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This work could not have been carried out without the help of the Nature Conservancy Council and its successors which, while obtaining the data it required, has thus funded much of the field work.

The Fisheries Research Services Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, (formerly Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland) has similarly allowed its facilities to be used, particularly by David W McKay who has provided us with a great deal of data.

As stated in the Introduction, other institutions: the Scottish Association for Marine Science, the National Museums Northern Ireland, the National Museum of Ireland, the National Museum of Wales and the British Geological Survey, have generously placed data at our disposal. We have obtained a wealth of information as the result of Smith's association with the National Museums of Scotland.

We have benefited greatly by using the Scottish Association for Marine Science research vessel Seol Mara for dredging around Oban. Special thanks are in order for the generous amount of ship time placed at our disposal.

A number of recent records from the Clyde have been obtained by courtesy of the Marine Station, Millport, both by way of additional data from the files and providing dredging trips.

Individual records have been obtained from a considerable number of people, many of whom are mentioned in the text, although we are particularly grateful for the work of Ian Killeen in connection with the recent Seol Mara dredgings. Many others who have provided records of common species have largely slipped by unmentioned but their work is none-the-less valuable in the filling of gaps. We are grateful to all.

Much valuable Irish research was carried out by surveys by the National Museums Northern Ireland and Heriot Watt University commissioned by Northern Ireland Environment Service. Also work was done under BioMar by the Environmental Sciences Unit, Trinity College Dublin, and the National Parks and Wildlife Service as part of the European Life Programme.

The authors are especially grateful for permission by holders of copyright (publishers and authors) to reproduce illustrations. It is regretted that some copyrights have been withheld, mainly through our enquiries not being acknowledged.

Basteria  - Aartsen et. al. (1996)
Basteria - Linden et. al. (1992 & 1995)
Basteria - Warén (1989, 1991, 1992, 1993 & 1996)
Biomar Report 3 (Oliver & Allen, 2002)
Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema. Utrecht - Spoel (1967 & 1976)
Bollettino Malacologico - Aartsen et al. (1981,1987)
Brill & Backhaus, Leiden - Kaas & van Belle (1985 - 1990)
British Museum (Natural History), London - Tebble (1966)
Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, London - Allen & Hannah et. al. (1989)
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology,Harvard - Allen & Sanders (1973, 1989, 1995 & 1996)
Danmarks Fauna,  Copenhagen - Muus (1959)
Geological Society of America - Moore (1969)
Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart - Nordsieck (1968, 1972 & 1982)
Journal of Molluscan Studies - Harvey (1996)
Noordiun en Zoon, N V. Gorinchem - Spoel (1967 &1976)
Ray Society - Thompson et. al. (1976, 1988)
Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, London - Allen et al. (1980 & 1981)
Sarsia - Warén et. al. (1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996)
Vita Marina - Wagner (1991)
Univeristets Olso - Salvini-Pawen (1975)

Copyright © Shelagh Smith & Julia Nunn