Order Stauromedusae
Lucernariopsis campanulata (Lamouroux, 1815)
Depth range:
Collections: NMI (Renouf)
Haliclystus auricula (Rathke, 1806)
Depth range:
Collections: NMI (Renouf)
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Order Semaeostomeae
Cyanea lamarckii Péron & Lesueur, 1810 Blue lion's mane jellyfish
Depth range:
Collections: NMI
Western Cliff 2013 N of Goleen Quay 2013 : Castle Island SE shore 2014
1993, 1994
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775) [Pelagia perla (Slabber, 1781)] Mauve stinger
Depth range:
Collections: NMI
References: Renouf, 1931d, 1934b
Chrysaora hysoscella (Linnaeus, 1766) [Chrysaora isosceles (Linnaeus)] Compass jellyfish
Castle Island SE shore 2014 : Barloge 2016
References: Renouf, 1934b; in 1993, 1994 Ballard & Myers, 2000
Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758) Moon jellyfish
labhra cliff 2005 goleen cliff 2005 western cliff 2005 metridium rocks 2005 : E1-E2 shore 2013 : Castle Island SE shore 2014References: Renouf, 1934b, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Hiscock, 1976; Kitching et al., 1976; Picton, 1991; in 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
Order Rhizostomeae
Rhizostoma octopus (Linnaeus, 1758) Barrel jellyfish
Seen once at the entrance to Lough (Renouf, 1934b)
References: Renouf, 1934b
Order Anthoathecata
Bougainvillia britannica (Forbes, 1841)
In 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000
Collections: NMI
Bougainvillia principis (Steenstrup, 1850)
In 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000
Bougainvillia pyramidata (Forbes & Goodsir, 1851)
In 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000
Bougainvillia ramosa (van Beneden, 1844) [Bougainvillia pyramidata of Kitching et al., 1990]
Whirlpool cliff 2005 labhra cliff 2005In 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000)
References: (database) Renouf 1934c; Sloane et al., 1961; Picton, 1991; Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000
Lizzia blondina (Forbes, 1848)
In 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000)
References: Thain et al., 1981; Ballard & Myers, 1996, 2000
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Cladonema radiata Dujardin, 1843
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983
Sarsia eximia (Allman, 1859) [Syncoryne eximia]
1993, 1994
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Sarsia gemmifera Forbes, 1848
1993, 1994
References: Thain et al., 1981; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMI
Sarsia tubulosa (M Sars, 1835)
References: Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMI>
Slabberia halterata Forbes, 1846 [Dipurena halterata]
First recorded from the Lough in May 1993. 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMI
Eleutheria dichotoma De Quatrefages, 1842
References: Renouf 1934c
Eudendrium arbusculum Wright, 1859
References: (database) Picton, 1991
Eudendrium rameum (Pallas, 1766)
References: Lilly et al., 1953
Eudendrium ramosum (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Hiscock, 1976
Clava multicornis (Forsskål, 1775) [Clava squamata Muller, 1776]
Southerns Bay shore 2015 : Rapids E 2017References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Little et al., 1992
Hydractinia echinata (Fleming, 1828)
Apparently the first record for Lough Hyne from Western Cliff 15.7.2012 (JDN)
Amphinema dinema (P‚ron & Lesueur, 1910)
Collections: NMI (JCMH)
Amphinema rugosum (Mayer, 1900)
First record for the Lough July 1993, also 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Leuckartiara octona (Fleming, 1823) [Perigonimus repens Allman]
References: Renouf 1934b; Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching, 1987a
Collections: NMI
Proboscidactyla stellata (Forbes, 1846)
References: Ballard & Myers, 1997, 2000
Rathkea octopunctata (M Sars, 1835)
1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Thain et al., 1981; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMI (Kitching as Margellium)
Ectopleura dumortieri (van Beneden, 1844)
1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Ectopleura larynx (Ellis & Solander, 1786) [Tubularia bellis Allman, 1865; Tubularia larynx] Branched oaten pipes hydroid
Whirlpool Cliff 2013References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1957; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton, 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Picton, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tubularia indivisa Linnaeus, 1758 Oaten pipes hydroid
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Velella velella (Linnaeus, 1758) [Velella spirans Forskal] By-the-wind sailor
References: Renouf, 1931d, 1934b; McGrath, 1985
Collections: NMI
Order Leptothecata
Aequorea forskalea P‚ron & Lesueur, 1810 [Aequorea aequorea]
First record for the Lough May 1993, also in 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000). MISSED RENOUF’s PAPER ??which one
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Aequorea pensilis (Haeckel, 1879)
First record for the Lough July 1994 only (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Aequorea vitrina Gosse, 1853
pers. comm. J.M.C. Holmes; 1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Thain et al., 1981; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMIAequorea sp. records S of West Quay dive 2013 Western Cliff 2013 off North Island dive 2013 Goleen Cliff 2013 Gatehouse reef 2013 Whirlpool Cliff 2013 E1-E2 shore 2013 Goleen E dive 2013 : Rapids dive 2015
Aglaophenia pluma (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Clytia hemisphaerica (Linnaeus, 1767) [Phialidium hemisphaericum]
1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Thain et al., 1981d; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMI (Kitching)
Laomedea flexuosa Alder, 1857
possibly this – listed as Campanularia flexuosa (Hincks)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Laomedea neglecta Alder, 1856 [Campanularia neglecta]
References: Renouf, 1931d
Obelia dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: (database) Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Collections: NMI (Southern)
Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758) Kelp fur
Rapids SE & E, Codium Bay W 2017References: Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1957; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987a; Kitching et al., 1990; Picton, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005b
Collections: NMI (Southern)
Halecium beanii (Johnston, 1838)
First recorded from the shallow sublittoral in Lough Hyne from Labhra Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff and west of Codium Bay in August 2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Halecium halecinum (Linnaeus, 1758) Herringbone hydroid
Western Cliff 2015References: (database) Lilly et al., 1953; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Kirchenpaueria pinnata (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Kirchenpaueria similis (Hincks, 1861)
References: (database)
Phialella quadrata (Forbes, 1848)
1993, 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Nemertesia antennina (Linnaeus, 1758) Antenna hydroid
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna only; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: (database) Lilly et al., 1953; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) [Salacia abietina]
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna
Amphisbetia operculata (Linnaeus, 1758) [Sertularia operculata]
Whirlpool Cliff 2013References: Renouf, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Kitching, 1987b; Kitching, 1987a
Collections: NMI (Southern)
Diphasia rosacea (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979
Dynamena pumila (Linnaeus, 1758) [Sertularia pumila]
Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Barloge Quay shore, Rapids SE shore 2013 : Southerns Bay shore, S16 Renouf Point 2014 : Southerns Bay shore 2015; Barloge & Southerns 2016 : Rpaids SE & E, Southerns 2017 : Barloge Quay, Codium Bay W, Southerns 2018References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Kitching, 1987c; Little et al., 1992
Sertularella gayi (Lamouroux, 1821)
Codium Bay 2005References: (database)
Sertularella polyzonias (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: (database) Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Picton, 1991
Order Limnomedusae
Proboscidactyla stellata (Forbes, 1846) [Lar sabellarum Gosse]
Found every month of the years 1993 and 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Renouf 1934c; Thain et al., 1981; Ballard & Myers, 2000
Collections: NMI
Order Narcomedusae
Solmaris corona (Keferstein & Ehlers, 1861)
First record from the Lough, two specimens September 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Order Trachymedusae
Aglantha digitale (O F Müller)
Three individuals May & September 1993 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Aglantha digitale var. rosea (Forbes, 1848)
Collections: NMI (JMCH)
Order Siphonophora
Physalia physalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Found once in the Whirlpool (Kitching, 1987a)
References: Kitching, 1987a
Order Calycophora
Muggiaea atlantica Cunningham, 1892
First record from the Lough September 1993; also 1994 (Ballard & Myers, 2000)
References: Ballard & Myers, 2000
Order Alcyonacea
Sarcodictyon catenatum Forbes, 1847 [Sarcodictyon catenata]
References: Renouf, 1931d
Alcyonium digitatum Linnaeus, 1758 Dead men's fingers
© Depth range:
Collections: NMI
Western Cliff, Codium Bay, Whirlpool Cliff, Labhra Cliff 2005 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 2013 : Whirlpool Cliff, west of Codium Bay W dive 2015 : off West Quay 2017
References: (database) Renouf, 1931d, 1934c; Norton, 1971; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Alcyonium glomeratum (Hassall, 1843) Red sea fingers
Whirlpool Cliff 2015References: Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 – one large group on offshore reef Carrigathorna at 22m
Alcyonium hibernicum (Renouf, 1931) [Parerythropodium coralloides (Pallas, 1766); Parerythropodium hibernicum] Pink soft coral
© David Kipling Labhra Cliff 2015 Depth range:
Collections: NMI
goleen cliff 2005 western cliff 2005 codium bay 2005 whirlpool cliff 2005 labhra cliff 2005 : goleen cliff 2006 : Western Cliff 2012 Goleen Cliff 2012 : Whirlpool Cliff 2013 : Labhra Cliff 2015
New species described from Lough Hyne by Renouf (1931)
References: (database) Renouf, 1931d, 1934c; Lilly et al., 1953; Hiscock, 1976; van Soest & Weinberg, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Wood, 1988; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Order Ceriantharia
Cerianthus lloydii Gosse, 1859 Burrowing anemone
© Sarah Bowen Metridium Rocks 2015 Depth range:
Collections: N/A
off North Island, West Quay, Metridium Rocks, Codium Bay 2005 : off North Island dive, Gatehouse reef, S of West Quay dive 2012 : S of West Quay dive, Western Cliff, off North Island dive, Gatehouse reef, Goleen E dive 2013 : North Island dive, West Quay dive, Labhra Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, west of Codium bay W dive 2015; off North Quay, Goleen & Western Cliff, off West Quay 2016 : off West Quay 2017 : Western Cliff, West Quay, Southerns 2018
References: (database) Thrush & Townsend, 1986; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Order Zoanthidea
Epizoanthus couchii (Johnston, in Couch, 1844) Sandy creeplet
© Sarah Bowen Whirlpool Cliff 2015 Depth range:
whirlpool cliff 2005 : Labhra Cliff 2015 Whirlpool Cliff 2015
References: (database) Hiscock, 1976; Picton, 1991
Isozoanthus sulcatus (Gosse, 1859) Ginger tiny or Peppercorn anemone
Codium Bay, Whirlpool Cliff 2005 : Goleen Cliff 2006 : off North Island dive, Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff 2012 : Labhra Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, west of Codium Bay W dive, Codium Bay W dive 2015 : Southerns,, Western Cliff 2017 : Goleen & Western Cliff 2018References: (database) Picton, 1985, 1991
Order Actiniaria
Actinia equina (Linnaeus, 1758) Beadlet anemone
W side Barloge Creek 1993 (BioMar) : Rapids W, S11-S12 1997 : E1 shore 2005 E3 2005 castle island I11-13 2005 : W9-10 shore, Renouf Bay, Barloge Quay shore 2011 : S of West Quay, E of North Quay shore 2012 Renouf Bay shore 2012 Barloge Quay 2012 Rapids E shore 2012 : N8 NE Lough Hyne shore 2013 E1-E2 shore 2013 Barloge Quay shore 2013 Rapids SE shore 2013 : E1-E2 shore 2014 Southerns Bay shore 2014 Codium Bay W S11-S12 shore 2014 : E8-E10 shore 2015 Southerns Bay shore 2015 Barloge Quay shore 2015 : E1-E3, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2016 : E1-E3, Codium bay W, Rapids E & SE, Southerns, Barloge 2017 ; West Quay, E1-E3, Barloge Quay, Southerns 2018References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987a; Little et al., 1992
Actinia fragacea Tugwell, 1856
First record E1-E3 4.9.2017 one specimen
Anemonia sulcata Pennant, 1777
References: Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna only; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Costello & Myers, 1987; Little et al., 1992
Anemonia viridis (Forsskål, 1775) Snakelocks anemone
Glannafeen Cliff 1989 BEP : Labhra Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Goleen Cliff, NE Castle Island, Glannafeen Cliff, Western Trough, E of North Quay 1990 : NE Castle Island 1992 : Metridum Rocks, Castle Island Narrows, Glannafeen Cliff, Codium Bay W 1993 : Western Cliff, South Shore, Castle Island SE, N Castle Island Gatehouse Reef 1993 (BioMar) : Lab Beach, Whirlpool Cliff. NE of North Basin 1994 (BioMar) : Codium Bay W, Rapids, Off E1 1997 : Rapids + southerns 2005 castle island I11-13 2005 west quay 2005 labhra cliff 2005 : Barloge Quay 2011 : Western Cliff 2012 Renouf Bay shore 2012 Barloge Quay 2012 : S of West Quay dive 2013 off North Island dive 2013 Goleen Cliff 2013 Gatehouse reef 2013 Barloge Quay shore 2013 Goleen E dive 2013 : Castle Island N shore 2014 Southerns Bay shore 2014 S16 Renouf Point 2014 Codium Bay W S11-S12 shore 2014 : West Quay dive, Goleen Cliff, Metridium Rocks 2015 : Western Cliff, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2016 : Southerns Bay shore Barloge Quay shore 2017 : Barloge & Southerns 2018References: (database) Thrush & Townsend, 1986; Kitching, 1987a; Picton, 1991; Bell & Shaw, 2002; Davy et al., 1997)
Collections: NMI
Anthopleura ballii (Cocks, 1850)
© Sarah Bowen Goleen 2015 Depth range:
Collections: NMI
Glannafeen Cliff 1989 BEP : Labhra Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, NE Castle Island, Glannafeen Cliff, Western Trough, off East shore, E of North Quay 1990 : NE Castle Island 1992 : Castle Island Narrows, Metridium Rocks 1993 : Western Cliff, South Shore, SE Castle Island, N Castle Island, Gatehouse Reef 1993 (BioMar) : Lab Beach, Whirlpool Cliff, W side Barloge Creek 1994 (BioMar) : Castle Island Narrows, off E1 1997 : E1 shore 2005 off E1 2005 Labhra cliff 2005 Rapids + southerns 2005 castle island I11-13 2005 north island 2005 western trough 2005 goleen cliff 2005 metridium rocks 2005 west quay 2005 off north island 2005 : W25 shore 5.9.2011 : off North Island dive 2012 Gatehouse reef 2012 E of North Quay shore 2012 S of West Quay dive 2012 Western Cliff 2012 Goleen Cliff 2012 Renouf Bay shore 2012 Barloge Quay shore and dive 2012 : S of West Quay dive 2013 Western Cliff 2013 N8 NE Lough Hyne shore 2013 off North Island dive 2013 Goleen Cliff 2013 Gatehouse reef 2013 Barloge Quay shore 2013 Goleen E dive 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore 2014 E1-E2 shore 2014 Castle Island N shore 2014 Southerns Bay shore 2014 Codium Bay W S11-S12 shore 2014 : North Island dive, West Quay dive, Labhra Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Metridium Rocks 2015 : off North Quay, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Southerns Bay, off West Quay 2016 : West Quay dive, North Quay dive, Goleen Cliff dive, Southerns, Codium Bay W, Western Cliff 2017 : Western Cliff, West Quay, North Island dives, West Quay, Barloge Quay, Goleen Quay, E1-E3, Codium Bay W 2018
References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Minchin, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Picton, 1991; Minchin, 1992d; Davy et al., 1997; Bell & Shaw, 2002; Davy & Turner, 2003
Aulactinia verrucosa (Pennant, 1777) [Bunodactis verrucosa] Gem anemone
References: Renouf, 1931d
Urticina felina (Linnaeus, 1761) [Tealia felina] Dahlia anemone
Whirlpool Cliff, Bullock Island 1990 : Whirlpool Cliff 1993 : SE Castle Island 1993 (BioMar) : W side Barloge Creek, E side Rapids 1994 (BioMar) : Renouf Bay 2011 : Rapids SE shore 2013 : Rapids dive 2015References: (database) Renouf, 1939; Lilly et al., 1953; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna only; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Edwardsia claparedii (Panceri, 1869) [Edwardsia callimorpha (Gosse, 1853)]
© Sarah Bowen Metridium Rocks 2015 Depth range:
Metridium Rocks 2015
References: Kitching et al., 1976
Edwardsiella carnea (Gosse, 1856)
Labhra Cliff 15.8.1981 BEP 15m
References: Picton, 1985, 1991
Scolanthus callimorphus Gosse, 1853
Depth range:
Collections: NMI (JCMH)
Gonactinia prolifera (M Sars, 1835)
Labhra Cliff 15.8.1981 15m BEPReferences: Picton, 1985
Adamsia carciniopados (Otto, 1823) [Adamsia palliata Bohadsch, 1761] Cloak anemone
Goleen Cliff, Western Trough, off East shore 1990 : Codium Bay W 1993 : Western Cliff 1993 (BioMar) : western trough 2005 goleen cliff 2005 codium bay 2005 : Western Cliff 2012 Goleen Cliff 2012 : Western Cliff 2013 Goleen Cliff 2013 Goleen E dive 2013 : Labhra Cliff 2015 Western Cliff 2015 Goleen Cliff 2015 Glannafeen Cliff 2015 : Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff 2016 : Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff 2017; Goleen & Western Cliff 2018References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1976
Collections: NMI
Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) Plumose anemone
© Sarah Bowen Metridium Rocks 2015 Depth range:
Rapids 1978 (van Soest & Weinberg) : Glannafeen Cliff 1990 : Metridium Rocks 1993 : Castle Island SE 1997 : Metridium Rocks 2005 western cliff 2005 : Rapids E shore 2012 : Glannafeen Cliff 2015 Metridium Rocks 2015 Rapids dive 2015 : off West Quay 2016 : Rapids E 2017
References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Actinothoe anguicoma (Price in Johnston, 1847)
References: Lilly et al., 1953
Actinothoe sphyrodeta (Gosse, 1858) Fried egg anemone
References: (database)
Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant, 1777) Daisy anemone
Western Cliff 2012 : Metridium Rocks 2015 : Barloge Quay 2016 : Barloge Quay 2018References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1976; Davy et al., 1997
Collections: NMI
Sagartia elegans (Dalyell, 1848) Elegant anemone
Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Rapids SE shore 2013 : Rapids dive 2015 : Southerns 2016 : off West Quay, Rapids SE & E 2017References: (database) Lilly et al., 1953; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 – Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Thrush & Townsend, 1986
Sagartia troglodytes (Price in Johnston, 1847)
labhra cliff 2005References: (database)
Sagartiogeton laceratus (Dalyell, 1848)
First recorded from Lough Hyne at Metridium Rocks 24th August 2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Sagartiogeton undatus (O F Müller, 1788)
West Quay dive, Metridium Rocks 2015 : off West Quay 2017 : off West Quay 2018References: (database)
Order Corallimorpharia
Corynactis viridis Allman, 1846 Jewel anemone
© Sarah Bowen Whirlpool Cliff 2015 Depth range:
Labhra cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids + Southerns, Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff 2005 : Goleen Cliff 2006 : Barloge Quay shore 5.9.2011 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Renouf Bay shore, Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Goleen Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids SE shore 2013 : Castle Island SE shore, Southerns Bay shore, Codium Bay W S11-S12 shore 2014 : Labhra Cliff, Rapids dive, Codium Bay W dive, Whirlpool Cliff, Goleen Cliff 2015 : Barloge Quay, Codium Bay W 2016 : Goleen Cliff, Rapids SE & E 2017 : Goleen & Western Cliffs, Codium Bay W 2018
References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1948; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987a, b; Kitching et al., 1990; Maughan & Barnes, 2000a; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Order Scleractinia
Caryophyllia inornata Duncan, 1878 Southern cup-coral
Goleen Cliff 2005 : Goleen Cliff 2006 : Western Cliff & Goleen Cliff 2012 : Western Cliff 2013 : Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Western Cliff, Codium Bay W dive 2015 : Goleen Cliff 2017 : Goleen Cliff 2018First found as fragments Whirlpool Cliff among coarse shell sand (Minchin, 1991). Subsequently found to be plentiful at other localities in the Lough (B. Picton pers. comm.) (Picton, 1991; Bell & Shaw, 2002
References: (database)
Caryophyllia smithii Stokes & Broderip, 1828 Devonshire cup-coral
Labhra cliff, Whirlpool cliff, Codium bay, Goleen cliff, Western Cliff 2005 : Goleen cliff 2006 : W9-10 shore 4.9.2011 : E of North Quay shore, Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, S17 Renouf Bay shore 2012 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Goleen E dive 2013 : Castle Island SE shore, Southerns Bay shore, Codium Bay W S11-S12 shore 2014 : Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, Labhra Cliff, Western Cliff, west of Codium bay W dive, Codium Bay W dive, Whirlpool Cliff 2015; Goleen & Western Cliff, Codium Bay W 2016 : Goleen Cliff dive, Southerns, Codium Bay W, Western Cliff 2017 : Goleen Cliff, Western Cliff, Southerns, Codium Bay W 2018References: (database) Renouf, 1931d; Praeger, 1937; Lilly et al., 1953; Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Hiscock, 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Picton, 1991; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Colllections: NMI (RIA expedition 1886)
Copyright © Julia Nunn