| Polyplacophora | Gastropoda | Bivalvia | Scaphopoda| Cephalopoda |
This section should be cited as:
NUNN, J.D. 2014. The marine Mollusca of Lough Hyne, Co. Cork. In: Nunn, J.D. & Little, C. (eds) The Flora and Fauna of Lough Hyne Co. Cork. Available from http://www.ccmap.co.uk/index_lough_hyne.htm. Accessed [date viewed].
It is based on the reference given below (not cited in text), but updated:
NUNN, J.D., MINCHIN, D. & PICTON, B.E. 2006. The marine Mollusca of Ireland 3. Lough Hyne, Co. Cork. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 30: 114-292Families and genera/species only are arranged alphabetically.
The author gratefully thanks all those individuals who have generously allowed their records to be published here.
Order Neoloricata
Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777)
Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c.1930 and the east side of the Coosh, as Acanthochites fascicularis (Renouf, 1931d). Widely distributed throughout the South Basin, the Rapids and at the entrance to Barloge Creek (Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; 1990-2012 JDN; 2004-2005 O. Mulholland pers. comm.). Apparently absent from North Basin. The species is discouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Depth range: intertidal to 20m
Collections: NMI, UM
Callochiton septemvalvis (Montagu, 1803)
A single specimen recorded by DM in 1980 from J7 [Whirlpool Cliff]. Only found living in Whirlpool Cliff, the Rapids, Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek (1990-1993 JDN).
Depth range: intertidal to 15m
Collections: NMI, UM
Lepidochitona cinerea (L., 1767)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Craspedochilus cinereus (Renouf, 1931d). Widely recorded from throughout the Lough (Hiscock, 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 2004 O. Mulholland pers. comm.). Many intertidal sites, where it is found under small stones (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: intertidal to 18m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Stenosemus albus (L., 1767) [Ischnochiton albus]
First recorded from north of Whirlpool Cliff 14.7.1990 14m, one juvenile (JDN, det. J. Baxter). A second specimen was recorded from the Rapids 4.7.1992 6m. There are few recent living records from Ireland.
Collections: UM
Tonicella marmorea (O Fabricius, 1780)
Recorded in error by Alison Trew 15.8.1981 shore, LH. This specimen has been seen by JDN in the collections of NMGW; it is Lepidochitona cinerea.
Tonicella rubra (L., 1767)
Recorded living from Codium Bay and Square Rock, one each on top of boulders, 1950 (Lilly et al., 1953). Widely distributed throughout the South Basin, and at the entrance to Barloge Creek (Urchin Reef and Carrigathorna) (Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; 1990-2005 JDN; 2005 O. Mulholland pers. comm.). Apparently absent from North Basin.
Depth range: intertidal to 20m
Leptochiton asellus (Gmelin, 1791)
Recorded living from the Southern’s Bay, Rapids, Whirlpool Cliff, north-east North Basin (Hiscock, 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1990-2012 JDN).
Depth range: intertidal, but normally sublittoral to 11m
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Leptochiton cancellatus (Sowerby, 1839)
First recorded living, Western Trough 14.7.1990 12m (JDN, det. J. Baxter). A few further records from the Rapids, Southern’s Bay in gravel, Southern’s Bay Narrows and Whirlpool Cliff (1990-2005 JDN, det. S. M. Smith). Also found Barloge Creek 2004-2005 (A. Dale pers. comm.). Widespread around Ireland, although uncommon.
Depth range: sublittoral 3-18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Order Archaeogastropoda
Tectura virginea (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 and the east side of the Coosh c. 1930, as Acmaea virginea (Renouf, 1931d). Found in the Rapids on the tops of boulders away from maximum water movement, July 1948 (Lilly et al., 1953; Kitching & Ebling, 1967), and on Himanthalia elongata straps (Kitching, 1987a). Found throughout LH, Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990). Additional records from D2 and G2 (DM) and throughout LH (1990-2012 JDN).
Depth range: intertidal to 15m, but abundant only in less than 6m
Collections: NMI, UM
Patella pellucida (L., 1758)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 and the east side of the Coosh c. 1930, as Helcion pellucidum (Renouf, 1931d). Generally found in the entrance to the Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna, with higher densities towards the open sea (Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1971; Kitching, 1987a). More recent records suggest an extension of range north to Whirlpool Cliff and Renouf E3, and west to Labhra Cliff, Renouf S5, I15 (Hiscock, 1976; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN). Found in the Rapids on Sacchoriza polyschides where it prefers moderate current (Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1957) and a wide range of algae (Sloane et al., 1961), on Lithothamnion, Laminaria hyperborea, Palmaria palmata at Carrigathorna (Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
Depth range: intertidal and to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Patella ulyssiponensis Gmelin, 1791
First recorded living from the Sill [Rapids] in 1949 (Lilly et al., 1953). Generally confined to the sublittoral fringe and very shallow sublittoral, although present over the whole tidal range at Carrigathorna (Ebling et al., 1962; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987b). Many records in 1977 from the North Wall, northern shore of Castle Island where spawning at E7 was seen, and western shore (DM). Additional records from this work (1990-2005 JDN). This species was encouraged by grazing Paracentrotus lividus (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Depth range: littoral to 5m
Collections: NMI, UM
Patella vulgata L., 1758
First recorded living from Renouf S12-S17 c.1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and above HW on Verrucaria maura, Southern’s Bay and lower Barloge Creek, April 1934 (Renouf, 1934b). Widely distributed over the intertidal range throughout LH, Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (Lilly et al., 1953; Ebling et al., 1962; Norton et al., 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching, 1987b; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1990-2013 JDN). In September 1990 and July 1991, Little et al. (1992) repeated fieldwork from 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960), and showed a significant increase in abundance of Patella spp. since that date. As this took place in the littoral, this result applies almost exclusively to P. vulgata. The foraging behaviour of the species has been extensively studied (Little et al., 1988, 1990, 1991; Little & Stirling, 1985; Little, 1989; Evans & Williams, 1991). It has been shown that P. vulgata is predated by hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992).
Depth range: intertidal
Collections: NMI, UM
Emarginula fissura (L., 1767)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 and the east side of the Coosh (Renouf, 1931d). Found living from the eastern half of the South Basin, the Rapids (particularly on boulders), north-east LH, the Goleen (E) and Carrigathorna (Lilly et al., 1953; Norton et al., 1977; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: intertidal to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Diodora graeca (L., 1758)
Scattered records from the South Basin, e.g. Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Fissurella graeca (Renouf, 1931d); on or under boulders in the Rapids 1948 (Lilly et al., 1953; 1990-2012 JDN; 1994 BioMar); Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 (JDN); west side of Barloge Creek 26.4.1994 (BioMar) and Carrigathorna on a Laminaria hyperborea holdfast (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Shells are found throughout this area, and at Whirlpool Cliff. One specimen was apparently found on August 1968 at 25m in the south section of the Western Trough (Kitching et al., 1976).
Depth range: intertidal normally, but also sublittoral to 25m
Old records: live, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Superfamily TROCHOIDEA
Calliostoma zizyphinum (L., 1758)
Uncommon, occasionally common species, confined to areas of moderate current, principally Whirlpool Cliff, Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (1990-2012 JDN; 2004-05 O. Mulholland & A. Dale pers. comm.). First recorded in 1930, from Renouf S12-S17 and the east side of the Coosh (Renouf, 1931d). Found in the Rapids and Barloge Creek in July 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960). Calliostoma zizyphinum was subsequently found at Bullock Cave (Norton et al., 1971), Carrigathorna and Whirlpool Cliff (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977), Castle Narrows (Kitching & Ebling, 1967). O’Loughlin (1989) noted that the species was absent in Lough itself and at the edge of the lower end of the Rapids. Found on a wide range of algae, preferring places in current of medium speed (Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1961), Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961) and Himanthalia elongata straps 1982-85 (Kitching, 1987a).
Depth range: intertidal to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Clelandella miliaris (Brocchi, 1814)
Recorded only from Barloge, dredged c.1930, as Gibbula miliare (Renouf, 1931d). Only recently living from Northern Ireland and Killary Harbour.
Gibbula cineraria (L., 1758)
One of the most widely distributed and abundant species in LH. First recorded as common in 1930, dredged off Barloge and the east side of the Coosh (Renouf, 1931d). Found throughout the Reserve except Carrigathorna and south Bullock Island in July 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967). Subsequently found at Bullock Cave, summer 1967 and 1968 (Norton et al., 1971) and Carrigathorna 1968-1972 9-18m (Norton et al., 1977). A repeat study showed a similar distribution (Kitching & Thain, 1983), and also this work (1990-2013 JDN). This species is found in the Rapids on Saccorhiza polyschides stipes and fronds in the quieter regions (Ebling et al., 1948), a wide range of algae (Sloane et al., 1961), Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961) and Himanthalia elongata straps (Kitching, 1987a). Known to be predated by hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992). The species migrates upwards at first light, and downward at sunset (Ebling et al., 1966). It can also be found on the top of rocks by day, underneath at night – neither of these behaviours is linked to tide times (Thain, 1971).
Depth range: intertidal to 19m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Gibbula magus (L., 1758)
Recorded living, a single specimen, from north of Whirlpool Cliff 14.7.1990 14m (JDN), and throughout Southern’s Bay to the Narrows, in gravel (1993-2005 JDN). Renouf (1931d) reported dead shells occupied by Eupagurus bernhardus.
Depth range: 4-14m
Collections: NMI, UM
Gibbula tumida (Montagu, 1803)
Recorded living, a single specimen, from north of Whirlpool Cliff 14.7.1990 14m (JDN), Western Trough 14.7.1990 12.5m; south of the Rapids and north Southern’s Bay 28.7.1993 2.6m, 5.6m in gravel.
Depth range: 2.6-14m
Collections: UM
Gibbula umbilicalis (da Costa, 1778)
First recorded as common in 1930, from Renouf S12-S17 and the east side of the Coosh, as Gibbula umbilicata (Renouf, 1931d). Found throughout the Reserve except Whirlpool Cliff, Carrigathorna and south Bullock Island in July 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960). Subsequently found at Bullock Cave, summer 1967 and 1968 (Norton et al., 1971) and Carrigathorna 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Common 1990-2013 (JDN). Shells are rare. Gibbula umbilicalis is found in the Rapids on Codium fragile (Sloan et al., 1961), but generally inhabits alga covered rock surfaces in the middle and lower half of the littoral region (Thain et al., 1985). Depth range: intertidal only.
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Jujubinus montagui (W Wood, 1828)
Recorded living from north of Whirlpool Cliff 18.7.1993 13m, and subsequently at Whirlpool Cliff 10.8.1997 18m (JDN). A shell was found in 1980 (DM). Only a few recent living records from around Ireland.
Collections: NMI
Phorcus lineatus (da Costa, 1778) [Monodonta lineata; Osilinus lineatus]
The only record for Phorcus lineatus in LH prior to 2003, was from Castle Island, with a few (less than 10) seen during the period 1976-9184 (DM). None were seen by JDN from 1990 to 1997. Subsequently, it was reported from west of Renouf Bay 10.5.2003 by Christina Simkanin. Small populations were found in every area where the habitat was suitable in July 2005 (JDN) (e.g. primarily small boulders, stones and sheltered bedrock not exposed bedrock or sheltered mud/gravel). Densities were low (<1/m2), although more than 20 individuals were observed on Castle Island (NW) at a density of 3/m2, and 19 individuals over a wider area on the eastern shore of the Lough. The settlement dates ranged from c.1997 to 2001, ascertained from growth checks on the shell. A very few small (probably 1-2 years old) individuals were found under stones in the Goleen by J. Bass 16.7.2005. P. lineatus was also found in both Southern's Bay (density 3/m2) and Barloge Creek, but only 2 specimens were seen on the outsise main coast at Tragumna. This represents an unprecedented extension of range of P. lineatus into Lough Hyne. It is unclear why this species has largely been absent from Lough Hyne until the late 1990s (Nunn, 2005). The species continues to be commonly found around the Lough 2011-2013 (JDN).
Tricolia pullus (L., 1758)
First recorded at Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 and dredged Barloge, as Phasianella pullus (Renouf, 1931d). Found throughout the South Basin, Rapids and Barloge Creek, but most frequently Whirlpool Cliff and Carrigathorna, (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977, Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2012 JDN; 2004-05 A. Dale pers. comm.). Tricolia pullus was found on Ulva, Codium spp., Cryptopleura and Polyneura in the Rapids area (Sloane et al., 1961).
Depth range: intertidal to 18m
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Order Apogastropoda
Bittium reticulatum (da Costa, 1778)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 and dredged from Barloge Creek c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Widely distributed, and abundant, throughout LH (Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN). Found in the Rapids on Sacchoriza polyschides in weak current (Ebling et al., 1948), a wide range of algae (Sloane et al., 1961), Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961), amongst Rhodothamniella floridula (Kitching et al., 1976; Kitching, 1987b), on Himanthalia elongata straps (Kitching, 1987a). The species is discouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Depth range: intertidal to 25m
Old records: nine specimens, some possibly living, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy, 0-20f, fine foul dense mud (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Turritella communis Risso, 1826
First recorded living dredged in LH c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Widely distributed in soft sediment throughout the main Lough, especially Western Trough, but absent elsewhere (Kitching et al.., 1976; Thrush, 1985; DM). Additional recent records by JDN (1990-2005) and from the north-east of North Basin 1993 (BioMar).
Depth range: sublittoral 1-26m
Old records: 6 specimens, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, fine foul dense mud, as Turritella terebra (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from the Rapids July 1953 on a wide range of algae (Sloane et al., 1961), and Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961). Further records are from the Rapids, in 1977 (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977); on 15.7.1983 (Kitching, unpublished), and Whirlpool Cliff August 1984 5.5m (Kitching et al., 1990) and elsewhere, with occasional shells (1990-2013JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale pers. comm.).
Depth range: intertidal to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Marshallora adversa (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from Whirlpool Cliff August 1984, one specimen, 5m (Kitching et al., 1990), and subsequently at the same site 20.7.1990 14m, 5.7.1992 14m (JDN). Only elsewhere living south of the Rapids 19.7.1990 5m; S17 (Codium Bay) 4.6.11 lower shore; and south of West Quay shore 4.9.11 (JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Epitonium clathratulum (Kanmacher, 1798)
Recorded recently only from the Rapids 17.6.05 by O. Mulholland.
Old records only: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Scalaria clathratula (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI
Epitonium trevelyanum (Johnston, 1841)
Recorded from LH for the first time by A. Dale from Barloge Creek in February 2005 (det. J.Nunn conf. S.M. Smith).
Melanella frielei (Jordan, 1895)
Dead shells only from Rapids to Southern’s Bay north 29.7.1993 6.5m, (JDN, det. S. M. Smith) and Barloge Creek April 2005 by A. Dale (det. S.M. Smith). Only elsewhere in Ireland (live) from Galway Bay.
Vitreolina philippi (Rayneval & Ponzi, 1854)
A single specimen found in the Narrows of Southern’s Bay in 14.8.1997 in 4.2m by JDN (conf. S.M. Smith).
Janthina janthina (L., 1758)
Three specimens washed ashore on the Coosh, Barloge Creek September 1928, as Ianthina communis (Renouf, 1934c).
Old records: five specimens Lough Ine, Co. Cork 1861, donated by Mrs Thomas Townshend to NMI
Collections: NMI
Lacuna pallidula (da Costa, 1778)
First recorded from Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and subsequently from Himanthalia elongata straps at Holly Creek (Barloge) and Renouf E19 1982-1985 (Kitching, 1987a). Recorded from the Rapids, Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek (1990-2013 JDN; 2004-2005 O. Mulholland pers. comm.).
Depth range: mainly intertidal, but to 2-3m
Collections: NMI, UM
Lacuna parva (da Costa, 1778)
This species is confined to Barloge Creek, being first recorded from near Bullock Island 15.7.1990 10m and near Bullock Cave 20.7.1990 14m (JDN). Found on the west side of the creek 15.8.1997 in 4-5m (JDN).
Lacuna vincta (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from Saccorhiza polyschides in the Rapids and Renouf Bay, 1946 (Ebling et al., 1948). Generally found at the entrance to the Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN). Recorded from Codium fragile July 1953 Nita’s Rock (Sloane et al., 1961) and Himanthalia elongata straps (Kitching, 1987a).
Depth range: intertidal in pools at Carrigathorna, but generally sublittoral 2m to 25m
Collections: NHM, NMI
Littorina arcana Ellis, 1978
First recorded living by Little & Williams (1989) from stations 1-5 at or above MHWN in Barloge Creek only. Its presence did not appear to be related to wave exposure. This species is an egg laying species, and the eggs may be vulnerable to predators such as small fish and crabs which are abundant in the main Lough. Shores in the Lough also experience longer desiccation times than those under a normal 6-6.5 hour tidal regime. Identification of this species is difficult as it requires dissection.
Collections: NHM
Littorina compressa Jeffreys, 1865
First recorded living by Little & Williams (1989) from stations 2 and 3 in Barloge Creek between MNWS and MHWN to densities of 30/m2, as Littorina nigrolineata. Littorina compressa is an egg laying species, and the eggs may be vulnerable to predators such as small fish and crabs which are abundant in the main Lough. Shores in the Lough also experience longer desiccation times than those under a normal 6-6.5 hour tidal regime.
Collections: NHM
Littorina fabalis (Turton, 1825)
First recorded living by Alison Trew from the shore in LH 15.8.81. Found throughout LH by Little & Williams (1989) and this fieldwork (1990-2013 JDN). Only separated as a species from Littorina obtusata in 1966 (as Littorina mariae), so not knowingly recorded before that time.
Depth range: littoral only
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM, NMGW
Littorina littorea (L., 1758)
First recorded living, common, in the littoral throughout LH c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Generally common, occasionally abundant, throughout the reserve except Barloge Creek (Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; 1977 DM 1977). Subsequently found in Barloge Creek (Kitching, 1987b). A detailed study by Little & Williams (1989) found the species throughout most of the reserve, abundant at sheltered sites on rock faces, with juveniles common inside barnacle shells. Recent fieldwork confirms this distribution (1990-2013 JDN). L. littorea is predated by hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992).
Depth range: littoral
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Littorina obtusata (L., 1758)
First recorded living within Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Throughout LH, Carrigathorna and south Bullock Island, July 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960) and Bullock Cave, summer 1967, 1968 (Norton et al., 1971). On Saccorhiza polyschides in the Rapids 1946 (Ebling et al., 1948). All these records may include Littorina fabalis, which was not recognized at the time. Found throughout LH by Little & Williams (1989) and 1990-2013 (JDN).
Depth range: littoral only
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792)
Recorded living from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Littorina rudis (Renouf, 1931d), and above HW on Verrucaria maura April 1934 from Southern’s Bay and lower Barloge Creek (Renouf, 1934b). Widely distributed and common throughout the reserve (Ebling et al., 1960; Norton et al., 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979). More recently, Little & Williams (1989) recorded the species from all stations in the reserve, from all exposures, in barnacle shells, crevices, on open rock and under stones. Down to low water in the Lough, but restricted to high water outside Lough. Common in the reserve (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral only
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Littorina saxatilis subsp. neglecta Bean in Thorpe, 1844
Recorded in LH by Little & Williams (1989), but it is now known that L. neglecta is not a true species, but a mixture of several littorinid species (Reid, 1993).
Reid, D.G. (1993) Barnacle dwelling ecotypes of three Britsh Littorina species and the status of Littorina neglecta Bean Journal of Molluscan Studies 59: 51-62
Melarhaphe neritoides (L., 1758)
First recorded living from outer Barloge Creek, April 1934 (Renouf, 1934b). Found in outer Barloge, Carrigathorna and Bullock Island, July 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960; Norton et al., 1971; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Kitching, 1987b). Subsequently, Little & Williams (1989) also recorded Melarhaphe neritoides from the North Wall, and two other sites in eastern half of the South Basin. Recorded from the Rapids by O. Mulholland in 2004 and 2005. All sites where this species was found either have some wave exposure or are subject to strong currents. Found Barloge Creek, Carrigathorna and North Wall (1990-2012 JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Skeneopsis planorbis (O Fabricius, 1780)
First recorded from Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Subsequently found Renouf S4 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983), Nita’s Rock on Himanthalia elongata straps 1982-1985 (Kitching, 1987a), a single specimen Whirlpool Cliff August 1984 at 11.5m (Kitching et al., 1990), and more widely throughout the reserve (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral, except off North Island 1.11.2005 in c. 5-10m
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Eatonina fulgida (J Adams, 1797)
First recorded living from Codium Bay, July 1953 on Codium fragile (Sloane et al., 1961). Subsequently found Urchin Reef and Carrigathorna 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and throughout the main lough (Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching et al., 1990), Rapids and Barloge Creek (Kitching, 1987a). This species is discouraged by grazing by Paracentrotus lividus. Recorded throughout the reserve, abundant in places particularly in the south-east of the main lough (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NHM, NMGW, NMI, UM
Superfamily RISSOOIDEA
Barleeia unifasciata (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from the Rapids on Sacchoriza polyschides 1946 (Ebling et al., 1948), and subsequently on Codium fragile, Chondrus, Corallina (Sloane et al., 1961), on Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961). Frequently recorded from Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and along the entire south shore,1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Occasionally found in Barloge Creek (on Himanthalia elongata straps) and Castle Island 1982-1985 (Kitching, 1987a), but is discouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983). This species is confined to the South Basin, Rapids, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Caecum glabrum (Montagu, 1803)
Recorded living from Rhodothamniella floridula zone, Western Trough in 7-9m (Kitching et al., 1976), and I8 12.7.1990, J10 14.7.1990 (JMCH). Widespread, occasionally abundant throughout the Lough, Rapids and Southern’s Bay. Apparently absent from most of the western half of the Western Trough, and Barloge Creek (1990-2012 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Old records: live, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Caecum incurvatum (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Ecrobia ventrosa (Montagu, 1803)? [Ventrosia ventrosa]
Recorded from Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef as ‘probably’ Hydrobia ventrosa, det. J. Taylor (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). This species is confined to brackish lagoons, not from exposed rock pools, and is difficult to identify from preserved specimens except by dissection. It is an error of identification for another rissoid/hydrobid species.
Peringia ulvae (Pennant, 1777)
First recorded from Nita’s Rock July 1953 on Ulva (Sloane et al., 1961). Throughout Lough and inner Barloge Creek, July 1955 (Ebling et al., 1960). This survey was repeated in September 1990 and July 1991 by Little et al. (1992), who showed a significant decrease in abundance, mainly from all shores in the North Basin except the north shore of Castle Island. Widespread, but uncommon (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral only
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Ceratia proxima (Forbes & Hanley, 1850)
Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Rissoa proxima (Renouf, 1931d).
Alvania beanii (Thorpe, 1844)
First recorded from a number of sites in the Rapids and Codium Bay, July 1953, on Ulva, Codium fragile, Polyneura, Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (Sloane et al., 1961). Found at Curlew Bay (Kitching & Ebling, 1961), Labhra Cliff 15.8.81 Alison Trew, Renouf S5 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983), and Whirlpool Cliff (Thrush, 1985; Kitching et al., 1990). Widespread and common in the main Lough, Rapids and Southern’s Bay, but absent Carrigathorna (1990-2013 JDN). Formerly thought to be absent from barloge, but found there in 2004-2005 by A. Dale (pers. comm. ). Shells common.
Depth range: littoral to 20m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Alvania cancellata (da Costa, 1778)
Not recorded living in LH. First record from LH as a dead shell from Whirlpool Cliff gravel 27.8.2015 (Lough Hyne Expedition).
Alvania carinata (da Costa, 1778)
Not recorded living in LH. Dead shells only from Whirlpool Cliff 18.7.1993 15m, Rapids to Southern’s Bay north 29.7.1993 6.5m and Goleen Cliff 31.7.1993 13m (JDN). There have been no recent live records from Irish waters.
Alvania cimicoides (Forbes, 1844)
Recorded living in August 1984 from Whirlpool Cliff (det. J. Taylor) (Kitching et al., 1990). Although not improbable, A. cimicoides is very similar in appearance to Alvania beanii, which is very common in LH. This record is therefore considered to be dubious.
Alvania punctura (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from Carrigathorna 15-18m and Labhra Cliff 4-15m in early 1970s (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977), and 1975/76 there and Urchin Reef (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Found at Whirlpool Cliff August 1984 11.5m (Kitching et al., 1990). Widespread in South Basin and Rapids, occasional elsewhere in the reserve (1990-2012 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 20m
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Cingula trifasciata (J Adams, 1800)
Recorded from Urchin Reef 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979) and subsequently from near the Rapids 1977 (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977), general shore of Lough Hyne 15.8.1981 (Alison Trew), Renouf E19 Himanthalia elongata straps 1982-1985 (Kitching, 1987a). Widespread in the reserve (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral only
Old records: one specimen Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Cingula trifasciata (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Crisilla semistriata (Montagu, 1808)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Cingula semistriata (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently from Carrigathorna in 1975/76 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Scattered records, mainly from the cliffs in the South Basin and the Rapids (1990-2013 JDN)
Depth range: littoral to 16m
Collections: NMI, UM
Manzonia crassa (Kanmacher in G Adams, 1798)
First recorded living from Whirlpool Cliff August 1984, one specimen at 11m (Kitching et al., 1990), and at this site subsequently 10.8.1997 18m, 13.8.1997 15m (JDN). Elsewhere found on the south-east shore of the Rapids 24.7.1993, and south of the Rapids 4.7.1992 6m (DN). Found in Barloge Creek in 2004-2005 by A. Dale (pers. comm.)
Collections: NMI
Obtusella intersecta (S V Wood, 1857)
Recorded living from Urchin Reef 16.7.1976 (conf. J. Taylor), as Cingula alderi, with possibly occasional specimens in pools at Carrigathorna, but the shells were corroded by preservative (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Some of these specimens have been seen by JDN in the collections of NHM, and are Rissoella opalina. The habitat and position on the shore are very unlikely for this species, so all these records are dubious.
Onoba aculeus (Gould, 1841)
First recorded from west of Codium Bay W 11.8.1997 shore, and subsequently from Renouf S2 15.8.1997 shore; south of West Quay 4.9.11 shore; north of Goleen Quay 5.9.11 shore; and Whirlpool Cliff 11.7.2005 17m (JDN). A single shell only was found at Goleen Cliff 6.9.1998 8m. This species is closely similar to Onoba semicostata, and may have been unrecognised by previous workers.
Onoba semicostata (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from Renouf Bay and Rapids July 1953 on a wide range of algae (Sloane et al., 1961). Widespread and common throughout the reserve (Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; on Himanthalia elongata straps, Kitching, 1987a, b; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Old records: live, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Onoba striata (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NHM, NMGW, NMI, UM
Pusillina inconspicua (Alder, 1844)
First recorded from Codium Bay west 12.7.1990 13m (JDN). Subsequently recorded from all around LH and Southern’s Bay, although apparently absent from the Rapids (1990-2013 JDN). Formerly thought to be absent from Barloge Creek, but found there 2004-2005 by A. Dale (pers. comm.)
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Pusillina sarsi (Lovén, 1846)
First recently recorded by Alison Trew 15.8.1981 from the general area of Lough Hyne. Found in the South Basin, close to Whirlpool Cliff in 1982 and 1983, 19m, as Rissoa albella (Thrush, 1985). Widespread throughout the main Lough and Southern’s Bay, but apparently absent from the Rapids and most of Barloge Creek (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 20m
Old records: live, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Rissoa inconspicua var. albella (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Rissoa interrupta (J Adams, 1800)
First recorded living from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently a single specimen from Whirlpool Cliff August 1984 at 15m as Rissoa parva var. interrupta (Kitching et al., 1990). Common throughout the reserve, although apparently absent from the western shore and trough (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Rissoa lilacina Récluz, 1843
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c.1930, as Rissoa violacea (Renouf, 1931d). Found at scattered sites in the main Lough, but principally in Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek (on Zostera marina) (1993-2005 JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale pers. comm.).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Rissoa membranacea (J Adams, 1800)
First recorded from Urchin Reef, a single specimen, 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Confined to Southern Bay 12.8.1997 6m, 14.8.1997 4m; and Barloge Creek 31.7.1993 4m, 15.8.1997 4m, 18.7.12 2.5m (on Zostera marina) (JDN); 2004-2005 A. Dale pers. comm. Collection: NMI
Rissoa parva (da Costa, 1778)
First recorded living from S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Widely distributed and occasionally abundant throughout the reserve (Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a, b; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN). In the Rapids on a wide range of algae including Sacchoriza polyschides (Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1961), on Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961), and discouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Depth range: littoral to 20m
Collections: NHM, NMGW, NMI, UM
Lamellaria latens (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded from near the Rapids August/September 1977 (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977), and at the same site 11.8.1990 3m (BEP). Confined to the South Basin, Rapids, Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek (1992-2006 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Lamellaria perspicua (L., 1758)
Recorded from only two sites: one specimen from the Rapids 20.7.1990 2-3m, and Whirlpool Cliff 5.7.1992 14m (JDN)
Collection: UM
Trivia arctica (Pulteney, 1799)
Recorded as common, especially in the Rapids and Southern’s Bay, but also Renouf S12-S17 and dredged from Barloge c. 1930, as Trivia europaea agg. (Renouf, 1931d). This record could be this species, or T. monacha. Few records since the 1930s – Carrigathorna 9m (Norton et al., 1977), near the Rapids (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977; Kitching unpublished), Renouf E10 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Confined to the South Basin, Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (1990-2013 JDN; BioMar).
Depth range: littoral to 16m
Collection: NMI, UM
Trivia monacha (da Costa, 1778)
First recorded on Sacchoriza polyschides in the Rapids 1946 (Ebling et al., 1948). Scattered records throughout the reserve, most common in the Rapids (Norton et al., 1977; 1977 DM; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar)
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Collections: NMI, UM
Velutina velutina (O F Müller, 1776)
Recorded from Renouf S17 (Renouf Bay), July 1953 on Ulva (Sloane et al., 1961). Rarely found in Ireland, with most living records being from the north-east and east coasts.
Simnia patula (Pennant, 1777)
First recorded living from Carrigathorna 12m, a single animal (Hiscock, 1976; Norton et al., 1977). Subsequently found on Alcyonium digitatum on Whirlpool Cliff March 1991 (I. Lawler), and two specimens on the cliff face opposite Bullock Island 15.7.1992 (T. Flint & C. Frid)
Collections: NMI
Superfamily NATICOIDEA
Euspira nitida (Donovan, 1804) [Euspira pulchella (Risso, 1826)]
First recorded from Barloge dredged c. 1930, as Natica alderi (Renouf, 1931d). Sand collars (egg masses) were observed in Southern’s Bay 12.8.1981, probably this species (DM). There are few records: Labhra Cliff 23.7.1983 20m (Dave Connor), north of Whirlpool Cliff 14.7.1990 14m one specimen, north of Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 4m and in gravel from Southern’s Narrows 14.7.1997 4.2m, and off North Island 1.11.2005 12m (JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Superfamily MURICOIDEA
Buccinum undatum (L., 1758)
Recorded from the Rapids 9.9.04 and Castle Island 8.9.04 & 16.6.05 (O. Mulholland, pers. comm.).
Ocenebra erinaceus (L., 1758)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Ocinebra erinacea (Renouf, 1931d). Mainly found in the eastern half of the Lough, the Rapids, Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek (Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Kitching et al., 1967; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1977 DM; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar). In the Rapids on Ulva (Sloane et al., 1961) and Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961).
Depth range: littoral to 6.5m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Nassarius incrassatus (Strøm, 1768)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 and dredged from Barloge c. 1930, as Nassa incrassta (Renouf, 1931d). Subsequently from Renouf Bay (Ebling et al., 1948; Norton, 1971), Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef (Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Widely distributed throughout the reserve (Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1977 DM; Thrush, 1985; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar). In the Rapids on a wide range of algae (Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1961), on Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961) and Himanthalia elongata straps (Kitching, 1987a).
Depth range: littoral to 26m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Nassarius pygmaeus (Lamarck, 1822)
Recorded living by Hiscock (1976) from Carrigathorna (6-18m), Whirlpool Cliff 1-15m and Labhra Cliff 4-12m in the early 1970s (also in Norton et al., 1977). Also recorded in 1975/1976 from Carrigathorna (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). This species is normally associated with muddy sand, not habitats such as the cleaner wave-exposed rock of Carrigathorna. These records are therefore considered to be dubious, and likely to be errors of identification for Hinia incrassata.
Nassarius reticulatus (L., 1758)
First recorded (single specimen) from Renouf I7 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Subsequently recorded from the Rapids 9.9.04 and Castle Island 16.6.05 (O. Mulholland); and Barloge Creek 2004-2005 (A. Dale).
Nucella lapillus (L., 1758)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Purpura lapillus (Renouf, 1931d). Occasional, mainly absent from the South Basin, in the Lough and Rapids, common Carrigathorna and Bullock island, July 1955 (Lilly et al., 1953; Ebling et al., 1960; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton et al., 1971; Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Found within tunnels inside mussel carpets 21.7.1976 (DM). It was thought that Nucella lapillus was unable to establish itself as a predator on Mytilus edulis in the Lough, due to heavy predation, mainly by Carcinus maenas (Kitching et al., 1959). Individuals from the Rapids had thicker shells (as an anti-predator mechanism) than those from Carrigathorna (Ebling et al., 1964). Recent fieldwork however, has recorded N. lapillus from all round the shore of the reserve, including the South Basin (1990-2013 JDN).
In a study to ascertain imposex in Nucella lapillus, a condition whereby female snails develop a penis and vas deferens due to the presence of organotins, there was moderately low contamination at the anchorage in Barloge Creek in 1987 and 1993. This may have resulted from brief visits by >100 yachts each summer. There was reduction in imposex between 1987 when legislation prohibiting general, use of organotins on vessels under 25m and other structures was implemented and 1993 (Minchin et al., 1995). A study by Bell & Okamura (2005) showed isolation and reduced genetic diversity in populations of this species in the main Lough, when compared with those from the outside coast and elsewhere in Europe.
Depth range: littoral only, except in the Rapids (2-3m)
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Superfamily CONOIDEA
Bela brachystoma (Philippi, 1844)
Recorded from near the Rapids in August/September 1977, status unknown (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977)). A single shell collected by JDN from Metridium Rocks 15.7.2005 c.12m, det. S. M. Smith.
Bela nebula (Montagu, 1803)
AD records
Mangelia attenuata (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded by JDN from a sample collected by Heidi Wilkins and Sammy de Grave off Renouf S13 Codium Bay 10.7.1990 3m (det. S.M. Smith). Subsequently found on Goleen Cliff 15.8.1997 14m (JDN) and Barloge Creek 2004-2005 (A. Dale, det. S.M. Smith). Shells have been recorded from Castle Island Narrows 1993; south-east of South Bay, Castle Island 1997; and Goleen Cliff 2012 (JDN).
Old records: one specimen, Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Mangelia costata (Pennant, 1777) [Mangelia coarctata]
First recorded from G8, a single specimen 11.7.1980 (JMCH). Subsequently found on Whirlpool Cliff August 1984, a single specimen at 11m (Kitching et al., 1990), and 1990-2005 3m-15m (JDN). Present only in the South Basin, mainly on the cliffs (1990-2005 JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Raphitoma linearis (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from Carrigathorna 1975/1976 one specimen (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Confined to the South Basin, mainly the cliffs, Bullock Island and Carrigathorna (1990-2005 JDN). Depth range: sublittoral to 18m.
Collections: NMI, UM
Raphitoma purpurea (Montagu, 1803)
Recorded living only from gravel below the Rapids 4.7.1992 6m (JDN). Shells are more widespread – Whirlpool Cliff 1980, 1990 (DM, JDN), Goleen Cliff 1993 and Metridium Rocks 1993. Rarely recorded, all recent records being from the west and south coast of Ireland, often with maerl.
Haedropleura septangularis (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from clean gravel at Whirlpool Cliff 10.8.1997 18m, and there again 13.8.1997 15m, 11.7.2005 18m (JDN). Also from Southern’s Narrows 14.8.1997 4m and Renouf S13 Codium Bay 12.7.2005 15m. Only recently found elsewhere in Ireland from Donegal Bay, Galway Bay, Strangford Lough and Sherkin Island.
Collection: NMI
Order Heterostropha
Rissoella diaphana (Alder, 1848)
First recorded from Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef, 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Also found from Renouf S5 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and samples from Renouf S15 and E11 in September 1978 (Kitching, unpublished). Generally distributed around LH except the west and north-west (Kitching, 1987b; 1990-2013 JDN). Depth range: littoral to 15m
Collections: NMI, UM
Rissoella opalina (Jeffreys, 1848)
First recorded living from Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef, 1975/1976, (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Also found in Renouf S5, 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and a sample from Renouf S15, 10.7.1978 det. J. Taylor (Kitching, unpublished). Distributed throughout the reserve, although largely absent from Barloge Creek (1990-2013 JDN). Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Ammonicera rota (Forbes & Hanley, 1850)
Widely distributed in the South Basin, Rapids/Southern’s Bay and the east shore of North Basin (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Old records: a single specimen of Homalogyra fischeriana, ‘devoid of characteristic radiating ribs of H. rota – but closer to this than H. atomus’ Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud (Chaster, 1898). Homalogyra rota var. tricarinata, dredged LH, SW Ireland during the Royal Irish Academy cruise (Marshall, 1916)
Omalogyra atomus (Philippi, 1841)
First recorded from Codium Bay and Nita’s Rock July 1953 on Codium fragile and Cystoseira (Sloane et al., 1961). Subsequently found from Urchin Reef and Carrigathorna 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and many sites around the Lough 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Widespread, and common throughout the reserve (1990-2013 JDN). The species is discouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Homalogyra atomus ‘a good number of fine live specimens’ (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Retrotortina fuscata Chaster, 1896
This is a known error, possibly with assignation of locality to the specimen.
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, dredged 0-20f, fine foul dense mud, a single specimen (shell). ‘Though evidently specifically identical with my types from Tangier Bay, the shell from Lough Hyne is rather more flattened than they’ (Chaster, 1898)
Superfamily CIMOIDEA
Graphis albida (Kanmacher in G Adams, 1798)
Old records only: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Cioniscus unicus (Chaster, 1898).
Chrysallida excavata (Philippi, 1836)
Recorded living Western Cliff 10.8.1997 14m, and Goleen Cliff 14.7.2005 14m (conf. S.M. Smith). Shells widespread in South Basin and Rapids/Southern’s. New live record for Ireland since 1900, possibly new live, as the status of the record from Killala Bay is uncertain.
Chrysallida fenestrata (Jeffreys, 1848)
First recorded as dead shells from LH by A. Dale from Barloge Creek in April and August 2005 (det. S.M. Smith). Shell recorded from Goleen Cliff 16.7.2012 14.7m (JDN det. S.M. Smith)
Chrysallida interstincta (J Adams, 1797)
A single shell only recorded from a gravel sample, north-west Castle Island 27.7.1993 1.8m, (JDN, det. S.M. Smith).
Chrysallida nivosa (Montagu, 1803)
Recorded only from Urchin Reef (shore), 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Widespread around Ireland, although there are few recent live records.
Chrysallida pellucida (Dillwyn, 1817) [Partulida spiralis (Monyagu, 1803)]
First recorded from Western Cliff 3.7.1992 14m, det. S.M. Smith (JDN), and subsequently from Renouf N2-N3 North Wall 5.7.1992 shore, south-east of Castle Island 27.7.1993 shore, south of the Rapids in gravel 28.7.1993 5m, and north of Whirlpool Cliff 18.7.1993 15m (JDN).
Collections: NMI
Liostomia clavula (Lovén, 1846)
A single live specimen collected by JDN from the west shore of the Rapids in 11.7.1990 shore. Identification was confirmed by Anders Warén. First live record for Ireland. Little is known about this species, although it has sometimes been found in association with pennatulids (Graham, 1988).
Megastomia conspicua (Alder, 1850)
First recorded living from Western Trough 14.7.1990 12m, det. S.M. Smith (JDN). Shells have been found at Castle Island Narrows and the west shore of the Rapids 1990. Only recently live elsewhere in Ireland from Galway Bay.
Odostomia carrozzai van Aartsen, 1987
First recorded from north of Southern’s Bay 3.7.1992 shore, single specimen (JDN, det. S.M. Smith). Subsequently collected from Western Bank 4.7.1992 shore and Metridium Rocks 19.7.1993 10m. Only a few scattered recent living records from Ireland.
Collections: NMI
Odostomia eulimoides Hanley, 1844
A single specimen was recorded from Carrigathorna 7.9.1977 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). A pyramidellid, probably this species, was found on the ears of Pecten maximus 31.5.1977 at Whirlpool Cliff (DM). This species was found on the ears of Pecten maximus, Castle Island Narrows 11.8.1997 5m (JDN). Scattered records throughout the reserve, mainly South Basin (1990-2005 JDN & 2004-2005 A. Dale - all det. S.M. Smith).
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Collections: NMI, UM
Odostomia plicata (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from Renouf N9, 1977-1981 a single specimen (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Elsewhere from Renouf E11to E15 16.7.1990 shore; north-east of Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 shore; Renouf I11-I13, Castle Island 27.7.1993 shore; south of the Rapids 12.7.2005 6m; and east of North Quay 11.7.2012 shore (JDN, all det. S.M. Smith).
Odostomia scalaris Macgillivray, 1843
First recorded from the west shore of the Rapids 11.7.1990 (JDN, det. S. M. Smith), and subsequently from Glannafeen Cliff 14.7.1990 13m and from the Rapids to north Southern’s Bay 29.7.1993 6m.
Odostomia turrita Hanley, 1844
First recorded living from LH at Codium Bay west 12.7.1990 13m, det. S.M. Smith (JDN). Common and widespread in LH (1990-2012 JDN, det. S. M. Smith).
Depth range: mainly littoral, but to 25m
Collections: NMI, UM
Odostomia unidentata (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from north Barloge Creek 4.7.1992 shore, det. S.M. Smith (JDN). Occasional specimens from scattered sites in LH, mainly Rapids and Southern’s Bay (1993-2012 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 6m
Collections: NMI, UM
Ondina diaphana (Jeffreys, 1848)
A single live specimen collected by JDN from off West Quay 15.7.2005 in c. 5-12m, conf. S.M. Smith. Two specimens AD. Only elsewhere recent, living, from Donegal coasts.
Parthenina indistincta (Montagu, 1803)
Old records only: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Pyrgulina indistincta var. simulans (Chaster, 1898).
Turbonilla rufescens (Forbes, 1846)
Dead shell only from north of Whirlpool Cliff 14.7.1990 14m coll. JDN, det. S.M. Smith. Only elsewhere recently live from Mulroy Bay.
Order Cephalaspidea
Acteon tornatilis (L., 1758)
AD records.
Superfamily RETUSOIDEA
Retusa obtusa (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from Metridium Rocks 15.7.2005 13m, conf. S.M. Smith (JDN), with a single shell from Whirlpool Cliff 2005.
Retusa truncatula (Bruguière, 1792)
First recorded living at Carrigathorna and Urchin Reef, one specimen each site, 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Subsequently from north of Barloge Creek 15.4.1976 (Kitching, unpublished), Renouf S15 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983) and Whirlpool Cliff August 1984 11m, 15m (Kitching et al., 1990). Widespread, generally throughout the South Basin, but uncommon (1990-2005 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Tornatina truncatula (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Runcina coronata (Quatrefages, 1844)
Recorded only from Upper Gully Pool and High Pool, Carrigathorna 23.7.1975, det. T. E. Thompson (Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
Collection: NMI
Runcina ferruginea Kress, 1977
A single specimen found by G.H. Brown amongst sublittoral algae, the first record for Ireland (Wilson & Picton, 1983). No date or exact location was given. Widespread throughout the South Basin only, and one site (rocky outcrop) off North Island in the North Basin (1990-2013 JDN). The only site in Ireland where this species can commonly and regularly be found. Known elsewhere in Ireland only from Valentia, Kenmare River and Mulroy Bay.
Depth range: 3m to 10m
Collections: NMI, UM
Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777)
AD records
Philine aperta (L., 1767)
First recorded from Barloge, dredged c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Renouf commented that records of this species were similar to Akera bullata, although at times more or less abundant. Occasionally found between islets in the Goleen (Renouf, 1934d). Widespread, occasionally abundant, on mud in the North Basin, Western Trough and around Castle Island in the Rhodothamniella floridula zone (1970-1972 Kitching et al., 1976; August/September 1980 DM; Kitching, 1987b; 1990-2013 JDN; 1993-1994 BioMar).
Depth range: 3-20m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Philine punctata (J Adams, 1800)
First recorded from Labhra Cliff 3.7.1992 15m, and subsequently from Whirlpool Cliff 18.7.1993 15m (JDN).
Order Gymnosomata
Superfamily CLIONOIDEA
Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774)
In plankton (Rawlinson et al., 2005b).
Order Sacoglossa
Elysia viridis (Montagu, 1804)
First recorded, common, from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c). Subsequently from Codium Bay and the Rapids, July 1953 on Codium spp., Cystoseira, Ceramium (Sloane et al., 1961) and one specimen from Urchin Reef 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Widespread, occasionally abundant, throughout the reserve (1980, 1981 DM; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987b; 1990-2006 JDN; 2003 C. Trowbridge). Discouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983).
Depth range: littoral occasionally, but mainly sublittoral c. 2-5m
Collections: NMI, UM
Hermaea bifida (Montagu, 1815)
First recorded living, a single specimen, in spring 1935 on Griffithsia collected by Miss Parke of Port Erin (Renouf, 1935). Subsequently, from the north-east of LH, 27.7.1983 15m (BEP & C. M. Howson), and the South Basin Cliffs and Metridium Rocks (1993-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral occasionally, but mainly sublittoral to 14m
Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844)
Recorded on not more than two occasions by Dr Eales and Dr Frances from Southern’s Bay (Renouf, 1937c). Two specimens recorded on Vaucheria sp. in Goleen saltmarsh 27.7.2004 (D. Morritt). The type locality for the species is close by at the River Ilen, Skibereen, in salt marsh.
Calliopaea bellula d'Orbigny, 1837 [Stiliger bellulus]
First recorded living from the LH area, on not more than two occasions (Renouf, 1937c). Subsequently from Curlew Bay 1959 (Kitching & Ebling, 1961) and off Glannafeen Quay (Renouf S4) 28.7.1974. det. T. E. Thompson (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Scattered sites in the Lough only, and principally along the south shore (1990-2012 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Collections: NMI, UM
Limapontia capitata (O F Müller, 1774)
First recorded as common, Renouf S12-S17, c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Collected by W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). More recently, found living from Castle Narrows 12.7.1990 10m and north-east of Castle Island 13.7.1990 12m (JDN).
Collections: UM
Placida dendritica (Alder & Hancock, 1843)
First recorded from the LH area on not more than two occasions (Renouf, 1937c). Subsequently recorded from G10 July 1988 (JMCH), Glannafeen Cliff 14.7.1990, Goleen Cliff 13.7.1990 and 27.7.1993, Castle Island Narrows 12.7.1990 (all JDN, sublittoral in less than 6m), and Renouf W15 shore 12.4.2003 (C. Trowbridge), all on Codium spp.
Collections: NMI, UM
Order Notaspidea
Berthella plumula (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17, moderately common c. 1930, as Pleurobranchus plumula (Renouf, 1931d). Present every year, shores in Lough and Southern’s Bay 1930s (Renouf, 1934d, 1935). Easter 1938 and Easter 1939, moderate numbers (Renouf, 1939). Apparently seen by divers on land-plant debris, Western Trough 1970-1972 (Kitching et al., 1976). More recently, recorded from Whirlpool Cliff;the south shore and south of West Quay (1990-2012 JDN, C. Little, C. Trowbridge).
Collections: NMI, UM
Pleurobranchus membranaceus (Montagu, 1815)
‘Until this year, only six specimens in all recorded, three in Lough Ine dredged June 1926, three at low water on south shore (Renouf S12-S17, c. 1930, as Oscanius membranaceus). 'This year, the south shore of Lough and region from islets to half way round south shore of Castle Island thickly populated by breeding individuals from the middle of March until nearly the middle of April [1934], and these two areas abounded in spawn spirals until at least the beginning of May. Not seen since’ (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1935, 1937c). Seen by divers on land-plant debris, Western Trough (Kitching et al., 1976). Subsequently only seen at two sites: one specimen, east shore of North Basin 15.7.1990 14m, and Western Cliff 30.7.1993 30m (JDN).
Collections: UM
Order Anaspidea
Superfamily AKEROIDEA
Akera bullata O F Müller, 1776
First recorded living c. 1930 from dredging in LH. Not dredged often, but in very large numbers, sometimes occurring right inshore (Renouf, 1931d). Obtained in large numbers by dredging in various parts of the Lough. At other times, few specimens or none have been found, though searched for deliberately. In LH, appears to have a double breeding period, since found spawning in both April and September, but not in June. Seen swimming July 1930s, as Acera bullata (Renouf, 1934d). Hundreds in shallowing water in north-east and north-west, spring and autumn, spawning profusely, 1935. Not seen since (Renouf, 1935, 1937c). Easter 1938 abundant, the first record since 1935 (Renouf, 1939). Sporadic records subsequently. Known to be abundant in 1979, throughout the eastern half of the North Basin (DM). No adults were seen in 1980. Common G2 23.7.1985, and mating animals seen at E2 14.4.1986 (DM). Seen North Basin in the years 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2005 (JDN; BioMar). Adults were seen west of North Island in July 2005, with many juveniles only in the same area 5-13m 1.11.2005.
Depth range: littoral at West Quay Renouf W6 5.7.1992 (JDN); normally sublittoral 3m to 15m
Collections: NHM, NMI, UM
Aplysia punctata Cuvier, 1803
First recorded as occasionally dredged from Barloge Creek c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). However, later recorded as never taken by dredge, sometimes fair numbers south shore. Occasional small numbers Barloge Creek; abundant some years, shore Southern’s Bay (Renouf, 1934c). Present in numbers especially on the Island in 1935 (Renouf, 1935), and abundant Easter 1939 (Renouf, 1939). Occasional records throughout the reserve except south Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (1970-1972 Kitching et al., 1976; Hiscock, 1976; 1977 JMCH; 1980 DM; Wilson & Picton, 1983; 1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral occasionally, normally 4m to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Order Gymnosomata
Superfamily CLIONOIDEA
Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774)
Recorded from plankton by Rawlinson (2005b).
Order Nudibranchia
Aegires punctilucens (d'Orbigny, 1837)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently collected by W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Found throughout the South Basin, on the cliffs, and the boulder slope of Codium Bay (1990-2006 JDN).
Collections: UM
Ancula gibbosa (Risso, 1818)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d) and subsequently coll. and det. W. M. Tattersall 1931, as Ancula cristata. Found in Southern’s Bay and along south shore of Lough every year [1932-1934] (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, d, 1937c). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of this species 1979-1982, but no details are listed. Several specimens found on Whirlpool Cliff 11.7.2005 17m (JDN).
Goniodoris castanea Alder & Hancock, 1845
Not seen recently in LH. Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). It was coll. and det. by W. M. Tattersall in 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c).
Goniodoris nodosa (Montagu, 1808)
First recorded from LH c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c), and unusually abundant Easter 1939 (Renouf, 1939). One specimen found I7 18.9.1980 (DM). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the species to be present 1979-1982, but no details are listed.
Acanthodoris pilosa (Abilgaard in O F Müller, 1789)
First recorded from LH c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d) and subsequently coll. and det. W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of this species 1979-1982, but no details are listed. Found at Carrigathorna (Hiscock & Mitchell, 1980) and below the Rapids 4.7.1992 6m one juvenile (JDN).
Diaphorodoris luteocincta (M Sars, 1870)
First recorded Easter 1938 (Renouf, 1939). Subsequently recorded from Whirlpool Cliff (Hiscock, 1976) and Codium Bay 19.3.1979 10m (BEP). Recorded on five occasions from Whirlpool Cliff 1990-2013, Bullock Cave 20.7.1990 14m and south-east of South Bay, Castle Island 11.8.1997 11m (JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Onchidoris bilamellata (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Lamellidoris bilamellata (Renouf, 1931d). Collected in the LH general area by W. M. Tattersall 1931, as Lamellidoris bilamellata (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Found abundant, with spawn, feeding on barnacles on Whirlpool Cliff 18.3.1979, and there again in 10m and on the shore by the Rapids 19.3.1979 (BEP). Two individuals were observed on rock at I7, 17.9.1980 (DM), and small specimens on Whirpool Cliff 22.7.2013 (JDN).
Onchidoris depressa (Alder & Hancock, 1842)
Recorded living Easter 1938 (Renouf, 1939). One individual, 3mm, 18.9.1980 at I7 (DM). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of the species in 1979-1982. One specimen recorded from Whirlpool Cliff, 18.7.1993 15m (JDN).
Onchidoris muricata (O F Müller, 1776)
Recorded living from the general LH area as Onchidoris aspera (Renouf, 1937c). A specimen from Carrigathorna 15m, coll. K. Hiscock, 1972, was published as Onchidella celtica (Cuvier, 1817) (Norton et al., 1977), but was later re-identified as Onchidoris muricata by N.J. Evans in 1986 (Kitching, 1987b). This specimen has been seen by JDN in the collections of NHM, and is Acanthodoris pilosa. Onchidoris muricata has a northern distribution in Ireland, and the record by Renouf is considered to be dubious.
Onchidoris oblonga (Alder & Hancock, 1845)
Recorded in Easter 1938 (Renouf, 1939).Wilson & Picton (1983) stated that this was the first record for Ireland, and confirmed its presence in LH, but there are no details listed. There are few recent live records for Ireland.
Onchidoris pusilla (Alder & Hancock, 1845)
First recorded in last week of March and first week of April 1934, in Southern’s Bay, as Atalodoris pusilla (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1937c). Two individuals were observed feeding on an orange encrusting bryozoan within the same dead scallop shell, I7 [Whirlpool Cliff] 17.9.1980 12m (DM). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of the species in LH. Only two other recent live records from Ireland (Galway Bay and Murles Point).
Onchidoris sparsa (Alder & Hancock, 1846)
A single specimen found at Glannafeen Cliff on 14.7.1990 13m (JDN). Scattered records from Ireland, mainly the west coast.
Superfamily DORIDOIDEA
Doris pseudoargus (Rapp, 1827) [Archidoris pseudoargus]
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Archidoris tuberculata and as Doris flammea (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Unusually abundant Easter 1938 and Easter 1939, as Archidoris britannica (Renouf, 1939). Common, mainly found in the South Basin and the Rapids (Norton, 1971; Norton et al., 1971; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1979, 1980 BEP; 1980 DM; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar).
Depth range: mainly littoral, but also to 16m
Collections: NMI, UM
Cadlina laevis (L. 1767)
Not seen recently in Lough Hyne? Recorded from the general area of Lough Hyne as Doris repanda (Renouf, 1937c).Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of the species, but there are no details listed.
Geitodoris planata (Alder & Hancock, 1846)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Archidoris testudinaria (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Two individuals were found on the west side of LH 24.7.1983 20m (BEP). Recorded from Western Cliff 30.7.1993 13m; Goleen and Goleen Cliff 1.11.2005 & 17.7.2013 and Whirlpool Clif 22.7.2013 (JDN).
Depth range: sublittoral 6m to 18m
Jorunna tomentosa (Cuvier, 1804)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17, abundant, several colour forms, 1928, as Jorunna johnstoni (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). There is a specimen from the Rapids in NMI collections, donated in 1931 by Cork University Biological Station. Found in Codium Bay 19.3.1979 10m (BEP) and elsewhere as scattered records (1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar). Two-three specimens were seen spawning in July 1990 on the east shore of North Basin (JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Rostanga rubra (Risso, 1818)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Rostangia coccinea (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Only recently found on the east shore of the Rapids, one specimen, 19.7.1990 (JDN).
Collections: UM
Limacia clavigera (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Triopa clavigera (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det. W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Widespread although uncommon throughout reserve (1979 JMCH; 1980 DM; Picton, 1981; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar).
Depth range: littoral only south Southern’s Bay 3.7.1992, mainly sublittoral 3m to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Palio nothus (Johnston, 1838)
First recorded c. 1930, as Polycera ocellata (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a), and as Palio lessoni (Renouf, 1934a, 1937c). Identification of the specimens by Renouf as P. lessoni (synonymous with P. dubia) is thought to be an error for P. nothus. Found on trawler at C3 14.12.80 2m three specimens (Picton, 1981). Recorded from Western Cliff 3.7.1992 14m, 30.7.1993 13m (JDN).
Polycera faeroensis Lemche, 1929
Wilson & Picton (1983) reported the first record for LH, but no details are listed. Found at only three sites in LH: Labhra Cliff 3.7.1992 15m, 19.7.1993 14m (JDN), 24.4.1994 (BioMar), 11.7.2005 15m (JDN), Western Cliff 30.7.1993 13m and Whirlpool Cliff 25.4.1994 (BioMar).
Collections: NMI
Polycera quadrilineata (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded from LH c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det. W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Easter 1939, unusually abundant (Renouf, 1939). Widespread throughout the reserve, although apparently absent from Barloge Creek, and most commonly found in the Rapids (Ebling et al., 1948; Sloane et al., 1957; Norton et al., 1977; 1980, 1981 DM; 1990-2013 JDN). Feeding on Membranipora membranacea, with spawn coils 1981 (K. Wilson).
Depth range: littoral only on both shores of the Rapids, elsewhere sublittoral 2m to 20m
Collections: NMI, UM
Doto coronata agg. (Gmelin, 1791)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Idulia pinnatifida (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a). Identification changed to Idulia coronata (Renouf, 1937c). Widespread throughout the reserve, although apparently absent from Western Trough (1980, 1981 DM; Kitching, 1987a; 1990-2013 JDN). Doto coronata is considered to be an aggregate species. Many specimens feeding on Bouganvillia ramosa (particularly in 2005) and Obelia geniculata have been found in LH.
Depth range: littoral, but mainly sublittoral, 3m to 25m
Collections: NMI, UM
Doto dunnei Lemche, 1976
Found for the first time from the southern shore Renouf S17 on 4.6.2011 by JDN.
Doto eireana Lemche, 1976
Occasionally found living on the hydroid Amphisbetia operculata from the Rapids, and especially Codium Bay samples (Round et al., 1961). This species was originally recorded as Doto coronata, which is an aggregate species. However, Doto eireana was described in 1976 by Lemche, which feeds exclusively on A. operculata. This species was recently recorded from Whirlpool Cliff 22.7.2013 and the shore of the Rapids (SE) 25.7.2013 (JDN).
Doto millbayana Lemche, 1976
Recorded living, frequent, from the east shore of the Rapids, 26.4.1994 (BioMar), probably on the large epilithic Plumaria setacea. Collections: NMI.
Doto sarsiae Morrow, Thorpe & Picton, 1992
Hiscock (1976) reported abundant specimens of ‘Doto coronata’ at Carrigathorna in 3m on the hydroid Sarsia eximia. A few ‘very pink’ specimens of ‘Doto coronata’ were seen by JDN on a dive below the Rapids on the east side in the early 1990s, although not seen there later. Subsequently, the species Doto sarsiae was described, being both a deep pink in colour, and having Sarsia eximia as its exclusive food. It is likely that either or both of these records are of this species, but this requires confirmation.
Doto sp.
An unidentified Doto species was recorded from Barloge Quay shore on 23.7.2013.
Tritonia lineata Alder & Hancock, 1848
First recorded by W. M. Tattersall for the Lough Ine area, during April 1932, as Duvaucelia lineata (Renouf, 1932a). It was since recorded as occurring each year (Renouf, 1934d, 1937).
Tritonia plebeia Johnston, 1828
First recorded by W. M. Tattersall for the Lough Ine area during April 1932, as Duvaucelia plebia (Renouf, 1932a). It was since recorded as occurring each year (Renouf, 1934d, 1937c). A single specimen found on Goleen Cliff by JDN 6.9.2006 and on Whirlpool Cliff 22.7.2013. This species feeds on Alcyonium digitatum, but none is present on Goleen Cliff. However, while the closely related Alcyonium hibernicum is present, T. plebeia was not seen on this species.
Superfamily ARMINOIDEA
Armina loveni (Bergh, 1860)
Recorded on three occasions; from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Pleurophyllidia loveni (Renouf, 1931d), a solitary specimen from Scyllium [Codium] Bay on the south shore of the Lough in the1930s (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1937c), and the third record in Easter 1938 (Renouf, 1939). Armina loveni feeds in the sublittoral on the sea pen Virgularia mirabilis, which has not been seen in LH. Wilson & Picton (1983) considered the records to be doubtful and require confirmation. It is almost certainly an error of identification.
Superfamily HEROIDEA
Hero formosa (Loven, 1844)
First recorded in LH as a single specimen by D. Kipling and S. Bowen on Whirlpool Cliff 27.8.15 (Lough Hyne Expedition).Proctonotidae
Janolus cristatus (delle Chiaje, 1841)
First recorded c. 1930, as Janolus cristata (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c). Seen by divers on land-plant debris, Western Trough (Kitching et al., 1976). Found recently, but not uncommonly at only six scattered sites in the reserve (1980, 1981 on Rhodothamniella floridula DM; 1980, 1981, 1989, 1990 BEP; 1990-1997 JDN).
Depth range: 3m-18m
Collection: UM
Janolus hyalinus (Alder & Hancock, 1854)
Found for first time during last week of March and first week of April 1934 in Southern’s Bay, as Janolus hyalina (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1937c). Scattered, occasional records throughout the main Lough, Rapids and Southern’s Bay (Picton, 1981; 1980, 1981 DM; 1990-2005 JDN). Figured in Picton & Morrow (1994).
Depth range: sublittoral, 3m to 15m
Collections: UM
Proctonotus mucroniferus (Alder & Hancock, 1844)
A single specimen was recorded in spring 1935 from LH by Miss M. M. Murphy of University College Cork as Zephyrina mucroniferus (Renouf, 1935, 1937c). Wilson & Picton (1983) did not comment on this record. Proctonotus mucroniferus is very rare, and in the absence of a specimen to confirm the identification, is considered dubious, and a possible error of identification for the closely similar Janolus hyalinus which is common in LH.
Aeolidia papillosa (L., 1761)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall, 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Seen by divers on land-plant debris, Western Trough (Kitching et al., 1976), and near the Rapids August/September 1977 (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the species to be present 1979-1982, but no details are listed. More recently it has been found around Castle Island: Narrows 12.7.1990 10m, north-east 5.7.1992 13m, north-west 27.7.1993 10m; and on the shore on the east and south-east sides of the Rapids 19.7.1990, 21.7.1990, 19.7.2012 (JDN).
Collections: UM
Aeolidiella alderi (Cocks, 1852)
A single specimen found under a boulder at low water springs on the east shore of the Rapids 19.7.1990 (Nunn 1993, figured). Also found there subsequently 26.4.1994 (BioMar). Very few specimens found in Ireland to date, although apparently present around most of the western and southern coastline.
Collections: NMI, UM
Aeolidiella glauca (Alder & Hancock, 1845)
A species recorded as Eolis angulata was listed in the MS list of R. Southern, collecting in 1914 in LH (Renouf, 1931d). Subsequently, this species was coll. & det W. M. Tattersall Renouf, 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Wilson & Picton (1983) state that while ‘Eolis angulata’ is generally considered to be synonym now of Aeolidiella glauca, it could have been any species of Aeolidiella found at that time. The first confirmed records for LH are from below the recent oxycline, climbing up Polydora sp. tubes at bottom of Labhra Cliff 9.6.1984 15m, and Whirlpool Cliff 9.6.1984 18m (BEP). Also seen in the Goleen August 1984 (DM); off North Island 13.7.2005 14m and in the Goleen 16.7.2012 6m (JDN).
Aeolidiella sanguinea (Norman, 1877)
First recorded living from the hull of the trawler 14.12.1980 3m (C3) (BEP; Wilson & Picton, 1983). Subsequently found on the shore, one animal each site, on south-east Castle Island 12.7.1990, north of Castle Island 13.7.1990, Renouf E6-E9 16.7.1990 and south-east Rapids 21.7.1990 and spawning there 5.7.1992 (JDN). Further records were made from the east side of the Rapids in 11.8.1990 3m under a stone (BEP) and 26.4.1994 (BioMar). A specimen was recorded from the southern shore renouf S3 by C. Trowbridge 9.9.2011.
Collections: NMI, UM
Calma gobioophaga Calado & Urgorri, 2002
Three specimens found on the east shore under one flat stone, Renouf E6-E9, 16.7.1990 (JDN). This was thought to be the ‘littoral form’ of Calma glaucoides (Alder & Hancock, 1854), with short cerata, described in Picton & Morrow (1994). Subsequently, this species was split into two (Calado & Urgorri, 2002). The form seen in LH is the new species C. gobioophaga. This is the first confirmed report of this species from Ireland. There are only recent, living records of Calma glaucoides agg. from three other sites in Ireland – Liscannor (1994 JDN), Teelin Harbour (1996 BioMar) and Gurraig Sound (2005 JDN). The record from Liscannor is also of C. gobioophaga. Calma glaucoides agg. was recorded from LH, April 1932, coll. and det. W. M. Tattersall, as Eolis glaucoides (Renouf, 1932a). The species occurred each year since (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1937). The species was unusually abundant in Easter 1938 and Easter 1939 (Renouf, 1939). It is not possible to determine to which species these records refer.
Collections: UM
Eubranchus doriae (Trinchese, 1874)
Wilson & Picton (1983) published the first record for Ireland from LH, but there are earlier records from Galway Bay by Lemche (in 1974) and Mulroy Bay by BEP (in 1977). No details are given for the LH record. Found on Goleen Cliff 27.7.1993 13m & 6.9.2006 20.2m; the Goleen 25.7.2013 10m; and Western Cliff 30.7.1993 13m, 14.7.2005 18m (JDN).
Eubranchus exiguus (Alder & Hancock, 1847)
First recorded living from F5 structures, one animal August-September 1980 (DM). Found on buoyline north of Castle Island 30.8.1980, and on the trawler off West Quay and moorings 15.8.1981 3m (Picton, 1981). Common in the southern half of LH, and Rapids, on hydroids especially Obelia (1990-2005 JDN).
Depth range: sublittoral 6m to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Eubranchus farrani (Alder & Hancock, 1844)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Galvinia farrani (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c), with a second record Easter 1938 (Renouf, 1939). A single individual was collected from Whirlpool Cliff 14.12.1980 (Picton, 1981). Unusually, Eubranchus farrani was found on the west shore of Barloge Creek 26.4.1994 (BioMar). A single animal was collected from south of the Rapids 12.8.1997 6m (JDN).
Collections: NMI
Eubranchus pallidus (Alder & Hancock, 1842)
Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Galvinia picta (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the species as present, but no details are listed.
Eubranchus tricolor Forbes, 1838
Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Galvinia tricolor on not more than two occasions (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c).
Caloria elegans (Alder & Hancock, 1845)
Recorded from the general area of Lough Hyne and Southern’s Bay below Rapids as Eolis elegans (Renouf, 1937c). Although not improbable, currently the only records for Ireland are from Lough Swilly, Co. Donegal & The Maidens, Co. Antrim. Wilson & Picton (1983) indicated that Facelina dubia, recently recorded, bears a superficial resemblance to Alder & Hancock’s plate for Eolis elegans, suggesting an error of identification for this species.
Dicata odhneri Schmekel, 1967
First recorded living from the vertical rock faces of Labhra Cliff 28.8.1980 15m two specimens coll. G. Brown; and subsequently at the same site 29.8.1980 15m (BEP, J. Picton), 9.8.1981 (K. Wilson), 15.8.81 15m (Picton, 1981), 23.8.1981 3+ specimens 6m, 19.7.1990 6-7 specimens (JDN). Lough Hyne is the first and only site for Dicata odhneri from Ireland and Britain, previously known only from Naples (Picton & Brown, 1981). Two other sites in Lough Hyne are known: Western Cliff August 1980 (BEP), 16.7.1990 15m two specimens (JDN), 30.7.1993 13m (JDN); and Goleen Cliff 14.7.2005 6m 2 specimens (JDN). The species is figured in Picton & Morrow (1994).
Collections: NMI, NMS, UM
Facelina annulicornis (Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821)
Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Facelina punctata (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c).
Facelina auriculata (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded c. 1930, as Facelina coronata (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). Most records are from Whirlpool Cliff and the Rapids (Norton, 1971; 1984 BEP; 1990-2005 JDN) with a few scattered records elsewhere (Norton et al., 1977; 1980 DM; Picton, 1981). Found on Tubularia 1990, spawning December 1980, and seen by divers on land-plant debris, Western Trough (Kitching et al., 1976).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Facelina bostoniensis (Couthouy, 1838)
First recorded from LH c.1930, as F. drummondi (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently coll. and det W. M. Tattersall 1931 (Renouf, 1932a, 1934a, 1937c). More recently seen on a buoyline north of Castle Island (F5) 30.8.1980 15m (G.H. Brown; Picton, 1981), August/September 1980 (DM) and trawler moorings (C3) 22.9.1980 (DM) and 15.8.1981 3m (BEP).
Facelina dubia Pruvot-Fol, 1948
First recorded on mooring rope amongst hydroids north of Castle Island, Lough Hyne 30.8.80 5-10m, three specimens 20mm, coll. BEP (Picton & Brown, 1981). This is the first and only area in Ireland or Britain for this species, which was previously only known from the Mediterranean and Bay of Biscay (Wilson & Picton, 1983). Subsequently found on the hull of the trawler at C3 August/September 1980, two individuals up to 32mm (DM). Found here 15.8.1981 3m on mooring ropes with Tubularia larynx (Picton, 1981). The commonest nudibranch off North Pier May 1982 3-20m on small hydroids (no Tubularia) attached to Ascidiella tests or Chaetopterus tubes (Keith Wilson, unpublished). The species is figured in Picton & Morrow (1994). The species has been more recently recorded from these areas and in the South Basin (1990, 1992, 1993 JDN). On 19.7.1993, it was common and spawning on Metridium Rocks. It was not seen in 1997, 2005 or 2011-2013, although known areas were all dived several times.
Collections: NMI, UM
Favorinus branchialis (Rathke, 1806)
First found in early April 1934, coinciding with the spawn of Archidoris pseudoargus, as Favorinus albidus (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1937c). More recently, a single individual was recorded from the hull of the trawler at C3, 22.9.1980 (DM). It has now been found on Labhra Cliff 10.7. 1990 15m, 3.7.1992 15m (JDN); Whirlpool Cliff 12.8.1990 18m (BEP), 25.4.1994 6-15m (BioMar); the west side of Barloge Creek 26.4.1994 (BioMar); and Metridium Rocks 15.7.2005 13m (JDN).
Collections: UM
Flabellina browni (Picton, 1980)
Renouf recorded specimen(s) from the LH area as Coryphella rufibranchialis (Renouf, 1934a, 1937c). C. rufibranchialis is a synonym for Coryphella verrucosa. Wilson & Picton (1983) considered this record, as C. verrucosa, to be doubtful and require confirmation. It is almost certainly C. browni, which had not been described at that time. The first confirmed report of C. browni was one small specimen from Whirlpool Cliff 18.3.1979 10m (BEP; Wilson & Picton, 1983). This is still the only site in the Lough: 9.6.1984 18m, 12.9.1989 18m (BEP); 18.7.1993 15m (JDN).
Flabellina gracilis (Alder & Hancock, 1844)
First recorded from the LH area in the 1930s (Renouf, 1937c). Known with certainty from only two sites in the Lough: Whirlpool Cliff 18.3.1979 10m with spawn; September 1979 several specimens (BEP); 29.7.1993 14m (JDN); 25.4.1994 6-15m (BioMar); Goleen Cliff 27.7.1993 13m; Whirlpool Cliff 22.7.2013 (JDN).
Collections: NMI
Flabellina lineata (Lovén, 1846)
Found for first time during last week of March and first week of April 1934 in Southern’s Bay (Renouf, 1934a, d, 1937c). Subsequently for Carrigathorna 3m, early 1970s (Norton et al., 1977), Whirlpool Cliff 18.3.1979 17m (BEP) and the trawler hull (C3) 22.9.1980, three individuals (DM). Scattered records in the reserve, never seen commonly (Picton, 1981; 1994 BioMar; 1990-2013 JDN). Has been found on Eudendrium sp.
Depth range: 3m-18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Flabellina pedata (Montagu, 1815)
First recorded spring 1935, one specimen, found by Prof. Tattersall’s class as Coryphella pedata (Renouf, 1935, 1937c). Confined to the South Basin, exclusively the cliffs, and the boulder slope off Codium Bay (1981, 1984, 1989 BEP; 1990-2005 JDN; 1993 BioMar; Rawlinson et al., 2005b in plankton).
Depth range: sublittoral 10m to 18m.
Collections: UM
Flabellina pellucida (Alder & Hancock, 1843)
First recorded from the general area of Lough Hyne by Renouf (Renouf, 1937c). Wilson & Picton (1983) considered this record to be doubtful and require confirmation. Subsequently, one confirmed specimen was collected from Whirlpool Cliff 12.9.1989 18m (BEP). This is the only site in Ireland for this species.
Cuthona caerulea (Montagu, 1804)
First recorded from the LH area, as Cratena caerulea (Renouf, 1937c). Only found at one site, Whirlpool Cliff 24.7.1983 10m, many on food Sertularia polyzonias (BEP), 10.7.1990 15m one individual, 4.7.1992 14m (JDN).
Collections: UM
Cuthona concinna (Alder & Hancock, 1843)
Recorded living from the general LH area (Renouf, 1937c). Possible specimens of this species were observed by DM beneath the hull of the moored boat at C3 in 1980, and one individual at I7 in 17.8.1980 within a scallop shell. Wilson & Picton (1983) considered the Renouf record to be doubtful. Although this species has been found as far south as Skomer (1988), in Ireland all records are confined to Northern Ireland. The records from LH are therefore considered to be dubious, and require confirmation.
Cuthona foliata (Forbes & Goodsir, 1839)
Recorded living from the general area of LH as Cratena foliata (Renouf, 1937c). Also recorded by BEP from the trawler in 3m at C3, 14.12.1980, with many cerata missing (Picton, 1981). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of this species in LH on the basis of this latter record. The very closely similar species Cuthona genovae is common in LH, but was unrecognised in Ireland or Britain before 1980. The Renouf record could therefore be of this species.
Cuthona genovae (O'Donoghue, 1926)
First recorded in LH and first for Ireland and Britain from underside of fishing vessel West Quay, Lough Hyne 14.12.1980, three specimens amongst hydroids and ascidians, and here also in 15.8.1981 3m. Only previously known from the Mediterranean (Picton, 1981, Wilson & Picton, 1983; Picton & Wilson, 1984). An earlier record from the same site was unknown at the time of this publication: one individual 6mm, C3 boat 22.9.1980, originally as C. foliata (DM). Found throughout the main Lough and below the Rapids (1990-1998 JDN). One specimen, found at Whirlpool Cliff 1993, contained the endoparasitic copepod Splanchnotrophus brevipes Hancock & Norman, 1863, a first record for Ireland (Holmes & Nunn, 1996). The finding of specimens in LH (JDN) in years 1990 (7 sites, 40+ specimens), 1992 (1 site), 1993 (2 sites), 1997 (5 sites), 1998 (1 site) suggests that there is a resident population. It was not however found in 2005, although 5 of the sites were dived where it had been previously found, and at the same time of year e.g. Labhra Cliff, Goleen Cliff and Western Cliff. Three specimens were recorded from Goleen Cliff 6.9.2006 (JDN), the first record since 1998. The species has not been seen in 2011, 2012 and 2013. It has been suggested that the habitat of this species is characterized by being warmer than offshore water during the summer (Picton & Wilson, 1984). Known elsewhere in Ireland only from Salt Lake (Clifden), Mulroy Bay and Kenmare River.
Depth range: sublittoral 3m to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Cuthona gymnota (Couthouy, 1838)
First recorded from the LH area as Cratena aurantia (Renouf, 1937c). Sites are clustered at the entrance to the Rapids in the South Basin, particularly Whirlpool Cliff, in the Rapids (Norton, 1971; Picton, 1981; 1990-2013 JDN), and the trawler hull (C3) in the North Basin (Picton, 1981). Normally found on Tubularia spp.
Depth range: littoral on south-east shore of the Rapids, normally sublittoral 3m to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Cuthona nana (Alder & Hancock, 1842)
Recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Cuthona peachi (Renouf, 1931d).
Cuthona viridis (Forbes, 1840)
Collected and determined in 1931 by W. M. Tattersall as Eolis viridis (Renouf, 1932a), and as Cratena viridis (Renouf, 1937).
Embletonia pulchra (Alder & Hancock, 1844)
First recorded from gravel in Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 4.8m (JDN). Recorded several times from this area - 28.7.1993 5.6m & 6.5m, 12.7.2005 6.3m, and from Whirlpool Cliff 13.8.1997 15m, 11.7.2005 18m. Scattered recent records around Ireland. A small species, easily overlooked.
Collections: UM
Tergipes tergipes (Forsskål, 1775)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17, as Tergipes despectus (Renouf, 1931d, 1934a, 1937c). More recently from a structure at F5 August/September 1980 (DM). Wilson & Picton (1983) confirmed the presence of the species 1979-1982, but no details are listed. Found at Labhra Cliff 10.7.1990 13m and Whirlpool Cliff 29.7.1993 14m, 11.7.2005 18m (JDN).
Collections: UM
Order Basommatophora
Auriculinella bidentata (Montagu, 1808) [Leucophytia bidentata]
First recorded near the Rapids August/September 1977 (Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977). Scattered records from the main Lough, Rapids and Southern’s Bay (1990-2013 JDN). Probably under-recorded from its habitat under flat stones, high on the shore.
Collections: NMI, UM
Myosotella denticulata (Montagu, 1803)
A single living specimen recorded from south-east Castle Island 12.7.1990 and in 27.7.1993, from a similar habitat to Auriculinella bidentata, high on the shore under slatey stones (JDN). A single shell was found in a shellsand sample 1980 (DM). Widely distributed around Ireland.
Superfamily OTINOIDEA
Otina ovata (Brown, 1827)
Recorded living from Springtide Pool, Carrigathorna 11.7.1975, det. T. E. Thompson (Goss-Custard et al., 1979).
Collection: NMI
Order Nuculoida
Superfamily NUCULOIDEA
Nucula nitidosa Winckworth, 1930
First recorded from LH by A. Dale in Barloge Creek in 2004 and 2005.
Nucula nucleus (L., 1758)
First recorded living from north of Whirlpool Cliff 18.7.1993 15m in gravel pockets, (JDN, conf. S.M. Smith), and subsequently from the shore south-east of the Rapids 24.7.1993 and north Southern’s Bay 30.7.1993 4.5m.
Collections: NMI
Nucula sulcata Bronn, 1831
Only recorded living from the west of South Basin, summer 1983 20m, and the mouth of the Goleen, summer 1982, 19m (Thrush, 1985).
Order Mytiloida
Superfamily MYTILOIDEA
Modiolula phaseolina (Philippi, 1844)
First recorded from S12-S17 c. 1930, as Volsella phaseolina (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently from the Rapids on boulders, and Codium Bay in 1948, 1950 (Lilly et al., 1953). Further seen at Urchin Reef and Carrigathorna, many juveniles (Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and S15 as spat 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Found on a wide range of algae in the Rapids (Sloane et al., 1961), and occasional spat on Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961). Largely confined to the South Basin and Rapids, with few records elsewhere (1990-1993 JDN and 2004-2005 Barloge Creek A. Dale det. S.M. Smith).
Depth range: mainly littoral, but also to 15m.
Collections: NMI, UM
Modiolus barbatus (L., 1758)
Recorded living, occasional, on Sill [Rapids] in 1948, but absent in 1950 (Lilly et al., 1953). This record is almost certainly an error of identification for (juvenile) Modiolus modiolus. Modiolus barbatus is distributed down the mid western coast of Ireland only. While its presence in LH is not improbable, identification of this group of mytilids is prone to error, and the record is considered dubious and requiring confirmation.
Musculus costulatus (Risso, 1826)
Found for the first time in LH on the shore south of West Quay Renouf W9-10 on 4.9.2011 (JDN).
Musculus discors (L., 1767)
First recorded Renouf S12-S17, c. 1931 as Modiolaria discors (Renouf, 1931d). On the tops of boulders in the Rapids, 1948 (Lilly et al., 1953), and there on Codium spp., Chondrus, Corallina, July 1953 (Sloane et al., 1961) and under Himanthalia elongata buttons 1982-85 (Kitching, 1987a). Found in pools on Urchin Reef and Carrigathorna 1975/76 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979). Generally only in South Basin, the Rapids, Southern’s Bay, Barloge Creek and Carrigathorna (1975-1978 DM; 1981 Alison Trew; 1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 15m.
Collections: NMI, UM, NMGW
Musculus subpictus (Cantraine, 1835) [Modiolarca tumida]
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Modiolaria tumida (Renouf, 1931d). Present in the tests of Ascidiella aspersa, extremely common, Easter 1932 as Musculus marmorata (Renouf, 1932a). Very common and widespread throughout the reserve, both in the tests of large solitary tunicates and free-living on Sacchoriza polyschides and a range of other algae (Ebling et al., 1948; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1961), occasional spat on Amphisbetia operculata (Round et al., 1961), and generally (Norton et al., 1971; 1980-1982 (Keith Wilson, unpublished; Kitching et al., 1976; 1975-1978 DM; Norton et al., 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; van Soest & Weinberg, 1981; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 18m
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud as Modiolaria marmorata (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Mytilus edulis L., 1758
The first record of this widespread species from LH was from clumps from the north corner of Goleen, the Sill [Rapids], abundant and general, and Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Recorded many times from around the entire reserve (Renouf, 1937c; Ebling et al., 1948; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1957; Ebling et al., 1960, 1964; Kitching & Ebling, 1967; Norton 1971; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; 1977-1981 DM & JMCH; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Rawlinson et al., 2005b in plankton). It was found in three types of habitat; open coast (shore) as a small form, very sheltered shores (large form), and sublittorally in strong current on the Sill [Rapids]. The main predator Nucella lapillus was abundant on the open coastal dense beds at Carrigathorna (Kitching et al., 1959). The species is also the major prey item for hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992). Mytilus edulis has been found in the Rapids on a wide variety of algae (Sloane et al., 1961) and spat on Amphisbetia operculata in the Rapids and Codium Bay (Round et al., 1961). Spawning occurs in the spring, sometimes during July and August, with settlement occurring within 3m of the surface (DM). Very common and widespread throughout the reserve (1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar). Since 2005, there has been a massive increase in abundance of this species throughout the Rapids, forming biogenic reefs in the intertidal and sublittoral.
Depth range: littoral mainly, shallow sublittoral, occasionally deeper to 18m
Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1818
The first record for ‘Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819’ was in July 1955 (forming mixed populations with M. edulis) especially north and east shores, Bullock Island and Carrigathorna, with a ration of c. 2 or 3: 1 galloprovincialis : edulis (Ebling et al., 1960). Seed (1974) also recorded this ‘species’ from LH (unlocalised) and Carrigathorna. In Ireland, ‘Mytilus galloprovincialis’ occurs mainly at exposed sites, and hybridization with M. edulis occurs frequently. Systematic status of the two forms remains uncertain in light of genetic evidence of hybridization and intergradation between them. Mussels morphologically resembling M. galloprovincialis have been found in LH (Gosling & Wilkins, 1981). Many authors did not separate these two ‘species’ (e.g. Norton et al., 1977). There are considerable practical difficulties in distinguishing between these two species, should taxonomic status be resolved in favour of separation into two species. Therefore all records have been treated here as being of Mytilus edulis.
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Order Ostreoida
Superfamily OSTREOIDEA
Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793)
JMCH reported large live Crassostrea-like shells, seen in shallow water off the south-east of Castle Island (I13) in July 2005. A search by diving and on the shore in 12.7.2005 failed to find any specimens. Subsequently a large living specimen was found attached to a stone on the shore at Renouf S9 15.7.2005 by L. Baldock. A further living specimen was found at the Goleen near the Quay by L. Baldock and J. Bass on 16.7.2005. It should be noted that LH is many miles from the nearest farm for this species. Since then, this species has been recorded from the NW of the Lough (Renouf W7-W10), NE (Renouf E1-E2), Goleen Quay, Barloge Quay shores (2011-2013 JDN).
Ostrea edulis L., 1758
First observed in LH by Haddon & Green (1888): ‘oysters were formerly abundant; but these and other Molluscs were killed in large numbers, a few years ago by spring freshets after a heavy fall of snow’. Renouf recorded a scarce, small bed which remained at the south end of Southern’s Bay, and also Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Since then, some old living individuals have been observed from the North Basin in 1-4m in front of Lough Hyne House and in the north-west of Lough, 2-3/m2 at B2. There were many old shells covered with boring sponge. There was no evidence of settlement, apart from three young oysters seen cemented to North Wall. Oysters are thought to have been introduced in LH, not native – an oyster order to cultivate in Lough was granted in the 19th century (1975-1978 DM). In 1980, off the North Wall (B2, C2, D2) some individuals were found brooding young (DM). Still found in these areas, but also south of Castle Island & Southern’s Bay (1992-2013 JDN) and Barloge Quay shire 23.7.2013 (JDN).
Depth range: littoral to about 10m
Collections: NMI
Order Limoida
Superfamily LIMOIDEA
Limaria hians (Gmelin, 1791)
First recorded, dredged, from the LH area c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Praeger (1937) described a characteristic of LH as ‘....perhaps the queerest feature of this queer place is the occurrence even under only a few feet of water of animals mostly found in deepish or quite deep water-....and that little white cousin of the Common Mussel, Lima hians, which can flit about through the water like a marine butterfly..’. It is thought by the authors that this refers rather to scallops, than to the flame shell Limaria hians. One individual was taken from a collector in LH (in water since July 1976) during October 1978 (site unknown). Only one larval Lima sp. noted, and this from outside LH off Carrigathorna. Two shells of L. hians were taken from base of boulders at Whirlpool Cliff 12.7.1979 16m, and appeared damaged by crab activity (DM). A specimen of L. hians was recorded by JMCH 10.8.1992 from I9.
Collections: NMI
Order Pectinoida
Aequipecten opercularis (L., 1758)
First recorded as spat on Saccorhiza polyschides in the Rapids 1946 (Ebling et al., 1948). From 1975-1978, 1980, 1983 occasional ‘o’ group individuals were found on collectors designed to trap scallops in depths to 26m (DM). Mature individuals were taken from the underside of the trawler at C3 9.7.1981 and at J11 1.8.1981 (DM). This species was found in the South Basin 1982-1983 19-26m (Thrush & Townsend, 1986).
Mimachlamys varia (L., 1758) [Chlamys varia]
First recorded along most of the north shore especially the north-west, often with sponges, along half of the north shore of the Island and north part of Goleen; abundant on boulders along the west and south including Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Pecten varius (Renouf, 1931). Subsequently found near the Rapids c. 1936 (Renouf, 1937c). Widespread throughout the reserve, often abundant, particularly in the North Basin (Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Muntz et al., 1965; Ebling et al., 1966; Norton et al., 1977; Rodhouse & Burnell, 1979; Hiscock & Mitchell, 1980; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1994 BioMar; 1990-2013 JDN; Costello & Myers, 1987;). Abundant on shallow ledges about the Lough, but only occasionally encountered in Barloge Creek (1965, 1967, 1969, 1976-1981, 1983 DM). Attached to rocks or loose shell, and may often be found in crevices between rocks or reefs. Particularly dense beds seen off North Island and north of Castle Island in 1976, 100-1000/m2. The species spawns in relation to a rise in sea water temperature, locally July to October. Larvae are present in the plankton from July to September. Settlement occurs usually on more than one occasion, being good in 1975 and 1976, but otherwise poor from 1977 to 1988 (DM). Since 1981, there has been a reduction in numbers in LH (DM pers. comm., in Gosling & Burnell, 1988). Mimachlamys varia has been found on Ulva and Codium fragile (Sloane et al., 1961), and in an association with an unknown sponge species (two colour forms) in the north basin of Lough (Forrester, 1979). The species is encouraged by grazing Paracentrotus lividus (Kitching & Thain, 1983), but predated by Carcinus maenas (DM) and hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992).
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Palliolum tigerinum (O F Müller, 1776)
Only recorded from north of Rapids at J8 11.8.1981 4-6m one specimen 9mm, and two individuals, both 9mm from J10 Barloge Creek 14.8.1981 2½-3m (DM).
Pecten maximus (L., 1758)
First published from Barloge Creek, dredged c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Common on sediments, and spat on ropes, algae, hydroids throughout the reserve 5-30m (Ebling et al., 1948; Kitching et al., 1976; 1975-1981 DM; 1977-1980 JMCH; 1980, 1981 Keith Wilson; Thrush & Townsend, 1986; Kitching et al., 1990; Bell & Shaw, 2002; 1990-2013 JDN). Scallops are more concentrated near the tops of the soft sediment slopes especially where these meet rock, boulders or stones (Minchin, 1989). Larvae are in the plankton in August and September. During the study period 1975-1981, the only significant settlements were in 1976 and 1981; these were also the warmest years (DM). Young scallops are predated by Anthopleura ballii (Cocks 1850) and Carcinus maenas (Minchin, 1983, 1991), and the species has been observed off North Quay being eaten by Marthasterias glacialis, and showing an escape response to Natica sp. south of the Rapids (DM).
Depth range: littoral to 30m, although generally in less than 15m
Old records: Lough Hyne donated by Mrs Thomas Townshend 1859
Collections: NMI, UM
Talochlamys pusio (L., 1758) [Chlamys distorta]
First recorded as a single individual taken on a collector in 5m, 1976 (DM). Further specimens were seen at I7 17.8.1980, and settled spat on the hull of the trawler (C3) 22.9.80 (DM). There are further records only from the Rapids: 1990-2013 (JDN), 26.4.1994 (BioMar); Renouf S13 Codium Bay 10.7.1990 (JDN) and Barloge Quay shore 23.7.2013 (JDN).
Collections: NMI, UM
Superfamily ANOMIOIDEA
Anomia ephippium L., 1758
First recorded as abundant on stones and rocks throughout LH and Barloge Creek, c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d) and c. 1936 (Renouf, 1937c). Praeger (1937) referred to this species in LH: ‘Anomia itself, the Pearly Oyster, is likewise enormously abundant...’. Widespread throughout the edge of the lough on shallow ledges, occasionally abundant, but scarce in the Rapids, Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek. Attached to rock and loose stones and shell. Often found settling on each other and occasionally on Pecten maximus, Chlamys varia and Carcinus maenas (particularly those parasitized by Sacculina carcini) (Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Muntz et al., 1965; 1969, 1975-1981, 1983 DM); Hiscock, 1976; 1977-1980 JMCH; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a, b; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar; Rawlinson, 2005b). The species is encouraged by Paracentrotus lividus grazing (Kitching & Thain, 1983), and is most abundant in the shallow sublittoral at North Wall and Curlew Bay, where predatory starfish such as Marthasterias glacialis are scarce (Ebling et al., 1966). Spawning occurs from July to September, and appears to be related to an increase in water temperature. Larvae have been identified from the plankton July to September.
Depth range: littoral to 15m, mainly in 2-5m
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Heteranomia squamula (L., 1758)
First recorded from boulders in the Rapids, 1950 (Lilly et al., 1953), and a variety of algae there July 1953 (Sloane et al., 1961; Kitching & Thain, 1983). Generally only found in the South Basin, the Rapids and the entrance to Barloge Creek (Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Hiscock & Mitchell, 1980; 1990-2013 JDN). Identified from plankton August to October (DM).
Depth range: littoral, but mainly sublittoral to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Monia patelliformis (L., 1761) [Pododesmus patelliformis]
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Anomia ephippium var. striatum (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently from boulders in the Rapids, 1950 (Lilly et al., 1953). Single specimens found at Carrigathorna 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), although not seen there since, and I8 1977-1981 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). Confined to the South Basin, the Rapids and Southern Bay (1990-2012 JDN; 1994 BioMar).
Depth range: littoral, occasionally to c. 11m
Collections: NMI, UM
Order Lucinoida
Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded from the south section of the Western Trough 1968; widely distributed in the mud burrow zone and spionid zone in the Western Trough 1968-1970 15-25m (Kitching et al., 1976). Commonly found on soft mud in the Lough Basins 1977, and G7 11.7.1980 (DM). Throughout the South Basin 1982 and 1983 20-26m (Thrush, 1985). A single shell found on the Goleen Cliff in 6.9.2006 (JDN).
Depth range: sublittoral 4m-47m
Superfamily LUCINOIDEA
Lucinoma borealis (L., 1758)
First found alive from LH by A. Dale from Barloge Creek in 2004 and 2005. Dead fresh paired valves from Bullock Island 15.7.1990 10m, and shells only from west Barloge Creek 15.8.1997 4m (JDN).
Order Veneroida
Kellia suborbicularis (Montagu, 1803)
Early records are from Renouf S12-S17, c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and boulders in the Rapids 1948, 1950 (Lilly et al., 1953). Largely confined to the Rapids, the entrance to the Rapids and Barloge Creek, and around Castle Island (Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Round et al., 1961; Norton et al., 1971; Hiscock, 1976; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; 1976 DM; 1990-1993 JDN, 2004-2005 A. Dale). Found between gravel, within dead shells and on Amphisbetia operculata (DM; Round et al., 1961), usually single specimens. Single specimen found Renouf N9-N11 shore in 11.7.2012 (JDN).
Depth range: normally littoral, but occasionally to 18m
Old records: living from Lough Hyne (Nichols, 1900)
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Lasaea adansoni (Gmelin, 1791)
First recorded from rock pools at Urchin Reef and Carrigathorna 1975/1976 (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and subsequently from the intertidal in the Pelvetia canaliculata zone at E2 11.10.1979 (DM). Widespread throughout the reserve (1990-2013 JDN; 2005 O. Mulholland).
Depth range: littoral only
Collections: NMI, UM
Epilepton clarkiae (Clark, 1852)
It is possible that this is an error of identification for Kurtiella bidentata. Epilepton clarkiae is associated with sipunculids
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, valves and rare, as Lepton clarkiae (Chaster, 1898).
Kurtiella bidentata (Montagu, 1803) [Mysella bidentata]
Widespread throughout the reserve, but absent from Carrigathorna (1990-2012 JDN). Found in Barloge Creek by A. Dale in 2004-2005.
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud, as Montacuta bidentata (Chaster, 1898)
Collections: NMI, UM
Montacuta substriata (Montagu, 1803)
Shell only found Goleen Cliff 6.9.2006 (JDN).
Superfamily CARDIOIDEA
Cerastoderma edule (L., 1758)
First published from LH at Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Cardium edule (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently from the Rapids July 1953, on Codium spp., Corallina and Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (Sloane et al., 1961). Common about the Lough, although few sites, and in the Goleen. Found usually intertidally amongst gravel and sandy mud. or just below low water (1977-80 JMCH; 1981 Alison Trew NMGW; 1990-2013 JDN). Dead shells are widespread. Predated by hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992).
Depth range: littoral to 5m
Old records: Lough Ine, donated by Mrs Townshend as Cardium edule, on display at NMI
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Parvicardium exiguum (Gmelin, 1791)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930, as Cardium exiguum (Renouf, 1931d). Subsequently from G2, F4 and G6 1977-1980 (JMCH). Widespread throughout the reserve (1990-2013 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 25m
Collections: NMI, UM
Parvicardium pinnatulum (Conrad, 1831) [Parvicardium ovale]
First recorded living in LH from Labhra Cliff 1.8.1981 (Alison Trew NMGW). Subsequently in 1982 and 1983 from the South Basin close to Whirlpool Cliff 19m (Thrush, 1985), a single specimen from Whirlpool Cliff August 1984 15m (Kitching et al., 1990) and Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 5m (JDN). Shells have been found in the enteron of Anthopleura ballii on Whirlpool Cliff 1980 (DM), and on Goleen Cliff 6.9.1998 18m (JDN).
Collections: NMGW
Parvicardium scabrum (Philippi, 1844)
First recorded from Barloge Creek, dredged c. 1930, as Cardium nodosum (Renouf, 1931d). Widespread in the South Basin; also present east of North Quay and in Southern’s Bay (1990-2006 JDN), and Barloge Creek (2004-2005 A. Dale).
Depth range: 1.5m to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Superfamily VENEROIDEA
Chamelea striatula (da Costa, 1778) [Chamelea gallina]
First recorded from close to Whirlpool Cliff, summer 1983 19m, as Venus striatula (Thrush, 1985).
Clausinella fasciata (da Costa, 1778)
First recorded from close to Whirlpool Cliff, 1982 and1983, 19m, as Venus fasciata (Thrush, 1985). Confined to Whirlpool Cliff and vicinity, the Rapids and Southern’s Bay in coarse clean gravel (1992-1997 JDN).
Depth range: 3 to 19m
Collections: NMI, UM
Dosinia exoleta (L., 1758)
Common in Southern’s Bay among shell and gravel in 1-4m (DM). Subsequently found near Whirlpool Cliff spring 1983 19m (Thrush, 1985),Southern’s Bay 29.7.1993 6m and 12.8.1997 6m (JDN) and Barloge Creek (2004-2005 A. Dale).
Dosinia lupinus (L., 1758)
First recorded from Barloge dredged c. 1930, as Dosinia lupulina (Renouf, 1931d). Subsequently only found in the north of Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 4-5m (JDN).
Gouldia minima (Montagu, 1803)
First recorded living from north-west of Castle Island 27.7.1993 10m, and subsequently from gravel south of the Rapids 28.7.1993 5.6m (JDN). Only recent living record for the south coast of Ireland, widespread elsewhere in Ireland.
Polititapes aureus (Gmelin, 1791)
First recorded from Curlew Bay, 1959 (Kitching & Ebling, 1961). Common in shallow water about edge of Lough, mainly the northern half of North Basin, around Castle Island and Barloge Creek. Also commonly taken on collectors July to October. Dead shells often washed ashore (1975-1980 DM; 1990-2005 JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale).
Depth range: mainly littoral to 4m, but also to 13m
Collections: NMI, UM
Polititapes rhomboides (Pennant, 1777)
First recorded living from Whirlpool Cliff (I7) 31.5.1977 (DM), and around the shallow waters of the North Basin (1975-1980, 1983, 1985 DM). Widespread throughout the Lough, although apparently absent from most of the South Basin and Western Trough (Kitching & Thain, 1983; Thrush, 1985; 1985 DM; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2012 JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale). Spawning is possibly related to rise in sea temperature, and the species was noted to spawn at the same time as Anomia ephippium and [Chlamys] varia in the North Basin in 1978.
Depth range: littoral only W6 West Quay 5.7.1992 (JDN); normally 2m to 19m
Collections: NMI, UM
Timoclea ovata (Pennant, 1777)
Recorded living from near Whirlpool Cliff 1982 19m, as Venus ovata (Thrush,1985). Confined to this area, the Rapids, Southern’s Bay and Barloge Creek (1992-1997 JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale).
Depth range: 2.6m-19m
Old records: Log 39 Lough Hyne, 7.7.1886, Royal Irish Academy cruise, 0-20f, foul dense mud (Chaster, 1898)
Collection: NMI
Turtonia minuta (Fabricius, 1780)
First found in LH 18.7.2013 off Lough Hyne Gatehouse in <9m, and subsequently Barloge Quay shore 23.7.2013 (JDN)
Venerupis corrugata (Gmelin, 1791) [Venerupis senegalensis]
First recorded from LH in 1975, and commonly seen in shallow water throughout the reserve in muddy gravel (1975-1980, 1981 DM; Instituut Voor Taxonomische Zoologie der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1977; 1990-2013 JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale & O. Mulholland). Anthopleura ballii is a predator on this species, with shells being recovered from the enteron of the anemone in Barloge Creek (DM).
Depth range: littoral to 15m
Collections: NMI, UM
Venus casina (L., 1758)
First recorded living from Whirlpool Cliff 14.12.1980 12m (BEP), and at the base of the cliff 12.8.1981 (DM). Also apparently recorded from the point to south-west of Lough Hyne House 25.11.1993 3-16m (BioMar). This area is not the normal habitat for this species (muddy gravel, rather than the preferred clean coarse gravel), and the very closely similar species Venus verrucosa is common in this part of the North Basin, suggesting an error of identification. There is no voucher specimen.
Venerupis decussatus (L., 1758)
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d). Found scattered throughout the northern and western parts of the Lough, and Southern’s Bay, in intertidal gravel, sand and mud (1975-1980 DM: 1990-2005 JDN).
Depth range: littoral to 5m
Collections: NMI
Venus verrucosa L., 1758
First recorded from Renouf S12-S17 c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently at Curlew Bay 1959 (Kitching & Ebling, 1961). Abundant within LH in shallow water, in shelly and muddy gravel (1976-1981, 1983, 1985 DM; Kitching & Thain, 1983; 1990-2013 JDN; 1993 BioMar; 2004-2005 A. Dale). A large individual (67mm) was found being devoured by starfish Marthasterias glacialis near to Rookery Nook, July 1978 (DM). This species is also predated by hooded crows (Berrow et al., 1992). Spawning takes place during July and August.
Depth range: littoral to 7m mainly, but occasionally to 18m
Collections: NMI, UM
Mysia undata (Pennant, 1777)
First recorded living from Castle Island Narrows on muddy gravel 11.8.1997 5m (shell found here 1990), and subsequently from North Island 14.8.1997 4m (JDN) and Barloge Creek (October 2004 A. Dale). A single shell was found on Goleen Cliff 6.9.2006 (JDN).
Gari depressa (Pennant, 1777)
First certainly recorded living from LH at G6, 11.7.1977 (DM & JMCH), and subsequently from off the North Wall (B2, C2, D2) 12.7. 1980 and E2 August 1986 (DM). Fresh shells found at a number of sites in North Basin and in gravel south of the Rapids (1990-2005 JDN).
Old records: as Psammobia vespertina Lough Hyne (Dubl. Mus., pres. by Mrs Townshend) (Nichols, 1900)
Collections: NMI
Gari fervensis (Gmelin, 1791)
A fresh shell from Barloge dredged c. 1930, as Gari ferroensis (Renouf, 1931d).
Gari tellinella (Lamarck, 1818)
First recorded living close to Whirlpool Cliff in 1982 and 1983 19m (Thrush, 1985). Confined otherwise to the gravel in the north of Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 5m (JDN).
Abra alba (W Wood, 1802)
First recorded as widely distributed in mud in LH, 1969-1971 11-46m (Kitching et al., 1976). Found at G6 10.10.1979 4m and G7 11.7.1980 (DM), and close to Whirlpool Cliff 19m (Thain & Townsend, 1986). Generally in the South Basin and around Castle Island (1990-1993 JDN), and Barloge Creek (A. Dale 2004-2005).
Depth range: 1.8m to 46m
Collection: UM
Abra nitida (O F Müller, 1776)
First recorded as being widely distributed in the mud burrow and spionid zones, 1969, 1970 (Kitching et al., 1976, 1987b). Subsequently found G7 11.7.1980 (DM) and close to Whirlpool Cliff 19m (Thain & Townsend, 1986). Shell from Codium Bay 1993 (JDN).
Depth range: 10m to 42m
Scrobicularia plana (da Costa, 1778)
A few shells recorded from the mud of Goleen in 0-1m and intertidally in muddy gravel where a freshwater stream enters lough in the north-west region in 1977 and 1980 (DM).
Angulus tenuis (da Costa, 1778)
Dead shell in muddy gravel, Barloge Creek 31.7.1993 4m (JDN).
Gastrana fragilis (L. 1758)
Only one record, living, from near Whirlpool Cliff summer 1983 19m (Thrush, 1985). A single shell recorded from Barloge Creek 18.7.2012in 2m (JDN).
Moerella donacina (Linnaeus, 1758)
First recorded from LH living from Barloge Creek by A. Dale in 2004.
Moerella pygmaea Lovén, 1846
One record, living, from near Whirlpool Cliff winter 1982/1983 and spring 1983 19m, as Tellina pygmaea (Thrush, 1985). A shell was found in shellsand from Whirlpool Cliff in 1980 (DM).
Tellina incarnata L., 1758
Dead shell in gravel, below Rapids 19.7.1990 5m (JDN). Widely distributed around Ireland, although few live recent records.
Superfamily MACTROIDEA
Lutraria angustior Philippi, 1844
First recorded living from east Southern’s Bay July 1978 3-6m and Whirlpool Cliff 22.9.1981 9-15m on coarse shell sand to gravel (Minchin, 1985b). Dead shells found at these sites; and at Bullock Island July 1979, a complete shell was found stranded on the high shore (DM), and also here 15.7.1990 10m (JDN). Seen living in north Southern’s Bay 12.8.1997 6.8m (JDN). On 22.09.1981 Lutraria sp. settled on collector bags at F5 and at I7 17.8.1980 14-17m (DM). A Lutraria shell was collected 18.7.2013 off Lough Hyne Gatehouse in <9m. This species is normally confined to regions of moderate to strong water flow. It appears to be associated with Cancer pagurus, as damaged shells are frequently seen within excavated pits to c. 40cm depth (DM).
Collections: NMI
Spisula elliptica (Brown, 1827)
Dead shell in gravel, north Southern’s Bay 25.7.1993 5m (JDN).
Order Myoida
Superfamily MYOIDEA
Corbula gibba (Olivi, 1792)
First recorded from the south section of the Western Trough 1968, 15-44m, and then commonly in the mud burrow and spionid zones to deepest parts of the Western Trough 1969-1971 (Kitching et al., 1976, 1987a, b). Subsequently found at F5 7.10.1975 20m and G7 11.7.1980 17m (DM). Recorded by Thrush (1985) throughout the South Basin. Common throughout the reserve (1990-2013 JDN; 2004-2005 A. Dale).
Depth range: only littoral S17 Renouf Point 18.7.1993, usually sublittoral 1.5m to 49m
Collections: NMI, UM
Mya truncata L., 1758
First recorded living as a juvenile from Western Cliff 16.7.1990 15m, and subsequently (also juvenile) from Metridium Rocks 28.7.1993 11m (JDN).
Collections: UM
Order Anomalodesmata
Thracia distorta (Montagu, 1803)
Only recorded from Whirlpool Cliff in gravel 18.7.1993 11m (JDN, conf. S.M. Smith), with a shell found in the same area in 1980 (DM).
Thracia phaseolina (Lamarck, 1818)
Recorded living from south of the Rapids in gravel 4.7.1992 6m (JDN, conf. S.M. Smith) and Barloge Creek August 2004/April 2005 (A. Dale), with shells from Castle Narrows 1990.
Collections: UM
Thracia villosiuscula (Macgillivray, 1827)
First recorded living from the South Basin near Whirlpool Cliff in 1982 and 1983, 19m (Thrush, 1985). This species has also been found in gravel south of the Rapids and Southern’s Bay (1993 JDN, det. S.M. Smith), and Barloge Creek (2004-2005 A. Dale).
Depth range: littoral to 19m
Order unassigned Euheterodonta
Gastrochaena dubia (Pennant, 1777)
Recorded living from Carrigathorna under encrusting coralline algae on a north shelf, Carrigathorna (Goss-Custard et al., 1979), and at East Twin Pool, Carrigathorna 22.7.1977 by J. Kitching. A single shell, bored into limestone rock, was washed up on high shore at G6 11.7.1980 (DM).
Collections: NMI
Superfamily SOLENOIDEA
Ensis ensis (L.,1758)
Dead shells from I7 and Barloge Creek 17.9.80, and D2 1981 (all DM). Widely distributed around Ireland, although only old or shell records from the southern half of the island.
Ensis siliqua (L., 1758)
First recorded living from Barloge Creek 31.7.1993 4m in sandy mud (JDN). A single shell was found there in 1980 (DM).
Hiatella arctica (Linnaeus, 1767)
First recorded from S12-S17, c. 1930, as Saxicava rugosa (Renouf, 1931d), and subsequently a single individual in the test of Ascidiella aspersa Easter 1932 (Renouf, 1932b) and boring into coralline algae at Carrigathorna c. 1939 (Renouf, 1939). Very common throughout the reserve, on a wide range of algae, or between stones and in hydroids (Ebling et al., 1948; Lilly et al., 1953; Sloane et al., 1957, 1961; Kitching & Ebling, 1961; Round et al., 1961; Norton et al., 1971, 1977; Goss-Custard et al., 1979; Kitching & Thain, 1983; Kitching, 1987a; Kitching et al., 1990; 1990-2013 JDN; 1994 BioMar). The species occurs in the plankton July to September (DM).
Depth range: littoral to 25m+.
Collections: NMGW, NMI, UM
Panomya norvegica (Spengler, 1793) [Panomya arctica]
Recorded from close to Whirlpool Cliff, summer 1982 and spring 1983, 19m as Panomya arctica (Thrush, 1985; Thrush & Townsend, 1986). This species has only been found as a shell once in Irish waters, in 1981 from the Porcupine Bank in 690m. These records from LH are errors of identification, probably for Hiatella arctica.
Order Dentaliida
Antalis entalis (L., 1758)
First recorded by JMCH, a single juvenile I8 in 1977. A further specimen was found at the same site 12.7.1990 1-2m by JMCH, det. JDN.
Collection: UM
Order Sepioidea
Sepia officinalis L., 1758
Many cuttle bones were washed ashore in early 1928 during winter gales; large numbers were still present in March at south end of Goleen, as Eusepia officinalis (Renouf, 1934c). Spawn was dredged from Barloge c. 1930 (Renouf, 1931d).
Sepiola atlantica d'Orbigny, 1839
First recorded as young individuals washed ashore in large numbers on the Coosh in Barloge Creek in the first two days of August 1928, as Heterosepiola atlantica (Renouf, 1934c). One animal was seen north of Castle Island in 0.5m at night 26.7.1976, and another in the Goleen (E12) 13.7.1981 (DM). A single animal was seen at night on the surface to the right of Glannafeen Laboratory (Renouf S4) 8.4.1978 (Kitching & Thain, 1983). A 'Sepiola' species was seen in 6-7m 11.7.2012 on the east side of North basin by G. Day.
Collections: NMI
Order Teuthoidea
Loligo sp.
A species of unknown squid was seen by DM near North Quay at night, 20.7.1985. A sketch of the animal was identified as probably Loligo sp. by Louise Allcock. Loligo forbesii Steenstrup, 1856 is the commonest Loligo species off the south-west of Ireland.
Order Octopoda
Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798)
Occasional individuals dredged from the southern half of Barloge in 1930 (Renouf, 1931). Recorded from Metridium Rocks (date pre-1997) (J. Turner pers. comm.).
| Caudofoveata | Solenogastres | Polyplacophora | Gastropoda | Bivalvia | Scaphopoda| Cephalopoda |
Copyright © Shelagh Smith & Julia Nunn