffs, Southerns 2018

Schizomavella auriculata (Hassall, 1842)
Renouf’s Bay and Codium Bay. Possibly above the Rapids at the Harbour, in the Rapids, and below them at Nita’s Rock and the Poleen, but not distinguished from S. linearis (Lilly et al., 1953). At Carrigathorna, in Laminaria forest at 18m (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977). Goleen Quay 25.8.2015 Mary Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Schizomavella discoidea (Busk, 1859)
At the foot of Whirlpool Cliff, 17m (Kitching et al., 1990).
Schizomavella linearis (Hassall, 1841)
Renouf’s Bay and Codium Bay. Possibly above the Rapids at the Harbour, in the Rapids, and below them at Nita’s Rock and the Poleen, but not distinguished from S. linearis (Lilly et al., 1953). At the foot of Whirlpool Cliff at 17m (Kitching et al., 1990). Penetrates 10m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Present at Carrigathorna in Laminaria forest at 9-18m (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977). Barloge Creek W, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar) : Western Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff Goleen Cliff 2015 [Lough Hyne Expedition].

Amphiblestrum solidum (Packard, 1863)
First recorded from Western Cliff on 23.8.2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Callopora dumerilii (Audouin, 1826)
Present in Codium Bay (Lilly et al., 1953). Codium Bay west dive 2015
Callopora lineata (Linnaeus, 1767)
Recorded on rocks in the Rapids (Lilly et al., 1953), on Saccorhiza in Renouf’s Bay (Norton, 1971), and on Himanthalia buttons in the Rapids, Holly Creek and Nita’s rock (Kitching, 1987c). Penetrates 40m into the Bullock Island cave, where it is found higher on the shore than outside (Norton et al., 1971; Kitching, 1987a). At Carrigathorna, present on Laminaria hyperborea 3m and 6m in Laminaria forest (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977), and on stipes and holdfasts in two tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Callopora rylandi Bobin & Prenant, 1965
Recorded in E3, N7 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). On Himanthalia buttons in E19 and Holly Creek (Kitching, 1987c). Penetrates between 26 and 41m into Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Although Norton et al. attributed former records of Membraniporella nitida as “probably” this species, Kitching (1987a) had confirmed the identification of Membraniporella nitida by Lilly et al. (1953). Barloge Creek shore 2015
Cauloramphus spiniferum (Johnston, 1832)
In Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna, 18m (Norton et al., 1977).
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Membraniporella nitida (Johnston, 1838)
At Codium Bay, Renouf’s Bay, the Rapids, Square rock, Nita’s Rock and the Poleen (Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961). Identification was confirmed by Kitching (1987a), in spite of Norton et al.’s (1977) view that this was probably Callopora rylandi.

Caberea boryi (Audouin, 1826) [Caberia boryi Prenant & Bobin (sic)]
Recorded at Codium Bay by Humphries (1953) – the first record for Ireland. Subsequently recorded again at Codium Bay and at the Poleen by Lilly et al. (1953). A Mediterranean and south-west species (Kitching, 1987a). Seen on vertical faces at 5-10m depth (Labhra, Western and Goleen Cliffs); not reported elsewhere in Ireland (Picton, 1991). Labhra Cliff 15m 12.9.1989, Goleen Cliff 20m 14.9.1989 BEP. Labhra Cliff, Lab Beach, Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar). Goleen Cliff 2006.
Collections: NMI
Cradoscrupocellaria reptans (Linnaeus, 1758) [Scrupocellaria reptans]
Widespread. First recorded by Renouf (1931d) on the south shore, on the east side of the Coosh, and in Tragumna Bay. Subsequently found at many sites. On Saccorhiza at Renouf’s Bay, North Rapids Quay, Nita’s Rock, the south end of the Rapids and Carrigathorna Cove (Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1957; Norton, 1971). On rock in Renouf’s Bay, the Harbour, the Rapids, Nita’s Rock and the Poleen (Lilly et al., 1953). On Ulva, Codium, Chondrus, Polyneura, etc. at Codium Bay, Renouf’s Bay, the Rapids, and Nita’s Rock (Sloane et al., 1961); also E10, E20, S2/3, S5, S6 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). On Himanthalia buttons in the Rapids, E19, Nita’s Rock (Kitching, 1987c). On Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima holdfasts at Whirlpool Cliff (Kitching et al., 1990). It prefers intermediate conditions of current (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). It penetrates 8m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). At Carrigathorna it was found from 3-18m in Laminaria forest (Norton et al., 1977) and in tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987c). E side of Rapids 1994 (BioMar). Rapids 25.8.2015.
References: Humphries, 1953
Collections: NMI
Scrupocellaria scrupea Busk, 1852
Codium Bay, Renouf’s Bay, Square Rock (Lilly et al., 1953). On Laminaria at 15m depth, Whirlpool Cliff (Kitching et al., 1990).
References: Hiscock, 1976
Scrupocellaria scruposa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Labhra Cliff 24.4.1994 (BioMar), NE North Basin, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): West Quay 2015

References: Lilly et al., 1953; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Hiscock, 1976; Kitching et al., 1990
Collections: NMI

Cellaria sinuosa (Hassall, 1840)
At Carrigathorna in Laminaria forest: 12, 18, and 20m (Norton et al., 1977).
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna

Cellepora pumicosa (Pallas, 1766) [Celleporaria pumicosa] Orange pumice bryozoan
On rock at the top (Renouf’s Bay and Harbour) and bottom (Eddy Creek, Nita’s Rock, Poleen) of the Rapids (Lilly et al., 1953): prefers sheltered bays (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Recorded in E20 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and at Whirlpool Cliff on Laminaria hyperborea holdfasts at 15m (Kitching et al., 1990). Penetrates 6m into Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Present at Carrigathorna in Laminaria forest at 15 and 18m (Norton et al., 1977) and in tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Rapids 1978 (van Soest & Weinberg): Barloge Creek W, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar). Codium Bay west dive, west of Codium Bay west, Glannafeen Cliff, Goleen Quay, Rapids 2015: Goleen Quay, Rapids SE, Rapids E 2017
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI
Celleporina caliciformis (Lamouroux, 1816)
First recorded Rapids dive 25.8.2015 Jo Porter (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Celleporina costazii (Audouin, 1826) [Costazia costazii]
On rocks in the Rapids and the Poleen (Lilly et al., 1953). On Sertularia operculata in the Rapids and Codium Bay (Round et al., 1961). On Saccorhiza at Barloge Point (opposite Bullock Island) (Sloane et al., 1961). Shows a preference for the main stream of current (Kitching & Ebling, 1967).
Celleporina hassallii (Johnston, 1847)
At the top and bottom ends of the Rapids, on Codium fragile and Cladostephus (Sloane et al., 1961). On Laminaria hyperborea stipes at Whirlpool Cliff, 9m depth (Kitching et al., 1990).Inside Bullock Island cave to a distance of 11m, and outside (Norton et al., 1971). At Carrigathorna on Laminaria hyperborea stipes and holdfasts, and on other algae (Norton et al., 1977). In tide pools, on Corallina (Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI
Turbicellepora avicularis (Hincks, 1860)
At 15m in Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977).

Chorizopora brongniartii (Audouin, 1826)
First found Codium Bay west 23.8.2015 Jo Porter, and intertidal Barloge Quay 27.8.2015 Mary Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Cribrilina cryptooecium Norman, 1903
First found in the intertidal at Barloge Quay on 27.8.2015 by M. Spencer-Jones and J. Porter (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Figularia figularis (Johnston, 1847)
First found at Labhra Cliff, Western Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff; and in the intertidal at Goleen Quay (W25-27), Barloge Quay and Southerns Bay in August 2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll, 1803)
In middle sections of the Rapids and below, on the tops of boulders (Lilly et al., 1953). At North Rapids Quay, on Saccorhiza polyschides (Norton, 1971). Penetrated 27m into Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Rapids SE 19.7.2012 coll. JDN. Goleen, Goleen Cliff, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay 2015

Conopeum reticulum (Linnaeus, 1767)
First found on Western Cliff and west of Codium Bay in August 2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Electra pilosa (Linnaeus, 1767) Frosty sea mat
Renouf bay 2011: Rapids SE shore 2012 : Rapids SE shore 2013 : Codium Bay west dive, Goleen, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Rapids, Barloge Creek, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015 : Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : Rapids SE, Rapids E 2017

Widespread and common. First recorded on the south shore (S12-17) by Renouf (1931d). Common in the Rapids on rocks (Sloane et al., 1961) and widespread there on Sertularia (Round et al., 1961). Common from the south side of the Island through the Rapids (Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Present on Saccorhiza at North Rapids Quay (Norton, 1971) and on Himanthalia buttons in the Rapids (Kitching, 1987c). At Whirlpool Cliff on Polyneura and Cryptopleura (Kitching et al., 1990). Widespread in Barloge Creek as far as Carrigathorna (Ebling et al., 1960) and penetrates 40m inside Bulock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). At Carrigathorna, extensive colonies on stipes of Laminaria hyperborea and on other algae in the Laminaria forest (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., Kitching 1987a). In tide pools there on Corallina (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Distribution inside the lough did not change significantly between 1955 and 1990/1 (Little et al., 1992).
Collections: NMI

Escharella immersa (Fleming, 1828)
Whirlpool Cliff, on bottom or rock at cliff foot, 17m (Kitching et al., 1990). Penetrates 26m into Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Codium Bay west dive 2015
Escharella labiosa (Busk, 1856) [Escharella immersa var. labiosa]
In Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). In Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna, 18m (Norton et al., 1977).
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna
Escharella variolosa (Johnston, 1838)
At the top and bottom ends of the Rapids (Lilly et al., 1953), with a preference for bottoms of boulders (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). At the foot of Whirlpool Cliff, 17m (Kitching et al., 1990).
Collections: NMI

Escharina hyndmanni (Johnston, 1847)
First recorded from Goleen Clif on 23.8.2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Escharoides coccinea (Abildgaard, 1806)
Common above, in, and below the Rapids, mostly on the bottoms of rocks (Lilly et al., 1953), with no obvious preference for current or shelter (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). On Ulva, Codium, Chondrus and Polyneura at Nita’s Rock (Sloane et al., 1961) and present in the Rapids (Maughan & Barnes, 2000a). Recorded in E12 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and at Whirlpool Cliff on Laminaria hyperborea holdfast, 15m (Kitching et al., 1990). Penetrates 5m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Present on Himanthalia buttons in Holly Creek, near Barlogue Quay (Kitching, 1987c). At Carrigathorna, in Laminaria forest at 6 and 15m (Norton et al., 1977) and in low-shore tide pool (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Recorded at Carrigathorna (Maughan & Barnes, 2000a). Codium Bay west dive, Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Rapids, Barloge Creek, Southerns Bay 2015
References: Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna
Collections: NMI

Haplopoma graniferum (Johnston, 1847)
Recorded in the Rapids on Himanthalia buttons (Kitching, 1987c). Present in the Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff and Carrigathorna (Maughan & Barnes, 2000a). Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Barloge Quay, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Haplopoma impressum (Audouin, 1826)
In the Rapids on the sides and bottoms of rocks and on Cryptopleura and Polyneura (Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961). Present at the foot of Whirlpool Cliff at 17m, on the bottom of rock (Kitching et al., 1990). In tide pools at Carrigathorna (Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
Haplopoma sciaphilum Silén & Harmelin, 1976
First found on Goleen Cliff 23.8.2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Pentapora foliacea (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Potato crisp bryozoan or Ross coral
One colony at 15m in the Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna. Also on the offshore reef (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977).

Celleporella hyalina (Linnaeus, 1767) [Hippothoa hyalina; Schizoporella hyalina]
Common and widespread. In the Rapids, common on Saccorhiza and on other algae, on Sertularia and on rocks, with a preference for the main stream but no obvious preference for the tops or bottoms of rocks (Ebling et al., 1948; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1957, 1961; Round et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967). In the lough, on Saccorhiza at North Rapids Quay and Renouf’s Bay (Norton, 1971), and on Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima at Whirpool Cliff (Kitching et al., 1990). Also on other algae, including Himanthalia buttons (Kitching, 1987c). Recorded in N7, I1, E20, S15, on Saccharina latissima (Kitching & Thain, 1983). On Sertularia at Codium Bay (Round et al., 1961). Penetrates 10m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Present in Barloge Creek and at Barloge Point, Cave Island and Bullock Island (Sloane et al., 1957, 1961). At Carrigathorna, widespread in the Laminaria forest on Cryptopleura, Delesseria, Gigartina, etc. (Norton et al., 1977) and present in tidepools on Corallina (Goss-Custard et al., 1979) and on Himanthalia buttons (Kitching, 1987c). On Saccorhiza at Carrigathorna Cove (Norton, 1971). Rapids SE 2012 coll. JDN. Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Rapids, Barloge Quay, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015 : Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : Rapids SE, E, Barloge Quay 2017 : Southerns 2018
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI
Hippothoa distans MacGillivray, 1869
On the bottom or rocks in Codium Bay (Lilly et al., 1953). Under a rock in N7 (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Hippothoa divaricata Lamouroux, 1821
Recorded in the Rapids and at Whirlpool Cliff (Maughan & Barnes, 2000a).
References: Norton et al., 1971
Hippothoa flagellum Manzoni, 1870
On bottom of rock, foot of Whirlpool Cliff, 17m (Kitching et al., 1990). Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Goleen Quay, Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff 2015

Membranipora membranacea (Linnaeus, 1767) Sea Mat
Rapids 1990: Rapids 1993: Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): rapids + southerns 2005: Renouf Bay 2011: Rapids SE shore 2012 Rapids E shore 2012 : Whirlpool Cliff 2013 Rapids SE shore 2013 : Renouf Point S16 shore 2014 : Codium Bay west dive, Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff 2015 : Rapids SE & E 2017

Common on laminarian algae from the Rapids to Carrigathorna. First recorded by Renouf (1931d) on the south shore (S12-17), and by dredging in Tragumna Bay. Distribution in the Rapids on Saccorhiza was recorded by Ebling et al. (1948) and Sloane et al. (1957), where it was commonest at the top and bottom of the Rapids (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Present on Saccorhiza at North Rapids Quay (Norton, 1971). In E20, it was present on Saccharina latisssima (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and in the Rapids on Laminaria hyperborea (Kitching, 1987a). The morphology of the zooids in the Rapids was studied by Okamura & Partridge (1999), who found that zooids were smaller and less elongate in faster currents.
In Barloge Creek it was common on Saccorhiza at Barloge Point, Bullock Island and Cave Island (Sloane et al., 1961). At Carrigathorna it was present on laminae of Laminaria hyperborea and on Palmaria in the Laminaria forest (Norton et al., 1977) and on Laminaria hyperborea in tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
Collections: NMI

Fenestrulina malusii (Audouin, 1826)
One specimen freshly dead washed up in Barloge Creek during April 1926. (ref???). Recorded on the bottom of rocks at the top of the Rapids (Lilly et al., 1953). On Codium in Codium Bay (Sloane et al., 1961). Codium Bay west dive, Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Rapids 2015
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Microporella ciliata (Pallas, 1766)
In the Rapids, at Nita’s Rock and in Codium Bay on the sides of rocks and on Codium and Heteranomia (Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961). In N7 under rock (Kitching & Thain, 1983). At Whirlpool Cliff on Saccharina latissima and Laminaria hyperborea at 3-15m, and on the bottom of rock at the foot of the cliff, 17m (the 'personate' form with hood) (Kitching et al., 1990). Also recorded in the Rapids and Whirlpool Cliff by Maughan & Barnes (2000a). Penetrates 41m into Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971), where it inhabits a higher zone than outside (Kitching, 1987a). At Carrigathorna, in Laminaria forest, 18m (Norton et al., 1977) and in tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Also recorded at Carrigathorna by Maughan & Barnes (2000a). Codium Bay west dive, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff 2015
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI

Schizotheca fissa (Busk, 1856)
First recorded from Labhra Cliff and west of Codium Bay in August 2015 by J. Porter and M. Spencer-Jones (Lough Hyne Expedition).

Porella concinna (Busk, 1854)
Recorded in the Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna, at 18m (Norton et al., 1977).
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna

Phaeostachys spinifera (Johnston, 1847) [Escharina spinifera]
Recorded at Nita’s Rock on Codium (Sloane et al., 1961). Penetrates 26m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971).
Schizobrachiella sanguinea (Norman, 1868)
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna
Schizoporella dunkeri (Reuss, 1848)
On the bottom of rock, foot of Whirlpool Cliff at 17m (Kitching et al., 1990).
Schizoporella magnifica Hincks, 1886
A Mediterranean species recorded in the Laminarian forest at Carrigathorna, at 18m (Norton et al., 1977; Kitching, 1987a).
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna
Schizoporella unicornis (Johnston in Wood, 1844)
On the sides and bottoms of rocks at the bottom end of the Rapids and in the Poleen (Lilly et al., 1953). Penetrates 27m into the Bullock Island cave (Norton et al., 1971). Goleen Quay, Barloge Quay 2015. E of Rapids 1994 (BioMar).
Collections: NMI (Kitching)

Scruparia ambigua (d'Orbigny, 1841)
At 5.5-15m depth, Whirlpool Cliff (Kitching et al., 1990). At 3m depth in Laminarian forest, Carrigathorna (Norton et al., 1977). Labhra Cliff 2015
References: Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna
Collections: NMI with queried id
Scruparia chelata (Linnaeus, 1758) [Eucratea chelata]
First recorded by Renouf (1931d) in S12-S17. In Codium Bay and Renouf’s Bay on a variety of algae (Sloane et al., 1961) and at Codium Bay on Sertularia (Round et al., 1961). In E20 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and at Whirlpool Cliff, 5.5-12m (Kitching et al., 1990). Common on rocks throughout the Rapids (Lilly et al., 1953), on Saccorhiza (Sloane et al., 1957), on a variety of other algae (Sloane et al., 1961), and on Sertularia (Round et al., 1961), with no obvious preference for current or shelter (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). At Cave Island on Saccorhiza (Sloane et al., 1957). In Holly Creek on Himanthalia buttons (Kitching, 1987c). At Carrigathorna in tide pools (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Rapids E, Rapids SE 2012 coll. JDN. Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay 2015
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI

Parasmittina trispinosa (Johnston, 1838)
At 12-18m in Laminaria forest at Carrigathorna (Norton et al., 1977).
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna
Smittina landsborovii (Johnston, 1847) [Smithia landsborovii]
First recorded in S12-S17 by Renouf (1931d). At the bottom end of the Rapids and in the Poleen, on the sides and bottoms of rocks (Lilly et al., 1953). Goleen Cliff 2015
Collections: NMI

Oshurkovia littoralis (Hastings, 1944) [Umbonula littoralis]
Common in the Rapids on rocks (Lilly et al., 1953), with no preference for tops or bottoms, but a preference for the main stream (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Also on Spirobranchus (Sloane et al., 1961) and at North Rapids Quay on Saccorhiza (Norton, 1971). At Holly Creek, on Himanthalia buttons (Kitching, 1987c). At Carrigathorna in the Laminaria forest, 1-9m (Norton et al., 1977). In tide pools there (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). E side of Rapids 1994 (BioMar).
References: Hiscock, 1976
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Umbonula ovicellata Hastings, 1944
A southern species (Kitching, 1987a), recorded in Renouf’s Bay and the Rapids, on the tops of rocks (Lilly et al., 1953). Also in Codium Bay and at Nita’s Rock on Codium (Sloane et al., 1961). At Whirlpool Cliff, 13m, on Laminaria hyperborea stipe and Laminaria saccharina blade (Kitching et al., 1990).
Collections: NMI

Copyright © Julia Nunn