This section should be cited as:
HOLMES, J.M.C. 2014. The Crustacea of Lough Hyne, Co. Cork. In: Nunn, J.D. & Little, C. (eds) The Flora and Fauna of Lough Hyne Co. Cork. Available from Accessed [date viewed] ,
Order Diplostraca
Chydorus sphaericus (O.F.Müller, 1785)
brackish rock pool above Coosh (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Daphnia longispina O.F. Müller, 1785
freshwater, accidental
References: Holmes, 1985b
Evadne nordmanni Lovén, 1836
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Podon intermedius Liljeborg, 1853
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Order Myodocopida
Parasterope muelleri (Skogsberg, 1920)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Synasterope norvegica G O Sars, 1869
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Homes, 1983, 1985b; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991 – all as Parasterope muelleri (error); Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Euphilomedes interpuncta (Baird, 1850)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Order Halocyprida
Polycopsis compressa (Brady & Robertson, 1869)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Order Podocopida
Pseudocythere caudata G O Sars, 1866
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Sclerochilus contortus (Norman, 1861)
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Sarscypridopsis aculeata (Costa, 1847)
References: Rawlinson et al., 2005a as Cypridopsis
Collections: NMI
Heterocypris salina (Brady)
brackish rock pool above Coosh (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Semicytherura acuticostata (G O Sars, 1866)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Semicytherura cornuta (Brady, 1868)
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Semicytherura nigrescens (Baird, 1838)
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Aurila convexa (Baird, 1850)
References: Holmes,1983 as Hemicythere
Collections: NMI
Hemicythere villosa (G O Sars, 1866)
References: Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Heterocythereis albomaculata (Baird, 1838)
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Loxoconcha rhomboidea (Fischer, 1855)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1983 as Limpressa; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Cytherois fischeri G O Sars, 1866
brackish pools
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma abbreviatum G O Sars, 1866
References: Holmes, 1987; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma ensiforme Brady, 1868
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma fleetense Horne & Whittaker, 1985
Light-Trap; Zostera
References: Holmes & Dale, 2008; Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma normani Brady, 1868
References: Holmes, 1987; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma pulchellum G O Sars, 1866
References: Holmes & Whittaker, 1985; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma sarniense Brady, 1868
from Paracentrotus
References: Holmes & Whittaker, 1985; Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma tenuissimum (Norman, 1869)
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes,1985b as Machaerina tenuissima
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma trieri Horne & Whittaker, 1985
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Paradoxostoma variabile (Baird, 1835)
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Redekea perspusilla de Vos, 1953
sunken wood
References: Wouters & de Grave, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Sphaeromicola dudichi Klie, 1938
with Chelura in sunken wood
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Pontocypris mytiloides (Norman, 1862)
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1980 as Erythocypris; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Propontocypris pirifera (G W Möller, 1894)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Propontocypris trigonella (G O Sars, 1866)
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1987 as Pontocypris, 2008 ; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Aspidoconcha limnoriae De Vos, 1953
with gribble in sunken wood
References: Wouters & de Grave, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Xestoleberis labiata Brady & Robertson, 1889
References: Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Xestoleberis nitida (Liljeborg, 1853)
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Order Platycopioida
Platycopia perplexa G O Sars, 1911
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Order Calanoida
Acartia clausi Giesbrecht, 1889
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Thain et al., 1981; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Acartia discaudata (Giesbrecht, 1881)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Bradyidius armatus (Griesbrecht, 1897)
Light-Trap; deep plankton
References: Holmes, 2001, 2002
Collections: NMI
Calanus helgolandicus (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Centropages hamatus (Liljeborg, 1853)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Thain et al., 1981; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Centropages typicus Krøyer, 1849
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Isias clavipes Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Thain et al., 1981; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Microcalanus pusillus G O Sars, 1903
References: Thain et al., 1981 as Microcalanus sp. probably this species; Rawlinson et al., 2005a as M. pusillis [sic]
Collections: NMI
Pseudocalanus elongatus (Boeck, 1864)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Thain et al., 1981 as P. minutus elongatus; Holmes, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Diaixis hibernica (A. Scott, 1896)
Light-Trap; deep plankton
References: Thain et al., 1981; Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Paracalanus parvus (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Thain et al., 1981; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Parapontella brevicornis (Lubbock, 1857)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudocyclops crassiremis Brady, 1873
References: Barloge, gravel refs???
Collections: NMI
Pseudocyclops obtusatus Brady & Robertson, 1873
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Pseudocyclopia stephoides I.C. Thompson, 1895
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Pseudocyclopia sp. (Linnaeus, 1766)
Barloge, gravel (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Metridia lucens Boeck, 1864
References: Holmes, 1983 as M. longa - error, 2001, 2002
Collections: NMI
Anomalocera patersoni Templeton, 1837
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Stephos minor (T Scott, 1892)
Barloge, gravel (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Stephos rustadi Strömgren, 1969
Light-Trap; deep plankton
References: Thain et al., 1981; Holmes, 1985b, 2001; Kitching, 1987a, 1991
Collections: NMI
Stephos scotti G O Sars, 1902
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b; Rawlinson et al., 2005a as E. hirundoides – synonym
Collections: NMI
Temora longicornis (O F Müller, 1792)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Thain et al., 1981; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Order Harpacticoida
Ambunguipes rufocincta (Brady, 1880)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 as Rhynchothalestris, also as Parathalestris intermedia – error; Sloane et al. 1961 as Rhynchothalestris, also as Parathalestris intermedia – error; Holmes, 1983 as Rhynchothalestris; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ameira parvula (Claus, 1866)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ameira scotti G O Sars, 1911
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ameiropsis sp.
References: Sloane et al., 1961 as A. mixta; Holmes, 1985b as A. mixta; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990) as A. mixta; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Filexilia attenuata (I C Thompson, 1893)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990 as Ameira tenella; Holmes, 1991 as Ameira tenella, 2002
Collections: NMI
Nitokra pusilla G O Sars, 1911
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Nitokra spinipes Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; brackish, gravel
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Nitokra typica Boeck, 1864
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991d
Collections: NMI
Sarsameira longiremis (T Scott, 1894)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Stenocopia longicaudata (T Scott, 1892)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Stenocopia spinosa (T Scott, 1892)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Laophontodes bicornis A Scott, 1896
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophontodes typicus T Scott, 1894
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Argestes sp.
Barloge, gravel id? (unpublished, JMCH)
Eurycletodes irelandica Roe, 1959
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Eurycletodes similis (T Scott, 1895)
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Fultonia sp.
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Itunella muelleri (Gagern, 1922)
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Mesochra heldti Monard, 1935
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Mesochra lilljeborgi Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Mesochra pygmaea (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Nannomesochra arupinensis (Brian, 1925)
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Cletodes tenuipes T Scott, 1896
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Enhydrosoma longifurcatum G O Sars, 1909
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Enhydrosoma propinquum (Brady, 1880)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Goniopsyllus sp.
plankton; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1980 as Clytemnestra rostrata, 2002
Collections: NMI
Dactylopusia dissimilis Brian, 1921
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990 as D.vulgaris var. dissimilis
Collections: NMI
Dactylopusia neglecta G O Sars, 1905
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Dactylopusia tisboides (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 as Dactylopodia; Sloane et al., 1961 as Dactylopodia; Holmes, 1985b as Dactylopodia; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Dactylopusia vulgaris G O Sars, 1905
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 as Dactylopodia; Sloane et al., 1961 as Dactylopodia; Holmes, 1985b as Dactylopodia; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Dactylopusioides macrolabris (Claus, 1866)
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes assimilis (G O Sars, 1906)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes feldmanni Bocquet, 1953
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes major (T Scott & A Scott, 1895)
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes minutus (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes nobilis (Baird, 1845)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes ponticus (Kricagin, 1873)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor; 1990
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodes pygmaeus (T Scott & A Scott, 1895)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Barloge, as Westwoodia; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Paradactylopodia brevicornis (Claus, 1866)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990
Collections: NMI
Paradactylopodia latipes (Boeck, 1864)
Light-Trap; benthos
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b id.?
Collections: NMI
Paradactylopodia spp. – 4 varieties
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Darcythompsonia fairliensis (T. Scott, 1899)
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ectinosoma melaniceps Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ectinosoma normani T Scott & A Scott, 1894
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Halectinosoma gothiceps (Giesbrecht, 1881)
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Microsetella norvegica (Boeck, 1864)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b as Microstella [sic], Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudobradya fusca (T Scott & A Scott, 1894)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudobradya minor (T Scott & A Scott, 1894)
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Pseudobradya similis (T Scott & A Scott, 1894)
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Euterpina acutifrons (Dana, 1849)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus chelifer (O F Müller, 1776)
Light-Trap; weed & plankton
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus flexus Brady & Robertson, 1873
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus giesbrechti Klie, 1927
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus gracilis Claus, 1863 species inquirendum
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961 id.?; Thain et al., 1981 id.?; Holmes, 1985b id.?; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991 id.?;
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus littoralis G O Sars, 1910
References: Roe, 1960 id.?; Sloan et al., 1961 id.?
Harpacticus obscurus T Scott, 1895
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 id.?; Sloane et al., 1961 id.; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus tenellus G O Sars, 1920
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Harpacticus uniremis Krøyer, 1842
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Perissocope sp.
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tigriopus brevicornis (O F Müller, 1776) [Tigriopus fulvus]
rock pools in Barloge
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1983; Kitching, 1987a at Carrigathorna; Kitching, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a - id.?
Collections: NMI
Zaus caeruleus Campbell, 1929
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Zaus spinatus Goodsir, 1845
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Idyanthe sp.
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 2002
Idyella exigua G O Sars, 1905
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tachidiella minuta G O Sars, 1909
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Asellopsis hispida Brady & Robertson, 1873
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Esola bulbifera (Norman, 1911) [Esola longicauda; Esola longicauda var. bulbifera]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991, 2002
Collections: NMI
Harrietella simulans (T Scott, 1894)
Light-Trap; with Chelura in sunken wood
References: Wouters & De Grave, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Heterolaophonte brevipes Roe, 1958
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Heterolaophonte denticulata Roe, 1958
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Heterolaophonte longisetigera (Klie, 1950)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 as H. littoralis – error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Heterolaophonte norvegica Drzycimski, 1968
References: Roe, 1960 as Heterolaophonte sp.; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990
Collections: NMI
Heterolaophonte stroemi (Baird, 1837) [Heterolaophonte stromi; Laophonte strömi]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Barloge; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Heterolaophonte uncinata (Czerniavski, 1868)
weed & sunken wood
References: Roe, 1960 as H. stromi var. brevicaudata – error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophonte baltica Klie, 1929
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Laophonte cornuta Philippi, 1840
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophonte elongata Boeck, 1872
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophonte inopinata T Scott, 1892
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Laophonte inornata A Scott, 1902
References: Roe, 1960 as L. serrata – error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophonte longicaudata Boeck, 1864
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophonte serrata (Claus, 1863)
benthos (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Laophonte setosa Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Laophonte thoracica Boeck, 1864
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Loureirophonte cesareae (Por, 1964)
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Paralaophonte brevirostris (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paralaophonte congenera (G O Sars, 1908)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paronychocamptus curticaudatus (Boeck, 1864)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pontophonte sp.
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Pseudolaophonte spinosa (I C Thompson, 1893)
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Pseudonychocamptus koreni (Boeck, 1872)
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Troglophonte spelaea (Chappius, 1938)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Laophontopsis borealis Huys & Willems, 1989 [Laophontopsis lamellifera (Claus, 1863)]
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991, 2002
Collections: NMI
Longipedia helgolandica Klie, 1949
Light-Trap; benthos
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Longipedia minor T Scott & A Scott, 1893
Light-Trap; benthos
References: Roe, 1960 also as L. weberi – error; Sloane et al., 1961; Wells, 1980; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Longipedia scotti G O Sars, 1903
Light-Trap; benthos
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Metis ignea Philippi, 1843
shallow benthos
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Amonardia normani (Brady, 1872)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amonardia phyllopus (G O Sars, 1906)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 also as Ammonardia similis – error; Sloane et al., 1961 as Parathalestris intermedia – error; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascoides brevifurca (Czerniavski, 1868) [Amphiascella brevifurca]
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascoides debilis (Giesbrecht, 1881)
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascoides nanus (G O Sars, 1906)
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Amphiascoides subdebilis (Willey, 1935) [Amphiascella subdebilis]
Light-Trap; mud
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascopsis cinctus (Claus, 1866)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 as A. thalestroides – error; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascopsis cinctus sensu Sars, 1906 [Amphiascopsis cinctus]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1983 as A. cinctus (Claus) - error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascopsis thalestroides (G O Sars, 1911)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Roe, 1960 also as Paramphiascopsis longirostris – error; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascus graciloides Klie, 1950
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascus minutus (Claus, 1863)
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Barloge; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990
Collections: NMI
Amphiascus parvus G O Sars, 1906 [Amphiascus humphriesi]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961, also as A. pacificus – error; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphiascus tenuiremis (Brady & Robertson, 1875)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991d
Collections: NMI
Amphiascus varians (Norman & T Scott, 1905)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Holmes, 1996 as A. propinqvus – error
Collections: NMI
Bulbamphiascus denticulatus (I C Thompson, 1893)
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Bulbamphiascus incus Gee, 2005 [Bulbamphiascus imus]
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes, 1985b, 2008; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Delavalia giesbrechti (T Scott & A Scott, 1896) [Stenhelia giesbrechti]
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Delavalia normani (T Scott, 1905) [Stenhelia normani]
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Delavalia palustris Brady, 1868 [Stenhelia palustris]
brackish; mud
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Delavalia reflexa Brady & Robertson, 1875
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Diosaccus tenuicornis (Claus, 1863)
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Diosaccus varicolor (Farran, 1913)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Haloschizopera pygmaea (Norman & T Scott, 1905)
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paramphiascella vararensis (T Scott, 1903)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paramphiascopsis longirostris (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Roe, 1960 – error; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudamphiascopsis attenuatus (G O Sars, 1906)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Robertgurneya similis (A Scott, 1896)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Robertsonia celtica (Monard, 1935)
Light-Trap; mud
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Stenhelia gibba Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Typhlamphiascus confusus (T Scott, 1902)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Normanella minuta (Boeck, 1872)
References: Roe, 1960; Holmes, 1985b – error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991 - not, error
Collections: NMI
Normanella mucronata G O Sars, 1909
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Normanella aff. obscura Lee & Huys, 1999
Light-Trap (unublished, JMCH)
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1991 as N. minuta
Collections: NMI
Orthopsyllus sp.
References: Roe, 1960 as O. agnatus; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990 as O. linearis; Holmes, 1991 as O. linearis
Collections: NMI
Parastenhelia spinosa (Fischer, 1860)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960 as vars littoralis & penicillata; Sloane et al., 1961 as var. penicillata; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Barloge as Microthalestris forficula; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Paramesochra dubia T Scott, 1892
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Diarthrodella parorbiculata Wells, 1963
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Alteutha depressa (Baird, 1837)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes; 1991
Collections: NMI
Alteutha interrupta (Goodsir, 1845)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Alteutha oblonga (Goodsir, 1845)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Peltidium purpureum Philippi, 1839
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Porcellidium ovatum Haller, 1879
weed; Lithothamnia. First Irish record from Lough Hyne (Holmes & O’Connor, 1990)
References: Holmes, 1985b as P. tenuicauda & P. viride – error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991; Minchin, 1991b
Collections: NMI
Porcellidium sarsi Bocquet, 1948 [Porcellidium viride]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Porcellidium tenuicauda Claus, 1860
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b - partial error, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990
Collections: NMI
Dactylopodella flava (Claus, 1866)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Danielssenia typica Boeck, 1873)
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Donsiella anglica Hicks, 1988
with Limnoria in sunken wood
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Donsiella limnoriae Stephensen, 1936
with Limnoria in sunken wood; Limnoria in Light-Trap
References: Wouters & De Grave, 1992
Xouthous sarsi Huys, 2010
References: Holmes, 1996 as Idomene forficata
Collections: NMI
Rhizothrix curvatum (Brady, 1880)
References: Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Tachidius discipes Giesbrecht, 1881
Light-Trap; brackish, mud
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1990; Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Parategastes sphaericus (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tegastes clausi G O Sars, 1904
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tegastes flavidus G O Sars, 1904
References: Holmes, 1985b as T. falcatus – error; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991 as T. falcatus – error; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Tegastes nanus G O Sars, 1904
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tegastes sp.?
Light-trap; weed (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Paraschizopera menaiensis (Geddes, 1968) [Diagoniceps menaiensis]
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Phyllopodopsyllus bradyi (T Scott, 1892)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Phyllopodopsyllus hardingi (Roe, 1955)
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Phyllopodopsyllus hibernicus (Roe, 1955)
References: Roe, 1960
Collections: NMI
Tetragoniceps malleolatus Brady, 1880
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Amenophia peltata Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Parathalestris clausi (Norman, 1868)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Parathalestris harpacticoides (Claus, 1863)
Light-Trap; weed (JMCH)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b as P. harpacticoides [sic]; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Parathalestris hibernica (Brady & Robertson, 1873)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Phyllothalestris mysis (Claus, 1863)
Light-trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Thalestris longimana Claus, 1863
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Thalestris rufoviolascens Claus, 1866
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b as T. rufoviolacens [sic]; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Sacodiscus fasciatus (Norman, 1868)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Sacodiscus littoralis (G O Sars, 1904)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Roe, 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Scutellidium longicauda (Philippi, 1840)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tisbe angusta (G O Sars, 1905)
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Tisbe ensifer Fischer, 1860
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Tisbe furcata (Baird, 1837)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961 - id.?; Holmes, 1985b - doubtful id.; Holmes & O'Connor, 1990, 1991 – both doubtful
Collections: NMI
Tisbe longicornis (T Scott & A Scott, 1895)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tisbe minor (T Scott & A Scott, 1896)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tisbe reticulata Bocquet, 1951
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tisbe tenella (G O Sars, 1911)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Order Misophrioida
Misophria pallida Boeck, 1864
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Order Cyclopoida
Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859
in Ascidiella sp. & Clavelina sp.
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Haplostoma brevicauda (Canu, 1886)
in Sydnium turbinatum
References: Holmes, 1987 also as H. mizoulei; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Enterocola fulgens van Beneden, 1860
♂ in Light-Trap, ♀ in tunicate
References: Holmes, 1987 as Enterocola sp.; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1865
♂ in Light-Trap, ♀ in Botrylloides
References: Gotto et al., 1984; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Cyclopina brachystylis G.O.Sars, 1921
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Cyclopina esilis Brian, 1938
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1991; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Cyclopina gracilis Claus, 1863
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Cyclopina norvegica Boeck, 1864
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Acanthocyclops robustus (G.O.Sars, 1863)
brackish rock pool above Coosh (unpublished, JMCH)
Euryte longicauda Philippi, 1843
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Halicyclops neglectus Kiefer, 1935
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1987; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Cyclopinodes elegans (T.Scott, 1894)
Light-Trap; gravel
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Cyclopinoides littoralis (Brady, 1872)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Cyclopinoides longicornis (Boeck, 1872)
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Doropygella psyllus (Thorell, 1859)
in Ascidiella aspersa
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Doropygus pulex Thorell, 1859
in Pyura microcosmus
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Notodelphys caerulea Thorell, 1859 [Notodelphys allmani]
in Ascidiella aspersa
References: Holmes, 1980, 1996; Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Collections: NMI
Notodelphys elegans Thorell, 1859
in Ciona intestinalis
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Notopterophorus papilio Hesse, 1864
in Ascidia mentula
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pachypygus typicus (Canu, 1891)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes & O'Connor, 1991 as Agnathaner sp.; Holmes & Gotto, 2000; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Pachypygus sp.
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes & Gotto, 2000; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Oithona helgolandica Claus, 1863
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Thain et al., 1981; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Oithona nana Giesbrecht, 1892
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980 as O. similis – error; Thain et al., 1981; Holmes, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Cyclopinella sp.
References: Holmes & Gotto, 2000
Muceddina multispinosa Jaume & Boxshall, 1996
Light-Trap; shallow, weed
References: Holmes & Gotto, 2000; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Order Monstrilloida
Cymbasoma rigidum I C Thompson, 1888 [Thaumaleus rigidus]
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b, 2001
Collections: NMI
Cymbasoma thompsoni (Giesbrecht, 1893) [Thaumaleus thompsoni]
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b, 2001; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Monstrilla helgolandica Claus, 1863
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Monstrillopsis gracilis (Gurney, 1927)
Light-Trap; plankton (JMCH)
References: Holmes, 1985b, 2001
Collections: NMI
Order Siphonostomatoida
Acontiophorus armatus Brady, 1880
with Alcyonium
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Acontiophorus scutatus (Brady & Robertson, 1873)
Light-Trap; with sponges
References: Holmes, 1983, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres boecki (Brady, 1880)
with sponges
References: Holmes, 1991, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres latus (Brady, 1880)
Light-Trap; with sponges
References: Holmes, 1983, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres mucronipes Stock, 1960
References: Holmes, 1991 as A. stimulans – error; Holmes, 1998b as A. stimulans – error; Holmes, 2008 as A. ellisi – error; Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres parvus Giesbrecht, 1897
with sponges
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres stimulans Giesbrecht, 1897
with sponges
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres suberitis Giesbrecht, 1899
with sponges
References: Holmes, 1991, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Asterocheres violaceus (Claus, 1889)
with Echinus esculentus
References: Holmes, 1991, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Collocheres elegans A Scott, 1896
with Ophiocomina nigra
References: Holmes, 1996, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Collocheres gracilicauda (Brady, 1880)
Light-Trap; with Ophiothrix fragilis
References: Holmes, 1985b, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Dermatomyzon nigripes (Brady & Robertson, 1876)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1983, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Myzopontius pungens Giesbrecht, 1895
References: Holmes, 1991
Rhynchomyzon purpurocinctum (T Scott, 1893)
References: Holmes, 1991, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Scottocheres elongatus (T Scott & A Scott, 1894)
Light-Trap; with Halichondria
References: Holmes, 1985b, 1998a, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Apodomyzon brevicorne Stock, 1970
with sponges
References: Holmes, 1991, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Artotrogus orbicularis Boeck, 1859
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Bradypontius papillatus (T. Scott, 1888)
Light-Trap; with Hymeniacidon
References: Holmes, 1985b, 1998a, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Cryptopontius brevifurcatus (Giesbrecht, 1895)
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Dyspontius striatus Thorell, 1860
References: Holmes, 1987; Holmes, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Glannapontius maculatus Holmes, 1998
Light-Trap; with sponges
References: Holmes, 1998a, 1998b, 2002
Collections: NMI
Cancerilla tubulata Dalyell, 1851
Light-Trap; ophiuroids
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Sphaeronella leuckartii Salensky, 1868
Light-Trap; with Aora
References: Holmes, 1985b, 1998b; Costello & Myers, 1989a,b
Collections: NMI
Sphaeronella longipes Hansen, 1897
Light-Trap; with Ampelisca diadema
References: Holmes, 1998b, 2002
Collections: NMI
Sphaeronella paradoxa Hansen, 1897
Light-Trap; with Periculodes
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1989a
Collections: NMI
Caligus centrodonti Baird, 1850
with ballan wrasse
Collections: NMI
Caligus curtus O F Müller, 1785
with gadoid fish
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Caligus elongatus Von Nordmann, 1832
Light-Trap; with fish
References: Holmes, 1980, 1998b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Caligus pelamydis Krøyer, 1863
Light-Trap; with mackerel
References: Holmes, 1991, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (O F Müller, 1777)
with flounder
References: Holmes, 1980, 1998b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1999, 2000
Collections: NMI
Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1838)
Light-Trap; with salmonid
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes, 1998b
Collections: NMI
Pseudocaligus brevipedis (Bassett-Smith, 1896)
with rocklings
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Clavella adunca (Ström, 1762)
with gadoid fish
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Order Poecilostomatoida
Anthessius arenicolus (Brady, 1872)
Light-Trap; with Dosinia exoleta
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Acanthochondria cornuta (O F Müller, 1776)
with flounder
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O’Connor, 1999
Collections: NMI
Conchyliurus cardii Gooding, 1957
Light-Trap; with cockles
References: Holmes, 1987
Collections: NMI
Giardella sp.?
Light-Trap; deep (unpublished, JMCH)
Hemicyclops aberdonensis (T Scott & A Scott, 1892)
Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Hemicyclops sp. B
Light-Trap (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Hemicyclops sp. C
Light-Trap (unpublished, JMCH)
Collections: NMI
Hersiliodes latericia (Grube, 1869)
Light-Trap; with polychaetes
References: Holmes, 1987; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Enalcyonium forbesi (T Scott, 1901)
with Alcyonium
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Astericola clausi Rosoll, 1889
with asteroids
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Herrmannella parva Norman & T Scott, 1905
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & Minchin, 1991
Collections: NMI
Herrmannella pecteni (Sowinski, 1884)
Light-Trap; pectinid bivalves
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & Minchin, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Heteranthessius sp.
Light-Trap; with ascidians
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Lichomolgella pusilla G O Sars, 1918
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Lichomolgus forficula Thorell, 1859
with ascidians
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Lichomolgus marginatus Thorell, 1859
with ascidians
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Modiolicola maximus (I C Thompson, 1893)
with Pecten maximus
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Zygomolgus didemni (Gotto, 1956)
with Didemnum maculosum
References: Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Zygomolgus tenuifurcatus (G O Sars, 1917)
with Diplosoma listerianum
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Macrochiron fucicolum Brady, 1872
References: Holmes, 1985b as Macrocheiron [sic]; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Monothula subtilis (Giesbrecht, 1892) [Oncaea subtilis]
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Thain et al., 1981; Holmes, 1985b; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Oncaea media Giesbrecht, 1891
plankton; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Leposphilus labrei Hesse, 1866
with corkwing wrasse
References: Holmes, 1987; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Pseudanthessius gracilis Claus, 1889
Light-Trap; benthos
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Pseudanthessius liber (Brady, 1880)
with Echinus esculentus
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Pseudanthessius nemertophilus Gallien, 1936 [Nemerthessius nemertophilus]
with Lineus longissimus
References: Norton, 1971; Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Pseudanthessius thorelli (Brady, 1880) [Pseudanthessius dubius]
with asteroids
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996, 2010
Collections: NMI
Critomolgus bulbipes (Stock & Kleeton, 1963)
with Alcyonium
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Doridicola agilis Leydig, 1853
with opisthobranchs
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Paranthessius anemoniae Claus, 1889
Light-Trap; with Anemonia viridis
References: Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Eupolymniphilus finmarchicus (T Scott, 1903) [Scambicornus finmarchicus; S. armoricanus]
with polychaetes
References: Holmes, 1985b, 1987; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Holmes & Gotto, 1992
Collections: NMI
Myxomolgus myxicolae (Bocquet & Stock, 1958)
with Myxicola infundibulum
References: Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Lomanoticola brevipes Hancock & Norman, 1863 [Splanchnotrophus brevipes]
with Cuthona genovae
References: Holmes & Nunn, 1996; Holmes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Anchistrotos lucipetus Holmes, 1985 [Taeniacanthus lucipetus]
Light-Trap; with gobies
References: Holmes, 1985, 1987; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Holmes & Gotto, 1992; Kabata, 2003
Collections: NMI
Anchistrotos onosi (T Scott, 1902)
with rocklings
References: Holmes, 1985, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Order Lepadiformes
Dosimia fascicularis (Ellis & Solander, 1786) [Lepas fascicularis]
surface plankton
References: Kitching, 1987a; Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Lepas anatifera Linnaeus, 1767
attached to a cocoa-nut
References: Renouf, 1931d
Lepas pectinata Spengler, 1793
surface plankton
References: Renouf, 1931d
Order Sessilia
Verruca stroemia (O F Müller, 1776) Verruca barnacle
Southerns Bay NE 1993: Barloge Creek West, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Southerns Bay N 1997: E of North Quay shore, N of Goleen Quay shore, S17 Renouf Bay shore 2012 : N8 NE Lough Hyne shore, N of Goleen Quay shore, S of West Quay shore, Barloge Quay shore, Rapids SE shore 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Southerns Bay shore, Renouf Point S16 shore, Codium Bay W S11-12 shore 2014 : Rapids dive, E8-E10 shore, Goleen Quay shore, Glannafeen Cliff 2015: S of West Qay, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2016 : West Quay, E1-E3, Goleen Quay, Rapids SE & E, Southerns Bay, Barloge Quay 2017 : West Quay, Barloge Quay, Southerns 2018References: Renouf, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971, 1977 at Carrigathorna; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathona & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a, 1987c; Maughan & Barnes, 2000a; Lawson et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2005
Collections: NMI
Chthamalus montagui Southward, 1976
References: Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987a; Little et al., 1991, 1992; Little, 1991; O'Riordan et al., 1991; Greenwood et al., 2001; Lawson et al., 2004
Collections: NMI
Chthamalus stellatus (Poli, 1791)
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Southward & Crisp, 1954; Kitching et al., 1959; Ebling et al., 1960; O'Riordan, 1967a; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987a; Little, 1991; O'Riordan et al., 1991; Little et al., 1992; O'Riordan et al., 1999; Greenwood et al., 2001; Lawson et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2005
Collections: NMI
Austrominius modestus (Darwin, 1854) [Elminius modestus] Darwin's barnacle
Carrigathorna 1990: Renouf W26, S13 1993: E1, E3 shore, Castle Island SE shore 2005 : W9-10 shore, W25 shore, , Barloge Quay shore, Renouf Bay & E1-E2 2011: E of North Quay shore, N & S of West Quay shore, N of Goleen Quay shore, S17 Renouf Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore, Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : N8 NE Lough Hyne shore, N of Goleen Quay shore, S of West Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Rapids SE shore 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Castle Island N shore, Castle Island SE shore, Southerns Bay shore, Renouf Point S16 shore, Codium Bay W S11-12 shore 2014 : E8-E10 shore, Goleen Quay shore, Southerns Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore 2015: E1-E3, N of Goleen Quay, S of West Quay, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2016 : West Quay, E1-E3, Goleen Quay, Rapids SE & E, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2017 : Goleen Quay, West Quay, E1-E3, Barloge Quay, Southerns, Codium Bay W 2018littoral. First Irish record from Lough Hyne (Beard, 1957)???? papers say Little et al., 1992
References: Beard, 1957 – Coosh; Aitken & Hillis, 1959; O'Riordan, 1967a; Holmes, 1980; Minchin, 1991b; Little et al., 1992; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b; O'Riordan et al., 2009; Lawson et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2005)
Collections: NMI
Semibalanus balanoides (Linnaeus, 1767) [Balanus balanoides]
Renouf S17 1993: Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): W25 shore 5.9.2011 & E1-E2 2011: E of North Quay shore 2012 N & S of West Quay shore 2012 : N8 NE Lough Hyne shore 2013 N of Goleen Quay shore 2013 S of West Quay shore 2013 E1-E2 shore 2013 : Rapids dive 2015 E8-E10 shore 2015 Southerns Bay shore 2015: Southerns Bay & Codium Bay W 2016 : Rapids SE & E, Southerns Bay, Barloge Quay 2017littoral
References: Renouf, 1931d; Rees, 1931; Southward & Crisp, 1954; Kitching et al., 1959; Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987a; Little & Williams, 1989; Little et al., 1991, 1992; Little, 1991; Greenwood et al., 2001; Bell et al., 2003; Lawson et al., 2004; Rawlinson et al., 2005a; Watson et al., 2005
Collections: NMI
Balanus balanus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Balanus porcatus] Greater acorn barnacle
Bullock Island 1990: Whirlpool Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Western Cliff, Barloge Quay shore 2013 : Southerns Bay shore 2015 : Rapids SE & E, Southerns Bay, Barloge Quay 2017 : Barloge Quay 2018benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Lilly et al., 1953; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Greenwood et al., 2001; Bell et al., 2003
Collections: NMI
Balanus crenatus Brugiére, 1789 Crenulated acorn barnacle
Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff south 1978 (van Soest & Weinberg): Renouf S17, Labhra Cliff 1993: Whirlpool Cliff, Western Cliff 1993 (BioMar): Labhra Cliff, Lab Beach, Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): Renouf Bay 2011: N of Goleen Quay shore, Barloge Quay shore, Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Rapids SE shore 2013 : Renouf Point S16 shore 2014 : Southerns Bay shore 2015 : Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay 2016 : Rapids SE & E, Barloge Quay 2017 : Barloge Quay, Southerns 2018benthos
References: Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Holmes, 1980; Lawson et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2005
Collections: NMI
Boscia anglica (Sowerby, 1823) [Pyrgoma anglica, Megatrema anglica]
with Caryophyllia. Labhra Cliff 2005 L. Baldock : Goleen Cliff 2006 P. Brazier : western cliff 2012 Goleen Cliff 2012 Goleen Cliff 2015 Western Cliff 2015 Labhra Cliff 2015 west of Codium Bay W dive 2015
References: Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna
Order Kentrogonida
Peltogaster sp.
on pagurids
References: Renouf, 1931d
Sacculina carcini J.V. Thompson, 1836
on Carcinus
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Order Nebaliacea
Nebalia herbstii Leach, 1814 [Nebalia bipes (Fabricius, 1780)]
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes, 2010
Collections: NMI
Order Cumacea
Bodotria scorpioides (Montagu, 1804)
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Iphinoe trispinosa (Goodsir, 1843)
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Eudorella truncatula (Bate, 1856)
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Cumella pygmaea G O Sars, 1865
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Nannastacus unguiculatus (Bate, 1859)
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudocuma longicorne (Bate, 1858)
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudocuma simile G O Sars, 1900
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Diastylis laevis Norman, 1869
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Diastylis rugosa G O Sars, 1865
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Order Tanaidacea
Pseudoparatanais batei (G O Sars, 1882) [Paratanais batei]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Tanaopsis graciloides (Liljeborg, 1864) [Tanaopsis laticaudata]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1985b; Thrush, 1985
Collections: NM
Apseudes talpa (Montagu, 1808)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Tanais dulongii (Audouin, 1826) [Tanais cavolini]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Leptochelia savignyi (Krøyer, 1842)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Round et al., 1961) as L. ? dubia; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Kitching, 1987a
Collections: NMI
Order Isopoda
Athelges sp.
with pagurids
References: Renouf, 1931d
Collections: NMI
Pleurocrypta longibranchiata (Bate & Westwood, 1868)
with Galathea squamifera
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Aspidophryxus peltatus G O Sars, 1883
with mysids, Erythrops spp.
References: de Grave & Holmes, 1998; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Gnathia dentata G O Sars, 1871
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes, 1991; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Gnathia vorax (Lucas, 1849)
References: Holmes, 1980 as G. maxillaris – error, 1983; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Paragnathia formica (Hesse, 1864)
littoral, turf bank
References: Holmes, 1983; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Hemioniscus balani (Bate, 1860) [Cryptothir balani]
in Semibalanus balanoides
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Idotea baltica (Pallas, 1772)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Idotea emarginata (Fabricius, 1793)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1980; De Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Idotea granulosa Rathke, 1843
Light-Trap; weed
References: Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987c; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Idotea linearis (Pennant, 1777)
References: Renouf, 1931d
Idotea pelagica Leach, 1815
Light-Trap; weed & plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; De Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NM
Jaera albifrons Leach, 1814 [Janira marina]
Light-Trap, brackish
References: Renouf, 1931d – possibly this species; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Jaera forsmani Bocquet, 1953
References: Holmes, 1983; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Jaera ischiostosa Forsman, 1949
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna
Jaera nordica Lemercier, 1958 [Jaera nordmanni]
marine to brackish, benthos
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes, 2008; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Jaera praehirsuta Forsman, 1949
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1983; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Janira maculosa Leach, 1813
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Round et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Janiropsis breviremis G O Sars, 1899
Rapids, weed
References: Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna - id.?; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Ligia oceanica (Linnaeus, 1767)E1 shore, E3 shore, Castle Island SE shore 2005 : Renouf Bay, E1-E2 2011: E1-E2 shore 2013 : E8-E10 shore 2015 : E1-E3, S of West Quay 2016 : West Quay, E1-E3, Rapids SE & E 2017 : Goleen Quay, West Quay, E1-E3, Codium Bay W 2018
terrestrial, littoral
References: Renouf, 1931d; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Limnoria lignorum (Rathke, 1799)
Light-Trap; sunken wood
References: Holmes, 1980, 1996; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Wouters & de Grave, 1992; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Limnoria quadripunctata Holthuis, 1949
sunken wood
References: Holmes, 1996; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Sphaeroma serratum (Fabricius, 1787)
References: Holmes, 1991; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Microcharon harrisi Spooner, 1958
Barloge, gravel
References: Homes, 1996
Collections: NMI
Munna armoricana Carton, 1962
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a
Munna kroyeri Goodsir, 1842
References: Holmes, 1980; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Munna limicola G O Sars, 1899
References: Sloane et al., 1961; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Oniscus asellus (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Holmes, 1983
Porcellio scaber Latreille, 1804
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Porcellionides cingendus (Kinahan, 1857)
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Campecopea hirsuta (Montagu, 1804)
littoral, exposed shore
References: de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Dynamene bidentata (Adams, 1800) [Naesa bidentata]
Light-Trap; benthos Renouf S11-S12 1997
References: Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1960; Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980, 1991; Kitching, 1987c; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Little et al., 1992; de Grave & Holmes, 1998
Collections: NMI
Order Amphipoda
Ampelisca brevicornis (Costa, 1853)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampelisca diadema (A Costa, 1853)
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1989a, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampelisca tenuicornis Liljeborg, 1855
References: Holmes, 1985b; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampelisca typica (Bate, 1856)
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Amphilochus neapolitanus della Valle, 1893
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gitana sarsi Boeck, 1871
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampithoe gammaroides (Bate, 1856) [Pleonexes gammaroides; Amphithoe gammaroides]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampithoe helleri G Karaman, 1975 [Ampithoe neglecta; Pleonexes helleri]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826 [Amphithoë vaillanti]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ampithoe rubricata (Montagu, 1808) [Amphithoë rubricata; Amphithoe rubricata]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987c; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Sunamphithoe pelagica (H Milne-Edwards, 1830) [Sunamphithoë pelagica]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Aora gracilis (Bate, 1857) [Aora typica]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980, 1985b; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Myers & Costello, 1984; Kitching, 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1991; Morritt, 2001
Collections: NMI
Aora spinicornis Afonso, 1976
First record British Isles from Lough Hyne (Myers & Costello, 1984); Light-Trap; weed
References: Myers & Costello, 1984; Holmes, 1985b; Kitching, 1987a; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1991; Costello, 1988; Minchin, 1991b
Collections: NMI
Lembos websteri Bate, 1857
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Myers, 1979; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1991
Collections: NMI
Microdeutopus anomalus (Rathke, 1843)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1991
Collections: NMI
Microdeutopus chelifer (Bate, 1862)
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Barloge; Costello & Myers, 1991
Microdeutopus stationis della Valle, 1893
Light-Trap. First record from British Isles from Lough Hyne (Holmes, 1985)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Kitching, 1987a; Costello, 1988; Costello & Myers, 1991; Minchin, 1991b
Collections: NMI
Microdeutopus versiculatus (Bate, 1856) [Coremapus versiculatus]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Round et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1991
Collections: NMI
Argissa hamatipes (Norman, 1869)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Perrierella audouiniana (Bate, 1857)
Light-Trap; sponges
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Atylus falcatus Metzger, 1871
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Atylus guttatus(Costa, 1851)
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Atylus swammerdamei (H Milne-Edwards, 1830) [Atylus swammerdami]
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Apherusa bispinosa (Bate, 1856)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Apherusa jurinei (H Milne-Edwards, 1830)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a,c; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Caprella acanthifera Leach, 1814
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961, 1967; Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Caprella fretensis Stebbing, 1878
Light-Trap; weed
References: Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Costello & Myers, 1991 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Caprella linearis (Linnaeus, 1767)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Costello & Myers, 1991 at Carrigathorna
Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 [Caprella acutifrons]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987b, 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1991; Ebling, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pariambus typicus (Kröyer, 1845)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769 [Phthisica marina]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pseudoprotella phasma (Montagu, 1804)
References: Costello & Myers, 1991
Cheirocratus intermedius G O Sars, 1894
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1991
Collections: NMI
Cheirocratus sundevallii (Rathke, 1843)
Light-Trap; benthos
References: Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1991
Collections: NMI
Chelura terebrans Philippi, 1839
Light-Trap; sunken weed
References: Holmes, 1983, 1996; Costello & Myers, 1991; Wouters & de Grave, 1992
Collections: NMI
Colomastix pusilla Grube, 1861
with sponges
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1987; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) [Corophium acutum]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1987; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Crassicorophium bonnellii (H Milne-Edwards, 1830) [Corophium bonnelli]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Crassicorophium crassicorne (Bruzelius, 1859) [Corophium crassicorne]
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Leptocheirus hirsutimanus (Bate, 1862)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Leptocheirus pectinatus (Norman, 1869)
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Leptocheirus tricristatus (Chevreux, 1887)
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983 as Leptochirus [sic]; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Monocorophium sextonae Crawford, 1937 [Corophium sextonae]
Light-Trap; weed. First record from Ireland found in Lough Hyne (Holmes, 1985b)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Costello, 1988; Minchin, 1991b
Collections: NMI
Dexamine spinosa (Montagu, 1813)
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991; Kitching, 1987c; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Dexamine thea Boeck, 1861
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching et al., 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Guernea coalita (Norman, 1868)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tritaeta gibbosa (Bate, 1862)
References: Holmes, 1987; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Eulimnogammarus obtusatus (Dahl, 1938)
littoral; Barloge
References: Holmes, 1987; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gammarellus angulosus (Rathke, 1843)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Lincoln, 1979; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Echinogammarus marinus (Leach, 1815) [Gammarus marinus; Chaetogammarus marinus]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Echinogammarus stoerensis (Reid, 1938) [Chaetogammarus stoerensis]
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gammarus duebeni Liljeborg, 1852
marine-brackish; littoral
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gammarus insensibilis Stock, 1966
References: Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Costello, 1988; Costello & Myers, 1991
Gammarus locusta (Linnaeus, 1758)
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, 1912
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Apohyale prevostii (Milne-Edwards, 1830)
Light-Trap; littoral
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991; Kitching, 1991
Collections: NMI
Hyale perieri (Lucas, 1846)
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1983 at Carrigathorna; Costello & Myers, 1991; Kitching, 1991
Collections: NMI
Hyale pontica Rathke, 1837
Light-Trap; littoral
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991; Kitching, 1991d
Collections: NMI
Hyale stebbingi Chevreux, 1888 [Hyale nilssoni var. stebbingi]
Light-Trap; littoral
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991; Kitching, 1991
Collections: NMI
Hyperia galba (Montagu, 1813)
Light-Trap; with jellyfish
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Themisto compressa Goes, 1865 [Parathemisto gracilipes; Themisto gracilipes]
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Iphimedia nexa Myers & McGrath, 1987 [Panoploea minuta]
References: Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna – possibly this species; Holmes, 1980, 1991; Myers et al., 1987; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Iphimedia perplexa Myers & Costello, 1987 [Iphimedia minuta]
References: Sloane et al., 1961 – possibly this species; Round et al., 1961 – possibly this species; Myers et al., 1987; Holmes, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ericthonius punctatus (Bate, 1857) [Ericthonius brasiliensis]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961 - doubtful; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Holmes, 1980, 1985b; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Myers & McGrath, 1984; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ischyrocerus fractus King & Holmes, 2004
Light-Trap; weed
References: King & Holmes, 2004; Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Jassa falcata (Montagu, 1808)
References: Hiscock, 1976 – at Carrigathorna; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna - possibly this species; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna and Barloge - possibly this species
Jassa herdmani (Walker, 1893) [Jassa dentex; Jassa falcata]
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d – probably this species; Sloane et al., 1957 - probably this species; Sloane et al., 1961 – probably this species; Round et al., 1961 – probably this species; Kitching & Ebling, 1967 - probably this species; Holmes, 1980, 2002; Kitching, 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1987 - probably this species, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Jassa marmorata S J Holmes, 1903
weed on buoys
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991; Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Microjassa cumbrensis (Stebbing & Robertson, 1891)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Parajassa pelagica (Leach, 1814)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Round et al., 1961; Sloane et al., 1961; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Leucothoe incisa Robertson, 1892
References: Myers & Costello, 1986; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Leucothoe lilljeborgi Boeck, 1861
References: Holmes, 1985b; Myers & Costello, 1986; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Leucothoe spinicarpa (Abildgaard, 1789)
Light-Trap; sponges & ascidians
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Idunella sp.
benthos (A.A. Myers, pers. comm.)
Liljeborgia kinahani (Bate, 1862)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1987; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Acidostoma obesum (Bate & Westwood, 1861)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Lysianassa ceratina (A O Walker, 1889) [Lysianassa longicornis]
References: Round et al., 1961; Sloane et al., 1961 – doubtful, probably this species; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Orchomenella nana (Krøyer, 1846) [Orchomene nana; Orchomene humilis]
Light-Trap; benthic scavenger
References: Round et al., 1961 – id.? possibly this species; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991; Morritt, 2001
Collections: NMI
Socarnes erythrophthalmus Robertson, 1892
References: Holmes, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Tryphosella sarsi Bonnier, 1893
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ceradocus semiserratus (Bate, 1862)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1991
Collections: NMI
Elasmopus rapax Costa, 1853
Rapids, weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Abludomelita obtusata (Montagu, 1813) [Melita obtusata]
References: Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Holmes, 1980; Kitching, 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991
Collections: NMI
Allomelita pellucida (G O Sars, 1882) [Melita pellucida]
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gammarella fucicola (Leach, 1814) [Pherusa fucicola]
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991
Collections: NMI
Melita hergensis Reid, 1939
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Melita palmata (Montagu, 1804)
References: Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Megaluropus agilis Hoek, 1889
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Microprotopus maculatus Norman, 1867
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991
Collections: NMI
Perioculodes longimanus (Bate & Westwood, 1868)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980, 1985b; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989a, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pontocrates altamarinus (Bate & Westwood, 1862)
Light-Trap; sand
References: Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Costello & Myers, 1991
Pontocrates arenarius (Bate, 1858)
Light-Trap; sand
References: Holmes, 1987; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Synchelidium maculatum Stebbing, 1906
Light-Trap; sand
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Normanion sp.
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991: all as Normanion quadrimanus
Collections: NMI
Gammaropsis lobata (Chevreux, 1920)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Gammaropsis maculata (Johnston, 1828) [Eurystheus maculata]
References: Round et al., 1961; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Megamphopus cornutus Norman, 1869
Light-Trap; Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Photis longicaudata (Bate & Westwood, 1862)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Harpinia crenulata (Boeck, 1871)
Barloge, gravel
References: Sloane et al., 1961; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Parametaphoxus fultoni (T Scott, 1890) [Metaphoxus fultoni]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Podocerus variegatus Leach, 1814
Light-Trap; weed
References: Round et al., 1961; Sloane et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana (Bate, 1856)
Light-Trap; sand
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Metopa sp.
References: Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna
Parametopa kervillei Chevreux, 1901
References: Lincoln, 1979; Costello & Myers, 1991
Stenothoe elachistoides Myers & McGrath, 1980
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1987; Kitching, 1987a; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Stenothoe marina (Bate, 1856)
References: Hiscock, 1976 – Carrigathorna only; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Stenothoe monoculoides (Montagu, 1815)
Light-Trap; weed
References: Round et al., 1961; Sloane et al., 1961; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a. 1987c; Costello & Myers, 1987, 1989b, 1991; Holmes & O’Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Stenothoe tergestinum (Nebeski, 1881)
Light-Trap; Whirlpool Cliff
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Stenula rubrovittata (G O Sars, 1882) [Stenethoides latipes]
References: Round et al., 1961 – id.?; Sloane et al., 1961 – id.?; Costello & Myers, 1991 - doubtful
Collections: NMI
Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt, 1925)
terrestrial (unpublished, C. Little pers. comm. )
Collections: NMI
Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas, 1766)
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Orchestia mediterranea Costa, 1857
References: Holmes, 1980; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Urothoe elegans (Bate, 1856)
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Costello & Myers, 1991
Collections: NMI
Order Mysida
Erythrops elegans (G O Sars, 1863)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980, 2002; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Hemimysis lamornae (Couch, 1856)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Heteromysis formosa S I Smith, 1874
Barloge, gravel
References: Tattersall & Tattersall, 1951; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Leptomysis lingvura (G O Sars, 1866)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Tattersall & Tattersall, 1951; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Mesopodopsis slabberi (P J van Beneden, 1861)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Mysidopsis gibbosa G O Sars, 1864
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Praunus flexuosus (O F Müller, 1776)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Praunus inermis (Rathke, 1843)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Praunus neglectus (G O Sars, 1869)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Schistomysis spiritus (Norman, 1860)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Siriella armata (H Milne-Edwards, 1837)
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Siriella clausii G O Sars, 1877
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Tattersall & Tattersall, 1951; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Siriella jaltensis Czerniavski, 1868
Light-Trap; plankton
References: Tattersall & Tattersall, 1951; Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Order Euphausiacea
Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M Sars, 1857)
References: Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer, 1846)
References: Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Order Decapoda
Palaemon elegans Rathke, 1837 [Leander squilla]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1959; Round et al., 1961; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980 - also as Palaemonetes varians, error; Kitching, 1987a; Rawlinson et al., 2005a; Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777) [Leander serratus] Common prawn
NE Castle Island 1992: Western Cliff, South shore, N Castle Island, Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar): E Rapids (BioMar): Castle Island narrows 1997: Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003) : Renouf Point S16 shore, Codium Bay W S11-12 shore 2014 : North Island dive, West Quay dive, Codium Bay W dive 2015 : off West Quay, off North Quay 2018Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1959, 1976; Kitching & Ebling, 1961, 1967; Hiscock, 1976; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Order Alpheoidea
Alpheus glaber (Olivi, 1792) [Alpheus ruber]
References: Renouf, 1937c
Alpheus macrocheles (Hailstone, 1835)
References: Renouf, 1937c; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Athanus nitescens (Leach, 1813)
References: Renouf, 1931d, 1937c; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Caridion sp.
Light-Trap; Barloge (JMCH, unpublished)
Eualus cranchii (Leach, 1817) [Spirontocaris cranchi; Thoralus cranchii]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Eualus occultus (Lebour, 1936)
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Hippolyte varians Leach, 1814
Light-Trap; weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Round et al., 1961; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Processa edulis (Risso, 1816)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 2008
Collections: NMI
Processa nouveli (Al-Adhub & Williamson, 1975) [Processa nouveli ssp. holthuisi; Processa canaliculata]
Light-Trap; deep
References: Kitching et al., 1976 - probably this species; Holmes, 1985b, 2008; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Pandalina brevirostris (Rathke, 1837)
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pandalus montagui Leach, 1814 in Leach 1813-1814 Humpback prawn
Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003)Light-Trap; deep
References: Holmes, 1985b
Collections: NMI
Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) [Crangon vulgaris] Brown shrimp
barloge Creek 4.7m 31.7.1993Light-Trap; mud
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Philocheras bispinosus (Hailstone, 1835) [Pontophilus bispinosus]
References: Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Philocheras fasciatus (Risso, 1816) [Pontophilus fasciatus]
Light-Trap (larvae)
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Philocheras trispinosus (Hailstone in Hailstone & Westwood, 1835)
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Homarus gammarus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Homarus vulgaris] Common lobster
© Sarah Bowen Whirlpool Cliff 2015 Depth range:
Collections: NMI
Western Trough 1990: Labhra Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 1992: Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): Western Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 1997: Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003): off North Island, Whirlpool Cliff, Labhra Cliff 2005 : Whirlpool cliff 2013 : Labhra Cliff, Western Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Codium Bay W dive, Whirlpool Cliff 2015 : Goleen Cliff 2017
Light-Trap (larvae)
References: Muntz et al., 1965; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Minchin, 1984b; Turner & Warman, 1991; de Grave & Turner, 1997; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758) Dublin Bay prawn or Scampi
benthos. Goleen Cliff, NE Castle Island, Glannafeen Cliff, off East shore 1990: Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar): NE North Basin 1994 (BioMar):
References: Kitching et al., 1974, 1976; Kitching, 1975, 1987a, b, 1991; Holmes, 1980; Thrush, 1991; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Axius stirhynchus Leach, 1815
Light-Trap (larvae)
References: Holmes, 1985b; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Jaxea nocturna Nardo, 1847 [Calocaris macandreae]
Light-Trap (larvae); benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d as Calocaris macandreae – probable error; Tattersall, 1938; Kitching & Ebling, 1967 – error; Kitching et al., 1974, 1976 – errors; Kitching, 1975, 1987a, 1987b, 1991 – errors; Holmes, 1980; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Thrush, 1991 – error; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Callianassa subterranea (Montagu, 1808)
Light-Trap (larvae)
References: Holmes, 1980; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991 as Callianassa sp. – probably this species
Upogebia sp.
Light-Trap (larvae)
References: Holmes, 1980
Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) Crayfish
western cliff 2005 : Western Cliff 2013benthos
References: Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980
Anapagurus hyndmanni (Bell, 1845)
Barloge, gravel
References: Holmes, 1983; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Anapagurus laevis (Bell, 1845)
Barloge, gravel
References: Renouf, 1931d; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Eupagurus bernhardus] Common hermit crab
Goleen Cliff 1990: Rapids + Southerns, Codium Bay 2005 : Western Cliff 2013 : Barloge Quay 2018benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Pagurus cuanensis Bell, 1845 [Eupagurus cuanensis] Hairy-clawed hermit crab
References: Renouf, 1931d
Pagurus prideaux Leach, 1815 [Pagurus prideauxi; Eupagurus prideauxi] Anemone hermit crab
Western Trough, off East shore 1990: Codium Bay west 1993: Whirlpool Cliff, Western Cliff, south shore 1993 (BioMar): Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003): Codium Bay W, Western Trough, Goleen Cliff 2005 : Western & Goleen Cliffs 2012 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Goleen E dive 2013 : Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff 2015 : Goleen & Western Cliffs 2016 : Goleen & Western Cliffs 2017 : Goleen & Western Cliffs 2018benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Galathea intermedia Liljeborg, 1851
Light-Trap (larvae); benthos
References: Holmes, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Galathea squamifera Leach, 1814 Olive squat lobster
Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003): S of West Quay dive, Goleen Cliff 2012 : S of West Quay dive, Barloge Quay shore 2013 : Southerns Bay shore 2014 : Barloge Quay 2016Light-Trap (larvae); benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1948; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Turner & Warman, 1991; de Grave & Turner, 1997; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Collections: NMI
Galathea strigosa (Linnaeus, 1761) Spiny squat lobster
Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003): S of West Quay dive 2012 Western Cliff 2012 : Goleen Cliff 2013 : Codium Bay W dive 2015 Western Cliff 2015 :benthos
References: Holmes, 1980; Turner & Warman, 1991; de Grave & Turner, 1997; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Collections: NMI
Pisidia longicornis (Linnaeus, 1767) [Porcellana longicornis] Long clawed porcelain crab
Barloge Creek west side, Rapids East 1994 (BioMar): W25 shore, Barloge Quay shore 2011 : Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Western Cliff, off North Island, Barloge Quay shore, Rapids SE shore 2013 : E1-E2 shore, Southerns Bay shore 2014 : Glannafeen Cliff 2015 : Southerns Bay 2016 : Rapids SE & E, Southerns Bay 2017 : Southerns 2018Light-Trap (larvae); benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Round et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Rawlinsonet al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Porcellana platycheles (Pennant, 1777) Broad clawed porcelain crab
Southerns Bay NE 1993: Barloge Creek W, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Renouf S11-12 1997: E1 shore, Castle Island SE shore 2005 : Barloge Creek, Renouf Bay, W9-10 shore, W25 shore 2011 : E of North Quay shore, N &S of West Quay shore, N of Goleen Quay shore, S17 Renouf Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore, Rapids E shore 2012 : N8 NE Lough Hyne shore, N of Goleen Quay shore, S of West Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Barloge Quay shore, Rapids SE shore 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Castle Island N shore, Castle Island SE shore, Renouf Point S16 shore, Codium Bay W S11-12 shore 2014 : Rapids dive, E8-E10 shore, Southerns Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore, Goleen Quay shore 2015: N of Goleen Quay, S of West Quay, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, Codium Bay W 2016 : West Quay, E1-E3, Goleen Quay, Rapids SE & E, Codium Bay W, Barloge Quay 2017 : Goleen Quay, West Quay, E1-E3, Barloge Quay, Southerns, Codium Bay W 2018Light-Trap (larvae); benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d, 1935; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Ebalia sp.
References: Renouf, 1931d
Maja squinado (Herbst, 1788) [Maia squinado] Spiny spider crab
© Sarah Bowen Whirlpool Cliff 2015 Depth range:
Collections: NMI
Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003) : Goleen Cliff, Metridium Rocks 2005 : Gatehouse reef, Whirlpool cliff 2013 : West Quay dive, Labhra Cliff, Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Metridium Rocks 2015 : Goleen Cliff 2018
References: Renouf, 1931d; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching et al., 1976; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a
Eurynome spinosa Hailstone, 1835 [Eurynome aspera]
References: Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna - prob. this species; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Hyas araneus (Linnaeus, 1758) Great spider crab or Sea-toad
western trough 2005 western cliff 2005weed
References: Renouf, 1931d
Collections: NMI
Achaeus cranchii Leach, 1817
References: Renouf, 1931d; Hiscock, 1976 - Carrigathorna; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna
Collections: NMI
Inachus dorsettensis (Pennant, 1777) Scorpion spider crab
the south shore 1993 (BioMar): West Quay dive 2015weed
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Inachus leptochirus Leach, 1817
References: Renouf, 1931d
Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775) [Inachus dorynchus] Leach's spider crab
weed. SE Castle Island 1993 (BioMar): Labhra Cliff, NE North Basin 1994 (BioMar)
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1983
Collections: NMI
Macropodia rostrata (Linnaeus, 1761) [Stenorhynchus rostrata]
Light-Trap (larvae); weed Western Cliff, N castle Island, Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar)
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pirimela denticulata (Montagu, 1808)
References: Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Cancer pagurus (Linnaeus, 1758) Edible crab
Whirlpool Cliff, Castle Island SW, Goleen Cliff, Bullock Island, off East shore 1990: Western cliff 1992: Codium Bay W, Whirlpool Cliff, Renouf Point, Southerns Bay, Western Cliff 1993 JDN: Whirlpool Cliff, Western Cliff, Castle Island SE, Castle Island N 1993 (BioMar): Labhra Clliff, Lab Beach, Whirlpool Cliff, Barloge Creek W, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Western Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff 1997: Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003) : Labhra Cliff, Whirlpool Cliff, Codium Bay, North Island, Western Trough, Rapids 2005: Goleen Cliff 2006 : Renouf Bay 2011: Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Whirlpool cliff, Rapids SE shore 2013 : Southerns Bay shore 2014 : West Quay dive, Labhra Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids dive, Goleen Quay shore, Southerns Bay shore, Codium Bay W dive 2015 : Western Cliff, Southerns Bay, off West Qay 2016 : West Quay dive, Goleen Cliff, Rapids SE, Southerns Bay, Western Cliff, Barloge Quay 2017 : Goleen Cliff 2018benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1959, 1974, 1976; Ebling et al., 1964, 1966; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971, 1977 at Carrigathorna; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1986c, 1991; Kitching, 1987a; Ebling, 1991; Little, 1991; Turner & Warman, 1991; Ramsay et al., 2000; Morritt, 2001; Bell & Shaw, 2002; Bell et al., 2003
Collections: NMI
Bathynectes longipes (Risso, 1816)
References: Holmes, 2002
Collections: NMI
Liocarcinus corrugatus (Pennant, 1777) [Portunus corrugatus; Macropipus corrugatus]
References: Renouf, 1931d; Muntz et al., 1965; Ebling et al., 1966; Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Liocarcinus depurator (Linnaeus, 1758) [Portunus depurator; Macropipus depurator] Harbour crab
© Sarah Bowen North Island 2015 Depth range:
Collections: NMI
NE Castle Island, off East shore 1990 : Codium Bay W, North Island 1993 : south shore, SE Castle Island, N Castle Island, Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar) : NE of North Basin 1994 (BioMar) : off Renouf E1 1997 : Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003): off E1, North Island, West Quay, off North Island 2005 : off North Island dive, Gatehouse reef, S of West Quay dive, Barloge Quay dive 2012 : S of West Quay dive, N8 NE Lough Hyne shore, Gatehouse reef 2013 : E1-E2 shore 2014 : North Island dive, West Quay dive, Metridium Rocks 2015 : off North Quay, off West Quay 2016 : off North Quay, off West Quay 2017 : off North Quay, off West Quay 2018
References: Renouf, 1931d; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980; Thrush, 1991; Morritt, 2001; Bell & Shaw, 2002
Liocarcinus navigator (Herbst, 1794) [Portunus arcuatus; Macropipus arcuatus; Liocarcinus arcuatus]
Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar): North Island dive 2015 West Quay dive 2015benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching & Ebling, 1961, 1967; Round et al., 1961; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Kitching et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Necora puber (Linnaeus, 1767) [Portunus puber; Macropipus puber; Liocarcinus puber] Velvet swimming crab
Labhra cliff, Goleen cliff, NE Castle Island, Glannafeen Cliff, Western Trough, Whirlpool Cliff, Codium Bay 1990: Whirlpool Cliff 1992: Codium Bay W, Whirlpool Cliff, Labhra Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, Western Cliff 1993: Whirlpool Cliff, Western Cliff, SE Castle Island 1993 (BioMar): Labhra Cliff, Lab beach, Whirlpool Cliff 1994 (BioMar): Whirlpool Cliff 1997: Whirlpool Cliff 2000 (Bell & Turner, 2003): Goleen Cliff, Codium Bay, Rapids + Southerns, Whirlpool Cliff, Labhra Cliff 2005 : Goleen Cliff 2006 : off North Island dive, S of West Quay dive, Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Barloge Quay dive 2012 : S of West Quay dive, Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Gatehouse reef, Whirlpool Cliff, Goleen E dive 2013 : Labhra Cliff, Western Cliff, Goleen Cliff, Glannafeen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, west of Codium Bay W dive, Whirlpool Cliff, Southerns Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore 2015 : Goleen Cliff, Southerns Bay 2016 : Goleen & Western Cliffs 2018benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1959, 1966; Ebling et al., 1964, 1966; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977 at Carrigathorna; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Ebling, 1991; Little, 1991; Turner & Warman, 1991; Morritt, 2001; Bell et al., 2003; Rawlinson et al., 2005a,b
Collections: NMI
Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) Shore crab or Green crab
NE Castle Island, off East shore, Goleen 1990: North Island 1993: N Castle Island, Gatehouse reef 1993 (BioMar): NE of North Basin, Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Castle Island narrows, off E1 1997: E1 shore, off E1, E3 shore, Castle Island SE, North Island shore, Metridium Rocks, West Quay, off North Island 2005 : W25 shore, Renouf Bay, E1-E2 2011: off North Island dive, Gatehouse reef, E of North Quay shore, S of West Quay dive, Western Cliff, N of Goleen Quay shore, Goleen Cliff, S17 Renouf Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore & dive, Rapids E shore 2012 : S of West Quay dive, Western Cliff, N8 NE Lough Hyne shore, off North Island, N of Goleen Quay shore, Goleen Cliff, S of West Quay shore, Gatehouse reef, Whirlpool Cliff, Barloge Quay shore, Goleen E dive, Rapids SE shore 2013 : N of Goleen Quay shore, E1-E2 shore, Renouf Point S16 shore 2014 : North Island dive, West Quay dive, Goleen Cliff, Metridium Rocks, Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids dive, E8-E10 shore, Goleen Quay shore, Southerns Bay shore, Barloge Quay shore 2015 : E1-E3, off North Quay, N of Goleen Quay, Western Cliff, S of West Quay, Barloge Quay, Southerns Bay, off West Quay 2016 : West Quay dive & shore, E1-E3, North Quay dive, Goleen Cliff, Rapids SE, Southerns Bay, Western Ciff 2017 : West Quay, Off West Quay, E1-E3, off North Island, Goleen Cliff, Barloge Quay, Western Cliff, Codium Bay W 2018Light-Trap (larvae); benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Ebling et al., 1948, 1966; Kitching et al., 1959, 1966, 1974, 1976; Round et al., 1961; Ebling et al., 1964; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Goss-Custard et al., 1979 at Carrigathorna & Barloge; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Little & Williams, 1989; Ebling, 1991; Holmes & O'Connor, 1991; Little, 1991; Thrush, 1991; Bell et al., 2003; Rawlinson et al., 2005a
Collections: NMI
Goneplax rhomboides (Linnaeus, 1758) Mud runner or Angular crab
Light-Trap as larva
References: Holmes, 1980; Thrush, 1991
Collections: NMI
Pilumnus hirtellus (Linnaeus, 1761) Hairy crab
Rapids E 1994 (BioMar): Rapids E shore, Rapids SE shore 2012 : Rapids SE shore 2013 : Codium Bay W dive 2015 : Rapids SE & E 2017benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Xantho hydrophilus (Herbst, 1790) [Xantho incisus]
Rapids 1990 : Southerns Bay shore 2014 : Barloge Quay 2016 : Barloge Quay 2017 : West Quay, Barloge Quay, Southerns 2018benthos
References: Renouf, 1931d; Kitching et al., 1959; Muntz et al., 1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Holmes, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Xantho pilipes A Milne-Edwards, 1867 [Xantho hydrophilus]
benthos. Barloge Quay 2016 : E1-E3 2018
References: Renouf, 1931d; Muntz et al.,1965; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Holmes,1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983
Collections: NMI
Pinnotheres pisum (Linnaeus, 1767)
in mussels and tunicates
References: Hiscock, 1976; Holmes, 1980
Collections: NMI
Copyright © Julia Nunn